Hacking ezflash 3 in 1 not working!


Active Member
Jan 23, 2008
New Zealand
Hi everone,

I got my new Ezflash 3in1 slot2 card yesterday from dealextreme. So I created a "GBA" folder under my SD root directory, and then a "Save" (not sure should it be all capital or just the capital "S", or does this even matter? anyone? )folder under that.

(Ar, some background of my system: I am using R4 with sandisk 2G with 1.5 english firmware. Not sure if the SD is in FAT16 or 32 tho. No problem running any emulator or games so far. Emulator that I have used so far included nesDS; jEnesisDS 0.6; SNEmulDS.)

And then I put 3in1 Expansion Pack Tool V1.9d (3in1_ExPack_Tool.nds) file in my root directory (not sure if this needs to be under root dir tho). I quickly copy some .gba files to the "GBA" folder and copy some .sav files to the "Save" folder, I also change the .sav extension to capital SAV so that the expansion can see it.
Put my R4 into slot 1, pick the 3in1_ExPack_Tool.nds file. BANG, it said "no expansion pack found, please re-do from beginning" (or sth like that) "press "A" to confirm". I have tried many times, and make sure the expansion is firmly attached to the slot 2. And also put in V1.9 and another tool (call "gbaldor" or sth) to test it, same result: no expansion pack found.
I think the 3in1 card must be screw up or sth. The funny thing is that when I start the SNEmulDS, it saids ExRam detected. This line would not appear when the pack is not inserted.
What is this suggest? Is that mean my card is functional, but just the fact that I didn't do it correctly so the 3in1 tool didn't detect the pack? In that case, what I have done wrong??
several things I think it might worth mention here: I didn't patch the .gba files that I put in the GBA folder, but that should only give me trouble when I am saving if the file need to be patched. Is that right?
sec, in the 3in1 tool's readme file it saids "you may need to apply the DLDI patch for your flashcart be4 using this app". I didn't do it as I think with 1.5 firmware my R4 should be able to run it without that process.

Any help is highly appreciated!



Active Member
Jan 23, 2008
New Zealand
Phew... that is life saving. I was going to send the item back to dealextream.
Thanks for that.
By the way, when the 3in1 tool is updated to accommodate this issue I would like to try out the opera browser. But I know it need to be properly patched. I dont know how to do it. Could some one shed me some light on this? or maybe PM me somewhere to find a patched opera file? Thanks!


Active Member
Jan 30, 2008

Got my EZ 3 in 1 from DX just a week ago. Had the same problem and after a bit (intensive) browsing I found out about the new chipsets.

Used the GBAldr by cory1492 and it works like a charm.

Of course then there is the matter of the Opera browser and Destructobot have already answered that.

Finally, the rumble function, which is what the link above is supposed to do. The 3 in 1 doesn't work for me but R4/M3S Rumble and RAM expansion Tool (2007/4/24) works and I could test the rumble out. The only annoying thing is that you have to set the rumble each time you shut your DS off.

Enjoy the EZ 3 in 1, I am still tinkering with it. And btw, the Ez 3 in 1 have a lifespan of only 2-4 years as once the battery inside dies, you can't save and thus cannot use it to play GBA games anymore. Then again, its spanking new, so it should last long enough.


Active Member
Jan 23, 2008
New Zealand

Got my EZ 3 in 1 from DX just a week ago. Had the same problem and after a bit (intensive) browsing I found out about the new chipsets.

Used the GBAldr by cory1492 and it works like a charm.

Of course then there is the matter of the Opera browser and Destructobot have already answered that.

Finally, the rumble function, which is what the link above is supposed to do. The 3 in 1 doesn't work for me but R4/M3S Rumble and RAM expansion Tool (2007/4/24) works and I could test the rumble out. The only annoying thing is that you have to set the rumble each time you shut your DS off.Â

Enjoy the EZ 3 in 1, I am still tinkering with it. And btw, the Ez 3 in 1 have a lifespan of only 2-4 years as once the battery inside dies, you can't save and thus cannot use it to play GBA games anymore. Then again, its spanking new, so it should last long enough.

Yea, I am using GBAldr now. But is there a way to write my game to the SRAM instead of NOR? I got several 4m gba files that I thought I should be able to write it to the SRAM and play it, but it didn't provide me the option besides writing it to the NOR, which takes a while and erase the game that is already in the NOR.

And a question about the SNEmulDS. I do as this page said: (SNEmulDS
-1) Download from the site above.
-2) You can place the '000SNEmulDS.nds' file anywhere on your MicroSD/NAND, but for G6REAL/M3Real owners, you must place it in the ROOT of your NAND/MicroSD.
-3) Place the snemul.cfg file in the ROOT of your MicroSD/NAND
-4) Make a directory (folder) named "SNES" on the root of your MicroSD/NAND. Place all your SNES ROMs in there.
-5) Go into your Flashcart's menu, and boot it up! Now have fun!
But it doesn't show me the roms I put under the "SNES" folder. I only got a blank black screen with "pick a rom" on the bottom. When I push "A" it goes to a menu with several options. And I pick "chose rom" it goes back to the blank black screen again. Looks like it did not see my roms. Any idea??

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    it is L+dpad down+ select
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    but homebrew is appearing in the home menu btw
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    yes, now I remember it
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    then it is working, I also don't like that they did this but it is the only option you have if you are using aroma
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    i just didint know the homebrew launcher didint exist in aroma
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
    thanks btw
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    @Xdqwerty you can use a "spawner" function on any object.
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    Easiest, simple way would be just restart scene, but player would restart from beginning.
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    @BigOnYa, thx in advance
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