Hacking Language files for Usb Loader GX


May 21, 2009
Here is translation of JPN localization codes. (one way!)


1) dev environment with libogc-23-05-2009.zip or latest one (u must have it!)
2) FreeTypeGX_JPN.zip by Rudolph -> http://www009.upp.so-net.ne.jp/rudolph/wii...eTypeGX_JPN.zip
3) this package is made under GNU GPL v3 lisencing. (pls make it open for public)
4) have a good luck!!!

- sjis2unicode (unicode fix)
why shift-jis? fonts used for web(jpn) are encoded with shift-JIS (shift Japan Industrial Standard encoding)
1) easy to get font and other resource available
2) most www people in jpn knows about it! utf8 (takes 3byte per jpn char so it is not comvinient for jpn-s)

- Font.ttf
JPN font

how to apply it:

1) uncompress FreeTypeGX_JPN.zip and get the following files:

2) copy those four files to usbloader-gui\source\

3) Edit source\FreeTypeGX.cpp

3-A) include liblary
#include "FreeTypeGX.h"
#include "CH2Unicode.h"
#include "GB2Unicode.h"
#include "sjis2unicode.h"


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2009
Portuguese-Portugal (pt-pt) Language File V12.1

Hi everyone, here is version 12.1 of the Portuguese-Portugal (pt-pt) language file: Download v12.1 file here

Corrected some entries in v12.
Tested with rev471.

Changes since v12:
-> Changed "Always = Sempre" to "Always = 0 (Sempre)";
-> Changed "Controllevel = Nível Controle" to "Controllevel = Nível de Controle";
-> Changed "Custompaths = Pastas" to "Custompaths = Personalização de Pastas";
-> Changed "Doyouwanttochangelanguage = Pretende alterar idioma?" to "Doyouwanttochangelanguage = Deseja alterar o idioma?";
-> Changed "Mature = Adulto" to "Mature = 3 (Adulto)";
-> Changed "UnlockConsoletousethisOption = Desbloquear configurações antes de alterar este parâmetro" to "UnlockConsoletousethisOption = Desbloquear configuração antes de usar esta opção.";
-> Changed "Volume = Volume" to "Volume = Volume Música";
-> Changed "SFXVolume = Volume Sons" to "SFXVolume = Volume Efeitos".



Well-Known Member
May 20, 2009
Portuguese-Portugal (pt-pt) Language File V13

Hi everyone, here is version 13 of the Portuguese-Portugal (pt-pt) language file: Download v13 file here

Added entries for USB Loader GX rev476.
Tested with rev479.

Additions since v12.1:
-> Added "awesometool = pela sua espectacular ferramenta";
-> Added "diversepatches = por diversos patches";
-> Added "Forhostingcovers = pelo alojamento de capas/imagens de disco";
-> Added "Forhostingupdatefiles = pelo alojamento das actualizações";
-> Added "released = Lançado";
-> Added "Thanksto = Agradecimentos:";
-> Added "january = Jan";
-> Added "february = Fev";
-> Added "march = Mar";
-> Added "april = Abr";
-> Added "may = Mai";
-> Added "june = Jun";
-> Added "july = Jul";
-> Added "august = Ago";
-> Added "september = Set";
-> Added "october = Out";
-> Added "november = Nov";
-> Added "december = Dez";
-> Added "publishedby = Publicado por";
-> Added "developedby = Desenvolvido por";
-> Added "wififeatures = Rede sem fios".

Changes since v12.1:
-> Changed "Specialthanksto = Agradecimentos" to "Specialthanksto = Agradecimentos especiais para:";
-> Changed "theUSBLoaderandreleasingthesourcecodethe = e ter disponibilizado o código fonte" to "theUSBLoaderandreleasingthesourcecodethe = pelo código fonte do USB Loader".



Well-Known Member
May 20, 2009
Portuguese (pt-pt) Language File V13.1

Hi everyone, here is version 13.1 of the Portuguese (pt-pt) language file: Download v13.1 file here

Made minor corrections to the previous version.
Tested with rev482.

Changes since v13:
-> Changed "Restarting = Reiniciando..." to "Restarting = Carregue em Ok para reiniciar" which is more correct since the USB Loader waits for user to press Ok to restart;
-> Changed "Forhostingcovers = pelo alojamento de capas/imagens de disco" to "Forhostingcovers = por alojar capas/imagens de disco" so text doesn't get cut out of screen;
-> Changed "Forhostingupdatefiles = pelo alojamento das actualizações" to "Forhostingupdatefiles = por alojar actualizações" so text doesn't get cut out of screen;
-> Changed "Update = Actualização" to "Update = Verificar Actualizações".



Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2009
United States
OK Guys i am updating the languagefiles again:

Dutch (R??? by tj_cool) UPLOADED
T.Chinese (R450 by kyogc) UPLOADED
French (R470 by Kin8) UPLOADED
Norwegian (R450 by raschi) UPLOADED
Danish (final v2 by david432111) UPLOADED
Spanish (R475 Penn) UPLOADED
PortuguesePortugal (R482 by sky8000) UPLOADED
PortugueseBrasil (R471 by artidoro) UPLOADED
Italian (final v7 by foxejoe) UPLOADED
Japanese (R486 by yasun) UPLOADED


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2009
Portuguese (pt-pt) Language File V14

Hi everyone, here is version 14 of the Portuguese (pt-pt) language file: Download v14 file here

Added entries for USB Loader GX 1 rev487+.
Tested with rev487.

