Adding animated icons to NDS homebrew (tested with TwilightMenu++)


Nov 18, 2023
Hi guys,

This is my first post, so I'm not sure if I'm posting on the right thread, so if I'm wrong, please move it to the right place ;)

I've found this trick while messing around with an old homebrew that does not work with TwilightMenu++.

I've tested it only with homebrew apps on my DSi, so I dunno if this will work with official games, nor if this will work with NDS flashcards nor 3Ds with TwilightMenu++ (it should anyways). *EDIT: IT WORKS!

Right not I don't have screenshots, but I want to explain it before I forget how I made it. I'll try to add screenshots ASAP.

Stuff needed:

-Computer (obvious) with Windows. This tutorial might be done with Linux/Mac with Wine (maybe) for Dsbuff and NDS Banner Editor for you OS (NDS Banner Editor is available for Windows, Mac OS & Linux).
-A NDS file (tested with homebrew App)
-Dsbuff (Download here)
-NDS Banner Editor (Download here)
-NDS emulator (I’m using DeSmuME)
-DS/DSi/3Ds TwiightMenu++ (again, not tested yet with NDS nor 3Ds) *EDIT: Tested with a flashcard and animated icons work
-(OPTIONAL) Image Editor (Photoshop, GIMP, ...)


1- Get your homebrew App and put it on a blank directory on your computer. For easiest access (if your are the Windows Admin), create a folder in C:\ named ex. "homebrew", and inside of it, create another folder named "output". Put your NDS file inside of (in this case) "C:\homebrew" folder. Since now, "C:\homebrew" will be named as "WD" = "Working Directory", and "C:\homebrew\output" will be named as "OF" = "Output Folder".

2- Open Dsbuff and load you NDS file. Then, click on "Unpack" and select the OF folder inside of our WD.

3- Get into the OF inside of our WD and create a backup of "banner.bin" file (just clone it and name it as "banner_backup.bin". You can simply leave it the same folder, but once you pack the NDS file again, the backup file will be also included, so my recommendation is move the backup file to the WD.

4- Open NDS Banner Editor and load the "banner.bin" file inside of OF. On the right side of the App, there is a dropdown menu with a label which says "Version". Right now, the dropdown menu option will be "0X0001 Regular DS". Click on it and select the option "0x0103 DSi". Then, under the dropdown menu will be some parameters unlocked which are for DSi icon animation.

5- If you simply want to make your current Icon to rotate 360º each 1 second, you will only need 4 frames with same icon but clicking on the "Flip: X Y" options. I recommend to set "Frame 1" duration to 60, and the other frames duration to 15 or 20. But before this, you need to export the current icon image by clicking "Export Image" button. Save it on your WD and named it as you want. Then, under "Graphics" label where it says "Bitmap", click on the upper arrow to add one more bitmap, and click on the "Import Image" button and import your icon back again. It will ask you to recreate the current palette, just click on "Yes".
Creating different icons with pictures:
In case of you want to make different frames with different pictures, you will need to create each frame with you favorite image editor (in my case Photoshop):

Each frame must:
- Change the size to 32x32
- On the menu, select "Image"-->"Mode"-->" Indexed Mode" and apply the following configuration:
Palette: Local (Adaptative)
Colors: 16
Forced: Black & White
Transparency: Unchecked
Matte: None
Dither: None
Amount: None
Perserve exact colors: Unchecked

Then click on "OK" button.

-Save the picture as *.BMP file, and in BMP Options dialog menu, leave the image color depth as 8 bit.

-Create a backup of your homebrew to use it as template and open Dsbuff-->Load the NDS backup file--->Change the icon of the homebrew and then apply the changes and save it. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT! OTHERWISE PICTURES AND PALETTES WILL GET MESSED UP ON NDS BANNER EDITOR!!! If you messed up In any step, you won't be able to save the new icon and an error message will appear. If so, check and follow all the steps again.

-Once you save it, export the NDS icon and save it as a *.PNG file.

-On NDS Banner Editor, after selecting Version: "0x0103 DSi", add a new bitmap and palette and import the PNG image that you have just exported from Dsbuff. It will ask "Do you wish to recreate the selected palette?". Click on "Yes" button.

-Now you'll see the new picture you have imported with the right palette. Every bitmap you add, you must to set the palette and the bitmap manually and with same number, otherwise you will mess up the images!

6- Once you finished, save the "banner.bin" on your "OF" and get ready to pack the new NDS file with Dsbuff.

7- Open Dsbuff and click on "Pack" button--->Select the "OF" folder and then click on the *Green check* button. Once Dsbuff packed the NDS file, it will ask you where to save the new NDS file. Just save it!

8- With an emulator, test if the new NDS file runs properly. Sometimes, a NDS file might not work with some emulators, so I recommend you to try again with at least 2 or 3 until you see it working.ç

9- Copy your new NDS file to your SD card/flashcard/whatever with TwilightMenu++

10- Run TwilightMenu++ and check your NDS file now has animated icon!! :)

Again, I'll make the screenshots ASAP. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.

Last edited by anyzunstudios,

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