Hacking M3DS Real, GBA Save Data Problem


New Member
Jan 6, 2009
United States
I have encountered an odd problem with my M3 DS Real. Note that other then this problem, my M3 works fine and I am very happy with it. =)
So anyway, it's with GBA Roms. They run fine. I have the GBA expansion in the slot, and the roms I use are fine (I think. They work on VisualBoyAdvance, anyway). But with some of the games, I encounter a problem. They run fine, they save, everything. But when I turn it off and turn it back on again... the save data is 'blank'. The SAV file still exists, but my data is gone. It happens infrequently with some games, not at all with other games, and every single time with a few others. I have gotten to the point that I am afraid to play my GBA games because I am afraid that it will delete my hard-earned saves.
So. Is anyone familiar with my problem? Do you know what's wrong or how to fix it? It would be much appreciated if you could help. Thanks.

EDIT: Umm... I'm not sure what happened. Duplicate thread.

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  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    I kinda doubt that also Asus will keep releasing or if Xbox doesn't come out with some handheld by then
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    Og switch was kind of the first most powerful option for it's portability time
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Yea Sony and Xbox working on a handheld now even.
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    Going to be good times for the portability market though I could see some type of vr/handheld hybrid device
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    That would be cool
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    Same old stuff gets so played out kind of like smartphones now
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    I'm thinking of selling my current drum machine, piano keyboard, and few synthesizers, and buy a new $699 drum machine/ workstation. Downsize but upgrade. But like any device, ill never get the money I paid into it. Hard to let stuff go for half what you paid.
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    https://a.co/d/cUeVFEO lol brother p touch
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @Skelletonike, I only played Digimon world ds
  • Pae @ Pae:
    anyone know if the cmd resistor exists on a v1 switch
  • Pae @ Pae:
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @Pae, you're welcome
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    Something I don't like about playing on my game tv stick is that theres sometimes an input lag of 1 entire frickin second.
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    Good night
  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
    @K3Nv3, just my opinion but more games on the platform does increase the odds of some of them being awesome
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    A 12,000 in one odd of finding not a shit game good luck
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    Just like how og Xbox has about 3tb worth of games and only 500gb worth of goodies it's not going to be any different
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    It's realistic thinking not that I don't want good ones
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    A double negative
  • SacredMilkOG @ SacredMilkOG:
    Ken is here forever, hah. Just sayin howdy.
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
  • _Ruri_ @ _Ruri_:
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    Hey guys
    SylverReZ @ SylverReZ: Hey guys