Alexander1970 Feb 21, 2021 Happy Birthday !!! All the Best and Health for you. Have a great and very,very nice Day.❤ Reactions: Julie_Pilgrim and x65943
shaunj66 May 6, 2018 9,999 messages. You know what you need to do. Reactions: Julie_Pilgrim, Tempylon, x65943 and 2 others
APartOfMe May 31, 2017 -1 likes? Lucky! i wish i had that many! Reactions: Tempylon and StarTrekVoyager
I I iAqua Dec 1, 2016 -1 likes and his ratio is still better then mine.. Reactions: StarTrekVoyager, Kingy, Deleted User and 1 other person
Seriel May 17, 2016 Likes Received: -1 I approve. Reactions: StarTrekVoyager, Deleted User, CeeDee and 1 other person
epistaxis Apr 8, 2016 Hi. I was wondering if I could get let into the Trading post area. I have 50 posts and have been a member for 8 years. Thanks. Reactions: Seriel
Hi. I was wondering if I could get let into the Trading post area. I have 50 posts and have been a member for 8 years. Thanks.
LaurelAshley Feb 23, 2016 Hello, would you be willing to change my username to Jetty0 or if not available, JettyZero (or JettyZer0)? Thank you!
Hello, would you be willing to change my username to Jetty0 or if not available, JettyZero (or JettyZer0)? Thank you!
F F FusionGamer Dec 20, 2015 Hi, If it's not much of a hassle, could you change my username to "NovaPikmin"? Thanks, Shane.
A A Aprovedshark Dec 10, 2015 Can you change my name to Aprovedshark. I kinda put my real name as the username...
L L LoveKC Aug 19, 2015 Could you change my username? I'd rather LoveKC than my actual full name haha