Just reading along and had to add my 2 cents worth.
I played in a touring rock band for years and there's a lot of waiting at airports, long drives and overnight action for muso's on the road and often this time is spent in tiny cramped spaces... like tour vans, back stage, hotel rooms etc.
Sooo..having a 2GB card full of D-Gray Man, Avatar & sCRY-ed' eps was a good thing. Its just that bit more portable than a laptop, a bit more personal than a mini-dvd player, less bulky than a PSP and 'hells yeah' you use headphones! I use it for tunes as well, my actual mp3 player died and so i just switched to using moonshell. Its definitely a budget thing, but since when was that a bad thing? I take the thing with me everywhere anyway, so what if i cant attach it to an arm band and go jogging? I expect the DSi's maringally larger screen will help with watching anime/flicks on the go too so im interested in that when it hits Aus. Just gotta make sure the encode is good quality otherwise you'll get a headache from squinting and craining your neck!!