Additions since v13.1:
-> Added "Cheatcodespathchanged = Pasta de Truques alterada";
-> Added "Cheatcodespath = Pasta Truques".



Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2008
Gambia, The
ok guys here the new "Base Local" for translations add all missing files:

for all new locals/updateing locals please use this file

ok= OK
addToFavorite = Favorite
all = Alphabetical
AppLanguage = App Language
t3Covers = 3D Covers
Areyousure = Are you sure?
available = available
AutoPatch = AutoPatch
Always = 0 (Always)
awesometool = for his awesome tool
Back = Back
Backgroundmusic = Backgroundmusic
Backgroundmusicpath = Backgroundmusic Path changed.
BacktoHBCorWiiMenu = Back to HBC or Wii Menu
BacktoLoader = Back to Loader
BacktoWiiMenu = Back to Wii Menu
BootStandard = Boot/Standard
Both = Both
Cantcreatedirectory = Can't create directory
Cancel = Cancel
Cantbeformated = Can't be formated
CheckingforUpdates = Checking for Updates
Cantdelete = Can't delete:
ClicktoDownloadCovers = Click to Download Covers
Clock = Clock
Close Close = Close
Continueinstallgame = Continue to install game?
ConsoleDefault = Console Default
Consoleshouldbeunlockedtomodifyit = Console should be unlocked to modify it.
ConsoleLocked = Console Locked
Controllevel = Controllevel
CorrectPassword = Correct Password
Couldnotinitializenetwork = Could not initialize network!
CouldnotopenDisc = Could not open Disc
CouldnotinitializeDIPmodule = Could not initialize DIP module!
CoverDownload = Cover Download
CoverPath = Cover Path
CoverpathChanged = Coverpath Changed
Coverpathchange = Coverpath change
Cheatcodespathchanged = Cheatcodes Path changed
Cheatcodespath = Cheatcodes Path
count = Play Count
Credits = Credits
Custompaths = Custom Paths
DiscImages = Disc Images
DiscimagePath = Discimage Path
DiscpathChanged = Discpath Changed
Discpathchange = Discpath change
DiscDefault = Disc Default
Display = Display
Doyouwanttoformat = Do you want to format:
Doyoureallywanttodelete = Do you really want to delete:
Doyouwanttoretryfor30secs = Do you want to retry for 30 secs?
Doyouwanttoupdate = How do you want to update?
Doyouwanttochangelanguage = Do you want to change language?
Downloadingfile = Downloading file
DownloadBoxartimage = Download Boxart image?
Downloadfinished = Download finished
Defaultgamesettings = Default Gamesettings
Defaultsettings = Default Settings
Default = Default
diversepatches = for diverse patches
Error = Error !
hour = Hour
Homemenu = HOME Menu
ErrorreadingDisc = Error reading Disc
ExitUSBISOLoader = Exit USB Loader GX?
InitializingNetwork = Initializing Network
InsertDisk = Insert Disk
InsertaWiiDisc = Insert a Wii Disc!
InsertaSDCardtodownloadimages = Insert an SD-Card to download images.
InsertaSDCardtosave = Insert an SD-Card to save.
InsertaSDCardtousethatoption = Insert an SD-Card to use this option.
InstallRenameandDeleteareunlocked = All the features of USB Loader GX are unlocked.
Installerror = Install Error!
Installagame = Install a game
Installinggame = Installing game:
Failedtoboot = Failed to boot:
FailedtomountfrontSDcard = Failed to mount front SD-card
FailedtosetUSB = Failed to set USB:
Failedformating = Failed formating
fave = Favorites
filesnotfoundontheserver = files not found on the server!
Filenotfound = File not found.
filesleft = file(s) left
FlipX = Flip-X
Force = Force
Youneedtoformatapartition = You need to format a partition
Format = Format
Keyboard = Keyboard
Formattingpleasewait = Formatting, please wait...
formated = formatted!
Forhostingcovers = for hosting the covers/discarts
Forhostingupdatefiles = for hosting the update files
free = free
FreeSpace = Free Space
FullShutdown = Full Shutdown
GameID = Game ID
Games = Games
Gameisalreadyinstalled = Game is already installed:
GameRegion = Game Region
GameSize = Game Size
GoBack = Go Back
GUISettings = GUI Settings
Gameload = Game Load
HowtoShutdown = How to Shutdown?
Language = Game Language
Languagepathchanged = Languagepath changed.
Left = Left
LikeSysMenu = Like SysMenu
LoadingincIOS = Loading in cIOS249
ListSort = Sort Game List
Loadingstandardlanguage = Loading standard language.
Loadingstandardmusic = Loading standard music.
Locked = Locked
LockConsole = Lock Console
Patchcountrystrings = Patch Country Strings
Missingfiles = Missing files
Mature = 3 (Mature)
Networkiniterror = Network init error
Neither = Neither
Next = Next
Nonewupdates = No new updates.
No = No
Nofilemissing = No file missing!
NoHDDfound = No HDD found!
NoSDcardinserted = No SD-Card inserted!
Nopartitionsfound = No partitions found
NoUSBDevice = No USB Device
NoWBFSpartitionfound = No WBFS partition found
NormalCovers = Normal Covers
Normal = Normal
NotaWiiDisc = Not a Wii Disc
NoUSBDevicefound = No USB Device found.
Notenoughfreespace = Not enough free space!
Notasupportedformat = Not supported format!
notset = not set
of = of
OfficialSite = Official Site
OnlyInstall = Only for Install
Parentalcontrol = Parental Control
Partition = Partition
Password = Password
PasswordChanged = Password Changed
Passwordhasbeenchanged = Password has been changed
Passwordchange = Password change
Plays = Play Count
PowerofftheWii = Power off the Wii
Prev = Prev
PromptsButtons = Prompts Buttons
ReloadSD = Reload SD
RenameGameonWBFS = Rename Game on WBFS
Restart = Restart
Restarting = Restarting...
Return = Return
released = Released
ReturntoWiiMenu = Return to Wii Menu
Right = Right
Rumble = Rumble
QuickBoot = Quick Boot
Save = Save
SaveFailed = Save Failed
Specialthanksto = Special thanks to:
For = for
theUSBLoaderandreleasingthesourcecode = for the USB Loader source code
secondsleft = seconds left
Setasbackgroundmusic = Set as backgroundmusic?
SelectthePartition = Select the Partition
youwanttoformat = you want to format
Standard = Standard
settings = Settings
Sound = Sound
ShutdowntoIdle = Shutdown to Idle
ShutdownSystem = Shutdown System
Success = Success:
Successfullyinstalled = Successfully installed:
Successfullyupdated = Successfully Updated
Successfullydeleted = Successfully deleted:
SuccessfullySaved = Successfully Saved
SystemDefault = System Default
Thanksto = Big thanks to:
ThemePath = ThemePath
ThemepathChanged = Themepath Changed
Themepathchange = Themepath change
Titlestxtpath = titles.txt Path
Titlestxtpathchange = Path of titles.txt change
TitlestxtpathChanged = Path of titles.txt changed.
Try = Try
Tooltips = Tooltips
Timeleft = Time left:
updating = Updating
Unlocked = Unlocked
UnlockConsoletousethisOption = Unlock console to use this option.
Unicodefix = Unicode Fix
Uninstall = Uninstall
Updatepath = Updatepath
Updatepathchanged = Updatepath changed.
Updatefailed = Update failed
Updatedol = Update DOL
Updateall = Update All
Updateto = Update to
Update = Update
USBLoaderisprotected = USB Loader GX is protected
USBDevicenotfound = USB Device not found
VideoMode = Video Mode
VIDTVPatch = VIDTV Patch
Volume = Music Volume
SFXVolume = SFX Volume
Waiting = Waiting...
WaitingforUSBDevice = Waiting for USB Device
WidescreenFix = Widescreen Fix
WiiMenu = Wii Menu
Wiilight = Wiilight
WrongPassword = Wrong Password
Yes = Yes
YoudonthavecIOS = You don't have cIOS222
Japanese = Japanese
German = German
English = English
French = French
Spanish = Spanish
Italian = Italian
Dutch = Dutch
SChinese = SChinese
TChinese = TChinese
Korean = Korean
january = Jan
february = Feb
march = Mar
april = Apr
may = May
june = June
july = July
august = Aug
september = Sept
october = Oct
november = Nov
december = Dec
developedby = Developed by
publishedby = Published by
wififeatures = WiFi Features

