I made a little app a while ago.
Since it's an app which is only usefull for germans, I didn't wanted to release it public, but wayne, ....
- Next/Prev
- Nevest / Random Quote
- Bookmark, you can save your actual quote-number and it will start from the quote you've saved last
- Save to File
- Rated Points are displayed
- you can input numbers to go to an specific quote.
The GUI is very simple and easy to use~
- Configured wifi conection with an official Game
- DLDI patching
More infos at: http://ddaniel.de.vu
- Sorry, no screens, since it uses wifi -
Downloadlink: http://leinad2.kilu.de/sblog/Datein/DSQ.rar
Since it's an app which is only usefull for germans, I didn't wanted to release it public, but wayne, ....
- Next/Prev
- Nevest / Random Quote
- Bookmark, you can save your actual quote-number and it will start from the quote you've saved last
- Save to File
- Rated Points are displayed
- you can input numbers to go to an specific quote.
The GUI is very simple and easy to use~
- Configured wifi conection with an official Game
- DLDI patching
More infos at: http://ddaniel.de.vu
- Sorry, no screens, since it uses wifi -
Downloadlink: http://leinad2.kilu.de/sblog/Datein/DSQ.rar