just got robbed need help on what to do


Fresh Prince of Lemonade
Jul 12, 2012
Somewhere i can never find.
United States
im making this thread just try to make myself feel better or get some advice on what I can do about being robbed. apparently whoever robbed me stole a friends blue 3ds (luckily my brother took my 3ds to his school), 3 amiibos (Kirby Pikachu and link) and my ho-oh statue ,my recently received gateway card and its 64gb sdhc card ,my pokemon omega ruby x and y (luckily they didn't take alpha or any other of my games that were in clear view), my wiiu gamepad (luckily not my wiiu or my wii), a friends fire emblem game, a 2gb sd card which originally belonged to my 3ds, a library rental movie (live die repeat), a gba with an ez-flash iv, and my ps2 memory card (but the system was in the living room). my mom called the police since apparently she's missing money but they never arrived. I just came from college when my mom told me we were robed. like around 10 to 12:30 it happened. can I get any advice.

noticed im missing a lot of movies
just wanted to show how my room looked:
if its aking to install add on use this link to view


Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2014
United States
Check craigslist for your stuff. I have a friend that knowingly buys stolen stuff off craigslist, they sell it at a really low price so they can get rid of it asap.


Mar 11, 2012
Huntersville, NC
United States
The first thing that dude is gonna do is try to either offload the stuff, or hold onto it.

As of right now, there isnt really anything you can do until police arrive and you give them a statement, description, and so forth.

My personal advice would be to find out if it would be anyone personal to you first (maybe an angry friend, or something?) and if any of the items you listed have anything specific about them you can tell police so they know how to find the items when they "search" for them.

In all honesty though, catching someone that has robbed you is really difficult. Hopefully you have some kind of insurance/protection against these situations and can be reimbursed for some of the items.


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2014
United States
Dang sorry to hear that. Unfortunately there's not much you can do. Effin thieves man


Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom
As others have said you really need to file a statement with the police. If you have to go to a station then so be it (don't kick off or anything, just state your need to give such a statement), you may have to return for police to inspect the scene. Speaking of the scene then photos are good to have, best if you do not clean it up. You may have to wait for a forensics unit to come out and dust the place for prints (by the way have some soapy water available to clean it off -- print powder stains nicely if you leave it to soak). If you are worried about being placed in bracelets for owning a gateway and an EZ4 then don't be -- your local police do not care about them and will probably "just think" they are other games as long as you do not force them to pay attention to it.

If you have insurance then start putting together receipts/proof of ownership, also any serial numbers. You might find things do not cover games/software though, or if they do then any excess might be more than it is worth. Typically you will need a police report to file a proper claim. Likewise the status of your friend's 3ds under insurance will probably vary with the policy. Hopefully any policy you have does not require forced ingress (many policies will not be valid if the door was unlocked).

Before you do that have a wander around looking for any security cameras that might have caught things -- a lot of places might be on a short loop for footage so you want to act sooner rather than later. Bring your own USB drives/SD cards/DVDs to burn things with, make copies if you want to give them to the police. The police will probably not do this for items a low in value as this. Be prepared to go through it yourself (there are few things in life more boring than security footage, ask anybody that has held a security job). You might wish to ask if there were any similar reported incidents -- daylight robbery is a fairly brazen thing. Edit. Forgot to say if you have the means to capture VHS (or indeed a VHS you can write to) or general TV output then it might be worth it. You would be surprised how many places still use it.
You might also ask people around but do not expect much there.

If the items have online services then many will have options to revoke your accounts/serials.

With online accounts also comes credit cards and payment info. Whether you replace any associated credit cards I leave up to you.

I would also inform the library in this case. Saves hassle latter.

The police should inform pawn shop owners, it might also be worth doing the same yourself with serial numbers and any identifying marks. If you have any pictures of your new toys then even better.

Fencing items varies by the level of thief you are dealing with -- Johnny the crackhead might have already sold the lot for the $20 you would probably have happily given to have your stuff back, a proper snatch and grab/daylight burglary team will probably have a stash that ends up being sold across state lines/on the internet a few months from now. I strongly advise against any kind of meeting to reclaim items, especially if you intend upon doing anything silly like using force, and if you are contacted somehow (tends to be more for phones but hey) then forward it to the police.