and here the final german local:

ok = OK
addToFavorite = Favoriten
all = Alphabetisch
AppLanguage = Sprache
t3Covers = 3D Cover
Areyousure = Sind sie sicher?
available = verfügbar
AutoPatch = Auto Patch
Always = 0 (Immer)
awesometool = für sein großartiges Tool
Back = Zurück
Backgroundmusic = Hintergrundmusik
Backgroundmusicpath = Hintergrundmusik Pfad geändert.
BacktoHBCorWiiMenu = Zurück zum HBC oder Wii Menü
BacktoLoader = HBC Menü
BacktoWiiMenu = Wii Menü
BootStandard = Bootstandard
Both = Beides
Cantcreatedirectory = Verzeichnis kann nicht erstellt werden
Cancel = Abbrechen
Cantbeformated = Konnte nicht formatiert werden
CheckingforUpdates = Suche nach Aktualisierung
Cantdelete = Löschen fehlgeschlagen:
ClicktoDownloadCovers = Klicken zum Coverdownloaden
Clock = Uhr
Close = Schließen
Continueinstallgame = Spiel installieren?
ConsoleDefault = Konsolenstandard
Consoleshouldbeunlockedtomodifyit = Konsole sollte zum bearbeiten entsperrt werden
ConsoleLocked = Konsole gesperrt
Controllevel = Kontroll Level
CorrectPassword = Richtiges Passwort
Couldnotinitializenetwork = Netzwerk konnte nicht initialisiert werden!
CouldnotopenDisc = Disk konnte nicht geöffnet werden
CouldnotinitializeDIPmodule = DIP Modul konnte nicht initialisiert werden!
CoverDownload = Cover Download
CoverPath = Cover Pfad
CoverpathChanged = Cover Pfad geändert
Coverpathchange = Cover Pfad ändern
Cheatcodespathchanged = Cheatcode Pfad geändert
Cheatcodespath = Cheatcode Pfad
count = Spiel Zähler
Credits = Credits
Custompaths = Benutzerdefinierte Pfade
DiscImages = Disk Cover
DiscimagePath = Disk Cover Pfad
DiscpathChanged = Disk Pfad geändert
Discpathchange = Disk Pfad ändern
DiscDefault = Diskstandard
Display = Anzeige
Doyouwanttoformat = Möchten sie formatieren:
Doyoureallywanttodelete = Löschvorgang bestätigen:
Doyouwanttoretryfor30secs = In 30 sek erneut versuchen?
Doyouwanttoupdate = USB Loader GX aktualisieren?
Doyouwanttochangelanguage = Möchten Sie die Sprache ändern?
Downloadingfile = Downloade Datei:
DownloadBoxartimage = Download Boxart Bilder?
Downloadfinished = Download abgeschlossen
Defaultgamesettings = Standard Spieleinstellung
Defaultsettings = Standard Einstellungen
Default = Standard
diversepatches = für diverse Patch´s
Error = Fehler !
hour = Stunden
Homemenu = HOME Menü
ErrorreadingDisc = Disk-Lesefehler
ExitUSBISOLoader = USB Loader GX beenden?
InitializingNetwork = Initialisiere Netzwerk
InsertDisk = Disk einlegen
InsertaWiiDisc = Bitte legen sie eine Wii-Disk ein!
InsertaSDCardtodownloadimages = SD Karte einlegen um Bilder runterzuladen.
InsertaSDCardtosave = SD Karte zum speichern einlegen.
InsertaSDCardtousethatoption = Lege Sie eine SD Karte ein um diese Option zu nutzen.
InstallRenameandDeleteareunlocked = Alle Funktionen des USB Loader GX sind freigeschaltet.
Installerror = Installationsfehler!
Installagame = Spiel installieren
Installinggame = Installiere Spiel:
Failedtoboot = Bootvorgang fehlgeschlagen
FailedtomountfrontSDcard = Fehler beim Mounten der SD Karte
FailedtosetUSB = USB Fehler:
Failedformating = Formatieren fehlgeschlagen
fave = Favoriten
filesnotfoundontheserver = Datei(en) konnte(n) auf dem Server nicht gefunden werden!
Filenotfound = Datei nicht gefunden.
filesleft = Datei(en) übrig
FlipX = Flip-X
Force = Erzwinge
Youneedtoformatapartition = Sie müssen eine Partition formatieren
Format = formatieren
Keyboard = Tastatur
Formattingpleasewait = Formatiere, bitte warten...
formated = Formatieren erfolgreich!
Forhostingcovers = für das Hosten der Covers/Discarts
Forhostingupdatefiles = für das Hosten der Update Dateien
free = frei
FreeSpace = Freier Speicher
FullShutdown = Ausschalten
GameID = Spiel ID
Games = Spiele
Gameisalreadyinstalled = Spiel bereits vorhanden:
GameRegion = Region
GameSize = Größe
GoBack = Zurück
GUISettings = GUI Einstellungen
Gameload = Spiel Einstellungen
HowtoShutdown = Wie soll beendet werden?
Language = Spiel Sprache
Languagepathchanged = Sprachenpfad geändert.
