Hardware Internal Clock Battery/Cap?

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Deleted User

Just out of curiosity - but does the 3000 series have an internal battery or does it just use a capacitor? Give the unit is a few years old, but I can charge it to 100%, leave it for a few days and I come back to a dead battery or asking me to do the date/time.

My guess is the battery is dying - but I'm 100% positive i slide the switch and hold it until the screen goes away. Is that the proper way to power off?

It seems I'm powering it off, but after 5 days or so it's always 0% and requires a charge + date/time set.

If it matters, I am using LME 2.3 as my firmware (6.20 perm patch)


GBATemp old fogey
Jul 10, 2003
Sleaford, UK
United Kingdom
I'm quite sure the PSP3000 does have an internal RTC battery yes. This is what holds your date and time regardless of whether the actual PSP battery has any power in it or not. If you're turning it off correctly and 5 days later its both at 0% and your required to put date and time back in, sounds like both need replacing to me. The CMOS battery because its not holding settings on power down and the normal battery because its not holding a charge.

To fully power down your PSP you hold the power switch up and hold it up until the screen goes off. A quick flick up and release will also power the screen off but thats standby mode.
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Deleted User

Figured as much. Did find a 3K teardown and of course it's on the bottom side of the unit =(

I'm now sure I'm powering it off as I noticed it takes about 6-10 seconds to boot. I tried sleep mode and it boots instantly. I may be fibbing on the 5 day thing. Is it possible for the battery to die after say a month of no use? The last time I honestly powered it on must've been at the release of 6.2 LME-2.3 to which I updated, then threw it back in the case. I guess it seems every time I go to turn on the unit the battery is toast and I get the "Please set Date and Time" prompt. I tried removing the battery and powering up the unit through the charger for a couple hours to see if it held the information I'll just update my post as I get new information.

I'll note my findings here. Sucks about that battery as Sony stopped making them and off-brand seem to be really hit and miss on the PSP.


2/19/2015 12:00 PM - Unit charged to 100%
2/19/2015 2:45PM - Powered on - Battery still 100%
2/19/2015 9:45PM - Powered on - Battery still 100%
2/20/2015 11:15AM - Powered on - Battery still 100%
2/21/2015 9:00AM - Powered on - Battery still 100%
2/22/2015 12:00AM - Powered on - Battery at 98%
2/23/2015 9:00AM - Powered on - Battery at 96%
3/2/2015 5:30PM - Powered on - Battery at 84%


GBATemp old fogey
Jul 10, 2003
Sleaford, UK
United Kingdom
Figured as much. Did find a 3K teardown and of course it's on the bottom side of the unit =(

I'm now sure I'm powering it off as I noticed it takes about 6-10 seconds to boot. I tried sleep mode and it boots instantly. I may be fibbing on the 5 day thing. Is it possible for the battery to die after say a month of no use? The last time I honestly powered it on must've been at the release of 6.2 LME-2.3 to which I updated, then threw it back in the case. I guess it seems every time I go to turn on the unit the battery is toast and I get the "Please set Date and Time" prompt. I tried removing the battery and powering up the unit through the charger for a couple hours to see if it held the information I'll just update my post as I get new information.

I'll note my findings here. Sucks about that battery as Sony stopped making them and off-brand seem to be really hit and miss on the PSP.


2/19/2015 12:00 PM - Unit charged to 100%
2/19/2015 2:45PM - Powered on - Battery still 100% - Estimated 6'35 run-time

Yes, a month without being switched on may well drain the battery. I find on mine, regardless of whether I'm in standby or totally powered off i'll lose a few percent in a 24 hour period. If your losing 2-3% a day whilst off then I'd consider this normal (especially for a battery which is a good few years old)

Deleted User

Ah okay. Well then it may be a false alarm I guess I'll keep notes just for reference, but I looked at the day I installed 6.20LME-2.3 and it was 12/31/2014 so that was probably the last time I switched it on for an extended period. So it is entirely possible it's been a month+ since I started it up. I guess I put it away so often that by the time I get around to playing it - it's dead already. I'll monitor it for a week, if it seems to operate normally perhaps I'll just remove the battery before storing it.

I don't play it as much anymore, but I like to take it on road trips or flights and it always seems dead when I do :)


GBATemp old fogey
Jul 10, 2003
Sleaford, UK
United Kingdom
Ah okay. Well then it may be a false alarm I guess I'll keep notes just for reference, but I looked at the day I installed 6.20LME-2.3 and it was 12/31/2014 so that was probably the last time I switched it on for an extended period. So it is entirely possible it's been a month+ since I started it up. I guess I put it away so often that by the time I get around to playing it - it's dead already. I'll monitor it for a week, if it seems to operate normally perhaps I'll just remove the battery before storing it.

I don't play it as much anymore, but I like to take it on road trips or flights and it always seems dead when I do :)

You may as well leave the battery in. From my experience even if you take the battery out when switched off for prolonged periods of time, the battery will still discharge slowly over time anyway. Think its just one of them things.

Deleted User

Well after a couple weeks, I guess maybe I overshot my claims. So far it's only drained 16% in 2 weeks so it appears everything is in shape.

Thank you for all the help and pointers.


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2018
Hello guys I'd like to know if there is a way ti change this cmos battery that is attached to the main board. Whenever I change my psp battery it ruins the date configuration.
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