All in all it sucks, there is an outside chance you can get some stuff back (I did once get my xbox back after it was stolen, serial numbers (thank you liveinfo) and knowing the contents of it helped immensely) but do not bank on it.


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2011
United States
I don't mean any disturbance or anything, but I'd like you to know that the serial code on a 3ds box is the same as the one on the 3ds inside.

Should help you find your friend's stolen 3ds, if they don't already have the serial code for it?

And, I hope you catch the person that stole your shit. Really sucks that this type of shit still happens now. :\


Fresh Prince of Lemonade
Jul 12, 2012
Somewhere i can never find.
United States
I don't mean any disturbance or anything, but I'd like you to know that the serial code on a 3ds box is the same as the one on the 3ds inside.

Should help you find your friend's stolen 3ds, if they don't already have the serial code for it?

And, I hope you catch the person that stole your shit. Really sucks that this type of shit still happens now. :\
I think I register his serial code to my club Nintendo account.

unfortunately I don't think I have home insurance


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2011
^ Has pirate avatar ;0
Just trolling there, could not resist seeing that avatar, nothing personal..

OnTopic: Do what FAST said. Also constantly check Craigslist/eBay. If you find those items "buy it" from him back so you know who it is/can track them.


Fresh Prince of Lemonade
Jul 12, 2012
Somewhere i can never find.
United States
^ Has pirate avatar ;0
Just trolling there, could not resist seeing that avatar, nothing personal..

OnTopic: Do what FAST said. Also constantly check Craigslist/eBay. If you find those items "buy it" from him back so you know who it is/can track them.
im constantly checking craiglist but I cant find it
and if you think im lying then don't believe me I am only asking for help


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2013
Gaza Strip
im making this thread just try to make myself feel better or get some advice on what I can do about being robbed. apparently whoever robbed me stole a friends blue 3ds (luckily my brother took my 3ds to his school), 3 amiibos (Kirby Pikachu and link) and my ho-oh statue ,my recently received gateway card and its 64gb sdhc card ,my pokemon omega ruby x and y (luckily they didn't take alpha or any other of my games that were in clear view), my wiiu gamepad (luckily not my wiiu or my wii), a friends fire emblem game, a 2gb sd card which originally belonged to my 3ds, a library rental movie (live die repeat), a gba with an ez-flash iv, and my ps2 memory card (but the system was in the living room). my mom called the police since apparently she's missing money but they never arrived. I just came from college when my mom told me we were robed. like around 10 to 12:30 it happened. can I get any advice.

Seems as though whomever robbed you knew exactly what he wanted to steal rather than take as much as possible, but I really hope you get some if not most of it as situations like these are absolutely disgraceful. And just do as Chavo and Fast say.

I'd feel completely devastated if something like this happened to me because I've put a lot of money towards my collection of games and anime.

Best of luck, Kevin!


Fresh Prince of Lemonade
Jul 12, 2012
Somewhere i can never find.
United States
As others have said you really need to file a statement with the police. If you have to go to a station then so be it (don't kick off or anything, just state your need to give such a statement), you may have to return for police to inspect the scene. Speaking of the scene then photos are good to have, best if you do not clean it up. You may have to wait for a forensics unit to come out and dust the place for prints (by the way have some soapy water available to clean it off -- print powder stains nicely if you leave it to soak). If you are worried about being placed in bracelets for owning a gateway and an EZ4 then don't be -- your local police do not care about them and will probably "just think" they are other games as long as you do not force them to pay attention to it.

If you have insurance then start putting together receipts/proof of ownership, also any serial numbers. You might find things do not cover games/software though, or if they do then any excess might be more than it is worth. Typically you will need a police report to file a proper claim. Likewise the status of your friend's 3ds under insurance will probably vary with the policy. Hopefully any policy you have does not require forced ingress (many policies will not be valid if the door was unlocked).