Left = Links
LikeSysMenu = Wie SysMenü
LoadingincIOS = Lade in cIOS249
ListSort = Sortiere Spielliste
Loadingstandardlanguage = Lade Standardsprache.
Loadingstandardmusic = Lade Standardmusik.
Locked = Gesperrt
LockConsole = Konsole sperren
Patchcountrystrings = Patche Länder Strings
Missingfiles = Fehlende Datei(en)
Mature = 3 (Erwachsene)
Networkiniterror = Netzwerkinitialisierungsfehler
Neither = Nichts
Next = Nächste
Nonewupdates = Keine Aktualisierung vorhanden.
No = Nein
Nofilemissing = Alle Dateien vorhanden!
NoHDDfound = Keine HDD gefunden!
NoSDcardinserted = Keine SD Karte eingelegt!
Nopartitionsfound = Keine Partitionen gefunden
NoUSBDevice = Kein USB Gerät
NoWBFSpartitionfound = Keine WBFS Partition gefunden
NormalCovers = Normale Cover
Normal = Normal
NotaWiiDisc = Keine Wii Disk
NoUSBDevicefound = Kein USB Gerät gefunden.
Notenoughfreespace = Nicht genügend freier Speicher!
Notasupportedformat = Nicht unterstütztes Format!
notset = nicht gesetzt
of = von
OfficialSite = Offizielle Seite
OnlyInstall = Beim installieren
Parentalcontrol = Jugendschutz
Partition = Partition
Password = Passwort
PasswordChanged = Passwort geändert
Passwordhasbeenchanged = Passwort wurde geändert
Passwordchange = Passwort ändern
Plays = Gespielt
PowerofftheWii = Wii ausschalten
Prev = Vorherige
PromptsButtons = Button Anzeige
ReloadSD = SD aktualisieren
RenameGameonWBFS = Spiel umbenennen
Restart = Neustart
Restarting = Starte Neu...
Return = Zurück
released = Veröffentlicht
ReturntoWii = Zurück ins Wii Menü
Right = Rechts
Rumble = Vibration
QuickBoot = Schnellboot
Save = Speichern
SaveFailed = Speichern fehlgeschlagen
Specialthanksto = Besonderer Dank an
For = für
theUSBLoaderandreleasingthesourcecodethe = und die veröffentlichung des Quellcodes
secondsleft = Sekunden verbleiben
Setasbackgroundmusic = Als Hintergrundmusik wählen?
SelectthePartition = Partition auswählen
youwanttoformat = sie möchten formatieren
Standard = Standard
settings = Einstellungen
Sound = Musik
ShutdowntoIdle = Stand By
ShutdownSystem = System herunterfahren
Success = Erfolgreich:
Successfullyinstalled = Erfolgreich installiert:
Successfullyupdated = Erfolgreich aktualisiert
Successfullydeleted = Erfolgreich gelöscht:
SuccessfullySaved = Erfolgreich gespeichert
SystemDefault = Konsolenstandard
Thanksto = Grossen Dank an:
ThemePath = Theme Pfad
ThemepathChanged = Theme Pfad geändert
Themepathchange = Theme Pfad ändern
Titlestxtpath = Titles.txt Pfad
Titlestxtpathchange = Pfad zur titles.txt ändern
TitlestxtpathChanged = Pfad zur titles.txt geändert.
Try = Versuche(n)
Tooltips = ToolTips
Timeleft = Zeit verbleibend:
updating = Aktualisiere
Unlocked = Entsperrt
UnlockConsoletousethisOption = Entsperre den Loader um diese Option zu nutzen.
Unicodefix = Unicode Fix
Uninstall = Deinstallieren
Updatepath = Update Pfad
Updatepathchanged = Aktualisierungspfad geändert.
Updatefailed = Aktualisierung fehgeschlagen
Updatedol = Aktualisiere DOL
Updateall = Aktualisiere alles
Updateto = Aktualisiere zu
Update = Aktualisieren
USBLoaderisprotected = USB Loader GX ist geschützt
USBDevicenotfound = USB Gerät nicht gefunden
VideoMode = Video Modus
VIDTVPatch = VIDTV Patch
Volume = Lautstärke
SFXVolume = SFX Lautstärke
Waiting = Warte...
WaitingforUSBDevice = Warte auf USB-Gerät
WidescreenFix = Breitbild Fix
WiiMenu = Wii Menü
Wiilight = Wiilicht
WrongPassword = Falsches Passwort
Yes = Ja
YoudonthavecIOS = cIOS222 nicht vorhanden
Japanese = Japanisch
German = Deutsch
English = Englisch
French = Französisch
Spanish = Spanisch
Italian = Italienisch
Dutch = Niederländisch
SChinese = Vereinfachtes Chinesisch
TChinese = Traditionelles Chinesisch
Korean = Koreanisch
january = Jan
february = Feb
march = Mär
april = Apr
may = Mai
june = Juni
july = Juli
august = Aug
september = Sept
october = Okt
november = Nov
december = Dez
developedby = Entwickelt von
publishedby = Veröffentlicht von
wififeatures = WiFi Eigenschaften


