I am too old for this, but...


science rules
Jun 9, 2006
Yeargh random rant about girls thread.

Long, long story short, my long time girlfriend and I broke up. Were just friends now. I'm only mentioning this because there may still be some people on this site who assumed I had a girlfriend.

But thats not what I am here to rant about. Now that I am single, I can pay attention to other girls. This story involves two of them. Two girls from two different classes, but both of them I had pegged as the most attractive to me in the class.

I'm kinda shy, I don't usually make the first move, but once someone starts talking to me, I will talk back and flirt back, etc. So. First girl, who I find more attractive than the second girl (we both have the same kind of style which is a big factor when I find girls attractive). After about two weeks in class, she sits next to me, and then we get paired up to do some partner work. We kinda do it, but mostly just talk about random shit. She sits next to me for the next few classes (she comes in late, so she sits next to me, not I next to her. Also, I only have this tutorial once a week) and its more of the same, but we end up flirting a bit too. But then we were talking about hockey and she throws out the sentence "Yeah, my boyfriend was going to take me to the game, but... blah blah blah". So she had a boyfriend, and that kind of upset me, but I was mostly like meh, even though I like this girl. I figure I should still just try and be her friend. But then she missed two classes, and then started not sitting next to me (but I figure this was due to her being really late and taking the first seat she could get, as opposed to sitting in the back near me). She still would come and do group work with me when we needed to pair up, and once the class got numbered up, and I watched her to see if she would get the same number as me. She didn't, but she still came and joined my group, which forced someone to move groups since the groups were lopsided. But she still hasn't sat next to me for a while, and I haven't talked to her in about 2-3 weeks. I figured whatever, kind of sucks, but I wasn't unresponsive to her when she would talk to me, so she isn't avoiding me because I am awkward and quiet. Maybe I'm being too flirty, I'll lay off and just talk to her next time she sits next to me, or if the situation arises, I sit next to her. I figure at this point I have no chance at her liking me more than a friend, and friend is pushing it.

But turns out we have a mutual friend, and randomly when we are talking, he goes "So Erin has this suspicion you don't do your readings in class" (which is true, so I don't care about this statement other than wtf, she is talking about me to someone else. So me and him have a conversation, and he ends it off by saying "But she said you seem like a really cool guy". So that made me pretty happy, but also confused. She has a boyfriend, but is flirting with me and telling mutual friends that she thinks I am a cool person (of course my mutual friend is going to tell me this, and she knows that). So yeah. I wont have class with her until next Tuesday, and its our lecture, not tutorial, so chances are I wont even get to talk to her then, but I hope I can talk with her next Thursday. But still, confusing as hell.

Second girl is more of just an annoyance. I have sat next to her all semester twice a week, and one day she randomly compliments me on my stupid fur hat. So we start talking, she seems kind of shy, but she is flirting with me (telling me my hat looks really good on me, how she likes my name after introducing myself, told me I should enroll in the same writing class as her next semester, etc.). She really was the initiator here, wasn't even that interested in her (she is really cute, really nice body, but we don't share the same style and wouldn't have as much in common, but I still find her attractive). So I figure she likes me, but then I creeped her on facebook, and she has a boyfriend too! Like seriously, come on, I can't catch a break. But she hasn't told me she has a boyfriend, and from the pic, her boyfriend looks pretty much exactly like me haha. So yeah, just kind of annoying. Most of my attraction is going towards the first girl.

So yeah, just annoying shit. Its confusing to try and figure out what these girls are thinking. Are they interested? Are they even flirting? Or, what?

I feel too old for this shit.


Dec 2, 2007
if you don't have a girlfriend then who will use that account your ex made?

mods will have to change the username and everything


science rules
Jun 9, 2006
mercluke said:
if you don't have a girlfriend then who will use that account your ex made?

mods will have to change the username and everything

I was thinking of getting them to change the username to "science's exgirlfriend" haha


Jul 22, 2007
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Coming out of hibernation for my bff science!

Dude I'd say take it slow. Do you remember when I told you that I was getting into some girl? Well we've started dating and it's a case of OH GOD WTF HAVE I DONE!

I'd say us guys are really needy of another rebound girl after the break up but unless that girl is someone you're extremely attracted to, it's just gonna be an annoyance. Right now, your needs are number 1. You don't need the baggage of looking after another girl.
You don't need a 'girlfriend' as such now. Seriously, you've just come out of a long term relationship, comparisons at this stage is inevitable. No other girl is going to be able to fill that gap, at least not yet. Again, if she's not the one then take it slow, play it cool.

That doesn't mean ignore girls all together, no! Meet girls man, loads of girls. This is the joy of being single! No strings, no commitments, your needs take priority! This means you're going to have to get rid of that "I don't usually make the first move" attitude. Girls hate that man, they want to be wooed, courted upon, etc. etc. I once asked this guy I knew, totally average in every way, how he came to know so many hot girls and he told me this; "being rejected, the feeling of being 'humiliated' only lasts 5 secs. Succeeding and finding a hot girlfriend to spend time with will make you happy for AT LEAST 1month". This guy knows the score. Any girl he likes the look of, he'll walk up to and tell her; You're really pretty, give me your number and let's go for drinks sometime! (take note, it's not "may I have your number?" or "do you mind..." or shit like that, it's "GIVE ME YOUR NUMBER" be commanding, confidence is key) Most girls will be so flattered they'll be reciting their number before they know what's happening. If not, who cares! Just a simple, "sorry for bothering you, have a nice day!" and be on your way for your next target!

We're young! We've got nothing to lose! Be confident! Be a man and just talk to girls, flirt, take them out to dinner, go to a show together, make a study group, go for walks etc. etc. On this point also, similar to the number business, its a case of being commanding. The difference between "Do you want have dinner tonight?" and "Lets have dinner tonight". Be in control, girls dig that shit.

But again, as for dating, think long and hard whether this girl is right for you, if not just play it cool. Keep them for your dose of girl interaction/flirting but nothing more. Take your time, you'll find the right one someday.
[By chance, you do think she is the right one for you, then you've got to get off your ass and start playing the game, it's all about give and take. Mind games. I'm sure you know this shit]

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