Before you do that have a wander around looking for any security cameras that might have caught things -- a lot of places might be on a short loop for footage so you want to act sooner rather than later. Bring your own USB drives/SD cards/DVDs to burn things with, make copies if you want to give them to the police. The police will probably not do this for items a low in value as this. Be prepared to go through it yourself (there are few things in life more boring than security footage, ask anybody that has held a security job). You might wish to ask if there were any similar reported incidents -- daylight robbery is a fairly brazen thing. Edit. Forgot to say if you have the means to capture VHS (or indeed a VHS you can write to) or general TV output then it might be worth it. You would be surprised how many places still use it.
You might also ask people around but do not expect much there.

If the items have online services then many will have options to revoke your accounts/serials.

With online accounts also comes credit cards and payment info. Whether you replace any associated credit cards I leave up to you.

I would also inform the library in this case. Saves hassle latter.

The police should inform pawn shop owners, it might also be worth doing the same yourself with serial numbers and any identifying marks. If you have any pictures of your new toys then even better.

Fencing items varies by the level of thief you are dealing with -- Johnny the crackhead might have already sold the lot for the $20 you would probably have happily given to have your stuff back, a proper snatch and grab/daylight burglary team will probably have a stash that ends up being sold across state lines/on the internet a few months from now. I strongly advise against any kind of meeting to reclaim items, especially if you intend upon doing anything silly like using force, and if you are contacted somehow (tends to be more for phones but hey) then forward it to the police.

All in all it sucks, there is an outside chance you can get some stuff back (I did once get my xbox back after it was stolen, serial numbers (thank you liveinfo) and knowing the contents of it helped immensely) but do not bank on it.
thanks for the info but I believe my family already cleaned up my house even though I told them not to until the police come. don't know if they did since I had to return to college for another class. i did take photos of my room and a small .mov video withmy ipod though. dose anybody know how to check if a person has home insurance or not because I don't know about that.


Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom
Why would you need to know if someone has life insurance? Home and contents insurance (not sure what the exact term in the US is for this) is what you want, note this is separate from building insurance that you might have had to get with a mortgage or something to insure against the building burning down/going for a spin in a tornado/being hit by a landslide or something.

If you rent then some landlords include it, not often these days though (I mainly only see it in university halls/dorms). It will likely be the cheapest and nastiest form of it as well but something is better than nothing, assuming the excess is not more than replacement.
You would buy it as a separate type of insurance. No idea how many people do this around you or if you do. You or your housemates/siblings would have to know if they got it.
Your credit card/bank might bundle it. Around here insuring phones, laptops/tablets and the like is a popular thing banks/credit card companies offer to students to try to get them to sign up to such things.

Some may try to discourage you from using the insurance (higher insurance premiums for you/in the area, it drops rental values/property values if burglaries have happened in the area...), this I leave up to you. Personally I do not own land whatever so I would want my stuff back or replaced, everybody else can poke it (possibly slim exception if you are actively trying to sell your house*).

*everybody "plans" to sell their house in a couple of years, few do.


A cute Vixen!
Oct 22, 2009
United States
Call the cops and file a report. Call pawn shops, any stores that accept game/system trade ins and keep checking craigslist. Hopefully you'll get your stuff back.

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    there is a plugin that display them on the wii u menu, pretty sure it is enabled by default
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
    so like it doesnt exist
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    it doesn't exist, at least not for aroma
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    on tiramisu you can access it by opening mii maker
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    I don't have a wii u anymore to test it myself, but if homebrews are not visible on the wii u menu I think you can press L + R + minus to open the plugin menu, there should be an option called "homebrews on wii u menu" or something similar
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  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
    it is L+dpad down+ select
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
    but homebrew is appearing in the home menu btw
  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    yes, now I remember it
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    then it is working, I also don't like that they did this but it is the only option you have if you are using aroma
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
    i just didint know the homebrew launcher didint exist in aroma
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
    thanks btw
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    @Xdqwerty you can use a "spawner" function on any object.
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    Or when your player dies, you can say in code, if enemy exists, do nothing, but if enemy does not exist, then create enemy at certain spot. (This would be a pain tho for lots of emeies)
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    Easiest, simple way would be just restart scene, but player would restart from beginning.
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    @BigOnYa, thx in advance
    Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty: @BigOnYa, thx in advance +1