Site dev
Jan 7, 2009
This planet
Damn, now I need to update it again...

fhew, done

ok= Ok
addToFavorite = Favoriet
all = Alfabetisch
AppLanguage = Taal
t3Covers = 3D Hoesjes
Areyousure = Zeker weten?
available = beschikbaar
AutoPatch = Automatisch patchen
Always = 0 (Altijd)
awesometool = voor zijn geweldige programma
Back = Terug
Backgroundmusic = Achtergrondmuziek
Backgroundmusicpath = Locatie achtergrondmuziek gewijzigd
BacktoHBCorWiiMenu = Terug naar HBC of Wii Menu
BacktoLoader = Terug naar lader
BacktoWiiMenu = Terug naar Wii Menu
BootStandard = Boot/Standaard
Both = Beide
Cantcreatedirectory = Kan map niet aanmaken
Cancel = Annuleren
Cantbeformated = Kan niet worden geformatteerd
CheckingforUpdates = Controleren op updates
Cantdelete = Kan niet verwijderen:
ClicktoDownloadCovers = Klik om hoesjes te downloaden
Clock = Klok
Close = Sluiten
Continueinstallgame = Installatie spel voortzetten?
ConsoleDefault = Console standaard
Consoleshouldbeunlockedtomodifyit = Console moet worden vrijgegeven.
ConsoleLocked = Console vergrendeld
Controllevel = Controle level
CorrectPassword = Juiste wachtwoord
Couldnotinitializenetwork = Kan netwerk niet initialiseren!
CouldnotopenDisc = Kan DVD niet laden
CouldnotinitializeDIPmodule = Kan de DIP module niet initialiseren!
CoverDownload = Download hoesjes
CoverPath = Locatie hoesjes
CoverpathChanged = Locatie hoesjes gewijzigd
Coverpathchange = Locatie hoesjes wijzigen
Cheatcodespathchanged = Locatie cheats gewijzigd
Cheatcodespath = Locatie cheats
count = Gespeeld
Credits = Aftiteling
Custompaths = Bestandslocaties
DiscImages = DVD labels
DiscimagePath = Locatie DVD labels
DiscpathChanged = Locatie DVD labels gewijzigd
Discpathchange = Locatie DVD labels wijzigen
DiscDefault = DVD standaard
Display = Tonen
Doyouwanttoformat = Wil je formatteren:
Doyoureallywanttodelete = Wil je echt verwijderen:
Doyouwanttoretryfor30secs = Wil je 30 sec. lang opnieuw proberen?
Doyouwanttoupdate = Hoe wil je updaten?
Doyouwanttochangelanguage = Wil je de taal wijzigen?
Downloadingfile = Bestand downloaden
DownloadBoxartimage = Hoesjes downloaden?
Downloadfinished = Downloaden voltooid
Defaultgamesettings = Standaardinstellingen spel
Defaultsettings = Standaardinstellingen
Default = Standaard
diversepatches = voor vele patches
Error = Fout !
hour = Uur
Homemenu = HOME Menu
ErrorreadingDisc = Fout bij lezen DVD
ExitUSBISOLoader = USB Loader GX Afsluiten?
InitializingNetwork = Netwerk Initializeren
InsertDisk = Voeg een DVD in
InsertaWiiDisc = Voeg een Wii DVD in!!
InsertaSDCardtodownloadimages = Voer een SD kaart in om afbeeldingen te downloaden.
InsertaSDCardtosave = Voer een SD kaart in om op te slaan.
InsertaSDCardtousethatoption = Voer een SD kaart in om deze optie te gebruiken.
InstallRenameandDeleteareunlocked = Alle functies zijn vrijgegeven.
Installerror = Installatiefout!
Installagame = Spel installeren
Installinggame = Bezig met installeren:
Failedtoboot = Starten mislukt:
FailedtomountfrontSDcard = Kan SD kaart niet laden
FailedtosetUSB = Kan USB niet initialiseren:
Failedformating = Formatteren mislukt
fave = Favorieten
filesnotfoundontheserver = Bestanden niet gevonden op server!
Filenotfound = Bestand niet gevonden.
filesleft = Bestanden resterend
FlipX = X omwisselen
Force = Force
Youneedtoformatapartition = Je moet een partitie formatteren
Format = Formatteer
Keyboard = Toetsenbord
Formattingpleasewait = Bezig met formatteren...
formated = geformatteerd!
Forhostingcovers = (upload afbeeldingen)
Forhostingupdatefiles = (upload updates)
free = vrij
FreeSpace = Vrije ruimte
FullShutdown = Volledig uitzetten
GameID = Spel ID
Games = Spellen
Gameisalreadyinstalled = Spel is al geïnstalleerd:
GameRegion = Spel Regio
GameSize = Spel grootte
GoBack = Terug
GUISettings = Menu opties
Gameload = Spel opties
HowtoShutdown = Hoe uitzetten?
Language = Taal spel
Languagepathchanged = Locatie taal gewijzigd.
Left = Links
LikeSysMenu = Als systeemmenu
LoadingincIOS = Laden met cIOS249
ListSort = Spellenlijst sorteren
Loadingstandardlanguage = Standaardtaal laden.
Loadingstandardmusic = Standaardmuziek laden.
Locked = Vergrendeld
LockConsole = Console vergrendelen
Patchcountrystrings = Regio herstellen
Missingfiles = Missende bestanden
Mature = 3 (Volwassen)
Networkiniterror = Netwerk init. fout
Neither = Geen
Next = Volgende
Nonewupdates = Geen nieuwe updates.
No = Nee
Nofilemissing = Geen missende bestanden!
NoHDDfound = Geen HDD gevonden!
NoSDcardinserted = Geen SD kaart gevonden!
Nopartitionsfound = Geen partities gevonden
NoUSBDevice = Geen USB apparaat
NoWBFSpartitionfound = Geen WBFS partitie gevonden
NormalCovers = Gewone hoesjes
Normal = Normaal
NotaWiiDisc = Geen Wii DVD
NoUSBDevicefound = Geen USB apparaat gevonden.
Notenoughfreespace = Niet genoeg vrije ruimte!
Notasupportedformat = Formatteren niet ondersteund!
notset = niet ingesteld
of = van
OFF = Uit
OfficialSite = Officiele site
ON = Aan
OnlyInstall = Alleen installeren
Parentalcontrol = Ouderlijke toezicht
Partition = Partitie
Password = Wachtwoord
PasswordChanged = Wachtwoord gewijzigd
Passwordhasbeenchanged = Wachtwoord is gewijzigd
Passwordchange = Wachtwoord wijzigen
Plays = Gespeeld
PowerofftheWii = Wii uitschakelen
Prev = Vorige
PromptsButtons = Weergave knoppen
ReloadSD = SD herladen
RenameGameonWBFS = Spel hernoemen op WBFS
Restart = Herstarten
Restarting = Herstarten...
Return = Terug
released = Uitgebracht
ReturntoWiiMenu = Terug naar Wii menu
Right = Rechts
Rumble = Trilfunctie
QuickBoot = Snelle start
Save = Opslaan
SaveFailed = Opslaan mislukt
Specialthanksto = Speciale dank aan:
For = voor
theUSBLoaderandreleasingthesourcecode = voor de USB Loader source code
secondsleft = seconden over
Setasbackgroundmusic = Instellen als achtergrondmuziek?
SelectthePartition = Kies een partitie
youwanttoformat = Wil je formatteren
Standard = Standaard
settings = Instellingen
Sound = Geluid
ShutdowntoIdle = Slaapstand
ShutdownSystem = Systeem uitzetten
Success = Succes:
Successfullyinstalled = Met succes geinstalleerd:
Successfullyupdated = met succes geupdate
Successfullydeleted = met succes verwijderd:
SuccessfullySaved = met succes opgeslagen
SystemDefault = Systeem standaard
Thanksto =Grote dank aan:
ThemePath = Locatie thema
ThemepathChanged = Locatie thema gewijzigd
Themepathchange = Locatie thema wijzigen
Titlestxtpath = Locatie titles.txt
Titlestxtpathchange = Locatie titles.txt wijzigen
TitlestxtpathChanged = Locatie titles.txt gewijzigd.
Try = Probeer
Tooltips = Hulptekstbalonnen
Timeleft = Tijd over:
updating = Updaten
Unlocked = Vrijgegeven
UnlockConsoletousethisOption = Console moet worden vrijgegeven.
Unicodefix = Unicode Fix
Uninstall = Verwijderen
Updatepath = Locatie update
Updatepathchanged = Updatelocatie gewijzigd.
Updatefailed = Update mislukt
Updatedol = DOL updaten
Updateall = Alles updaten
Updateto = Updaten naar
Update = Updaten
USBLoaderisprotected = USB Loader GX is beschermd
USBDevicenotfound = USB Device niet gevonden
VideoMode = Video mode
VIDTVPatch = VIDTV patch
Volume = Volume muziek
SFXVolume = Volume effecten
Waiting = Wachten...
WaitingforUSBDevice = Waiting op USB apparaat
WidescreenFix = Breedbeeldaanpassing
WiiMenu = Wii Menu
Wiilight = Wii verlichting
WrongPassword = Foute wachtwoord
Yes = Ja
YoudonthavecIOS = cIOS222 niet gevonden
Japanese = Japans
German = Duits
English = Engels
French = Frans
Spanish = Spaans
Italian = Italiaans
Dutch = Nederlands
SChinese = SChinees
TChinese = TChinees
Korean = Koreaans
january = Jan
february = Feb
march = Mrt
april = Apr
may = Mei
june = Jun
july = Jul
august = Aug
september = Sept
october = Okt
november = Nov
december = Dec
developedby = Ontwikkeld door
publishedby = Uitgegeven door
wififeatures = WiFi Functies


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2009

Language file French V4.5

Add last translations (--> r494)


//Fichier langue français V4.5 pour USBLoaderGX
t3Covers = Jaquettes 3D
addToFavorite = Ajouter aux favoris
all = Alphabétique
AppLanguage = Langue d'interface
Areyousure = Êtes-vous sûr?
available = disponible
AutoPatch = AutoPatch
Always = 0 (Toujours)
awesometool = pour son outil impressionnant
Back = Retour
Backgroundmusic = Fond sonore
Backgroundmusicpath = Dossier fond sonore modifié
BacktoHBCorWiiMenu = Retour HBC / Menu Wii
BacktoLoader = Wii HomeBrews
BacktoWiiMenu = Retour Menu Wii
BootStandard = Boot/Standard
Both = Tous
Cantcreatedirectory = Création du répertoire impossible
Cancel = Annuler
Cantbeformated = Formatage impossible
CheckingforUpdates = Recherche de Mise à Jour
Cantdelete = Impossible de supprimer :
ClicktoDownloadCovers = Téléchargement des jaquettes
Clock = Horloge
Close = Fermer
Continueinstallgame = Continuer l'installation ?
ConsoleDefault = Console par défaut
Consoleshouldbeunlockedtomodifyit = La console doit être déverrouillée.
ConsoleLocked = Console verrouillée
Controllevel = Niveau moral
CorrectPassword = Mot de passe correct
Couldnotinitializenetwork = Initialisation réseau impossible !
CouldnotopenDisc = Initialisation disque impossible
CouldnotinitializeDIPmodule = Initialisation DIP impossible !
CoverDownload = Téléchargement Jaquettes
CoverPath = Dossier Jaquettes
CoverpathChanged = Dossier des jaquettes modifié
Coverpathchange = Dossier des jaquettes
Cheatcodespathchanged = Dossier codes de triche modifié
Cheatcodespath = Dossier Codes Triche
count = Utilisation
Credits = Crédits
Custompaths = Localisation Dossiers
DiscImages = Labels DVD
DiscimagePath = Dossier Labels DVD
DiscpathChanged = Dossier des labels DVD changé
Discpathchange = Dossier des labels DVD
DiscDefault = Disque par défaut
Display = Affichage
Doyouwanttoformat = Voulez-vous formater ?
Doyoureallywanttodelete = Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer ?
Doyouwanttoretryfor30secs = Réessayer pendant 30 sec. ?
Doyouwanttoupdate = Comment faire la Mise à Jour ?
Doyouwanttochangelanguage = Changer de langue ?
Downloadingfile = Téléchargement du fichier
DownloadBoxartimage = Télécharger les jaquettes ?
Downloadfinished = Téléchargement terminé
//Defaultgamesettings = Rétablir les paramètres du jeu par défaut
//Defaultsettings = Rétablir les paramètres par défaut
Defaultgamesettings = Reset Paramètres Jeu
Defaultsettings = Reset Paramètres
Default = Par défaut
diversepatches = pour les divers patchs
Error = Erreur !
hour = Heures
Homemenu = Menu HOME
ErrorreadingDisc = Erreur à la lecture du disque
ExitUSBISOLoader = Quitter USB Loader GX ?
InitializingNetwork = Initialisation du réseau
InsertDisk = Insérez un disque
InsertaWiiDisc = Insérez un disque Wii !
InsertaSDCardtodownloadimages = Insérez une carte SD pour télécharger les jaquettes.
InsertaSDCardtosave = Insérez une carte SD pour enregistrer.
InsertaSDCardtousethatoption = Insérez une carte SD pour utiliser cette option.
InstallRenameandDeleteareunlocked = Toutes les fonctionnalités sont déverrouillées.
Installerror = Erreur à l'installation !
Installagame = Installer un jeu
Installinggame = Installation du jeu :
Failedtoboot = Échec au démarrage de :
FailedtomountfrontSDcard = Échec à l'initialisation de la SD
FailedtosetUSB = Échec d'initialisation USB :
Failedformating = Échec du formatage
fave = Favoris
Filenotfound = Fichier introuvable.
filesnotfoundontheserver = fichiers introuvables sur le serveur !
filesleft = fichier(s) restant(s)
FlipX = Inversion-X
Force = Forcer
Youneedtoformatapartition = Vous devez formater une partition
Format = Formater
Formattingpleasewait = Formatage en cours, veuillez patienter...
formated = formaté !
Forhostingcovers = pour l'hébergement des jaquettes
Forhostingupdatefiles = pour l'hébergement des MàJ
free = libre
FreeSpace = Espace restant
FullShutdown = Éteindre
GameID = ID du jeu
Games = Jeux
Gameisalreadyinstalled = Le jeu est déjà installé :
GameRegion = Région
GameSize = Taille du jeu
GoBack = Retour
GUISettings = Configuration GUI
Gameload = Chargement Jeux
HowtoShutdown = Arrêt de la Wii ?
Keyboard = Clavier
Language = Langue du jeu
Languagepathchanged = Dossier Langue changé
Langchange = Changer la langue
Left = Gauche
LikeSysMenu = Menu système
LoadingincIOS = Charger avec cIOS249
ListSort = Tri des Jeux
Loadingstandardlanguage = Chargement langue par défaut.
Loadingstandardmusic = Chargement musique standard.
//Lock = Verrouiller
Locked = Clic pour deverrouiller
LockConsole = Verrouiller la console
//MP3Menu = Menu MP3
Patchcountrystrings = Patch Jeux Import
Missingfiles = Fichier(s) manquant(s)
Mature = 3 (Adulte)
Networkiniterror = Erreur d'initialisation réseau
Neither = Aucun
Next = Suivant
Nonewupdates = Pas de nouvelle Mise à Jour.
No = Non
Nofilemissing = Aucun fichier manquant !
NoHDDfound = Aucun HDD trouvé !
NoSDcardinserted = Aucune carte SD insérée !
Nopartitionsfound = Aucune partition trouvée
NoUSBDevice = Aucun périphérique USB
NoWBFSpartitionfound = Aucune partition WBFS trouvée
NormalCovers = Normales
Normal = 4:3
NotaWiiDisc = Ce n'est pas un jeu Wii
NoUSBDevicefound = Aucun périphérique USB trouvé.
Notenoughfreespace = Espace libre insuffisant !
Notasupportedformat = Format non supporté !
notset = non défini
of = sur
OFF = Désactivé
OfficialSite = Site Officiel
ok = OK
ON = Activé
OnlyInstall = Jeu installé seulement
Parentalcontrol = Contrôle Parental
Partition = Partition
Password = Mot de passe
PasswordChanged = Mot de passe modifié
Passwordhasbeenchanged = Le mot de passe a été modifié
Passwordchange = Modification du mot de passe
Plays = Utilisation
PowerofftheWii = Éteindre la Wii
Prev = Précédent
PromptsButtons = Interface
ReloadSD = Recharger la SD
RenameGameonWBFS = Renommer un jeu
Restart = Redémarrer
Restarting = Redémarrage...
Return = Retour
released = Date de sortie
ReturntoWiiMenu = Retourner au menu Wii
Right = Droite
Rumble = Vibrations
QuickBoot = Démarrage rapide
Save = Enregistrer
SaveFailed = Échec de sauvegarde
Specialthanksto = Remerciements spéciaux à:
For = pour
//theUSBLoaderandreleasingthesourcecode = pour le code source de l'USB Loader
theUSBLoaderandreleasingthesourcecodethe = pour le code source de l'USB Loader
secondsleft = secondes restantes
Setasbackgroundmusic = Utiliser comme fond sonore ?
SelectthePartition = Choisissez la partition
youwanttoformat = Vous voulez formater
Standard = Standard
settings = Paramètres
Sound = Sons
ShutdowntoIdle = Veille
ShutdownSystem = Arrêt
Success = Succès :
Successfullyinstalled = Installé avec succès :
Successfullyupdated = Mise à Jour réussie
Successfullydeleted = Supprimé avec succès :
SuccessfullySaved = Enregistré avec succès
SystemDefault = Système par défaut
Thanksto = Grand merci à:
ThemePath = Dossier Thème
ThemepathChanged = Dossier du thème modifié
Themepathchange = Dossier du thème
Titlestxtpath = Localisation titles.txt
TitlestxtpathChanged = Localisation de titles.txt modifié
Titlestxtpathchange = Localisation de titles.txt
Try = Essayer
Tooltips = Info-bulles
Timeleft = Fini dans:
updating = Mise à Jour
//Unlock = Déverrouiller
Unlocked = Clic pour verrouiller
UnlockConsoletousethisOption = Cette option requiert le déverrouillage de l'interface.
Unicodefix = Unicode
Uninstall = Désinstaller
Updatepath= Dossier Mise à Jour
Updatepathchanged = Dossier de Mise à Jour changé.
Updatefailed = Mise à Jour échouée
Updatedol = DOL seul
Updateall = Totale
Updateto = vers la
Update = Mise à Jour
USBLoaderisprotected = USB Loader GX est verrouillé
USBDevicenotfound = Périphérique USB introuvable
VideoMode = Mode vidéo
VIDTVPatch = Patch VIDTV
Volume = Volume Musique
SFXVolume = Volume SFX
Waiting = En attente...
WaitingforUSBDevice = Attente d'un périphérique USB
WidescreenFix = 16:9
WiiMenu = Menu Wii
Wiilight = Illumination Wii
WrongPassword = Mot de passe incorrect
Yes = Oui
YoudonthavecIOS = cIOS222 non installé
Japanese = Japonais
German = Allemand
English = Anglais
French = Français
Spanish = Espagnol
Italian = Italien
Dutch = Néerlandais
SChinese = Chinois simplifié
TChinese = Chinois traditionnel
Korean = Coréen
january = Jan
february = Fév
march = Mar
april = Avr
may = Mai
june = Juin
july = Juil
august = Août
september = Sept
october = Oct
november = Nov
december = Déc
developedby = Développé par
publishedby = Publié par
wififeatures = Connexion WiFi
XMLTitles = Titres de XML

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