CockroachMan said:
War said:
I really doubt they will make it a completely different game. I'm a little disappointed by the port, I wish it would have stayed 360/PS3 only... ah well.
How can you be disappointed by a game you haven't even seen yet!?
Let's be honest here, what could the Wii version POSSIBLY offer to make up for the things it'll inevitably lack?
Gimmicky bonus shit like extra weapons and costumes?
The original lives from its deep atmosphere and great graphics, and the Wii version just won't be able to deliver any of that (with the same level of quality as the original) no matter what, so the port IS going to suck (and I don't give a flying fuck if EA says otherwise, because what else would you expect them to say? "Oh, we're sorry, this port is so not gonna match the quality of the original, but hey, look at these fancy new weapons!"). It's obvious, and it's nowhere in the range of what a bit of point-and-waggle controls or bonus content could EVER fix.
The port will be an inferior substitute of the original game for people who don't own an X360 or PS3, and that'll be all there is to this product.
Even if the game ends up looking astoundingly good for a Wii game, the graphics will still suck in comparison to the original. Why would you even need screenshots to be assured of that, when the inferior video output signal
alone will make the Wii version a vastly less visually pleasing experience, let alone the shitload of effects, shaders and filters the Wii port would never be able to make use of?
And how in the world could the graphics NOT matter in a horror game? They're basically what MAKES a horror game, and that's also why it's beyond my understanding how people are already getting all hyped up for the port because of nothing but a new control scheme. I just don't see how motion controls (including the use of Wii MotionPlus) could benefit the game more than some appropriate graphics. Yes, SOME games will undoubtedly benefit more from the use of motion controls than from proper graphics, but we're not talking about Wii Sports here.
That aside, I don't give a shit for this game if it's just a straight port. Actually I'd be way more pissed if this is an original game, because that would just be a huge waste of potential, only on behalf of EA shovelling even more money. I'm totally aware that this choice would actually make a lot of sense for them, but we're not them, so why would we care? All I care about is what I'm getting for my money, and if one day I get the fucking awesome Dead Space on X360/PS3 for 60 bucks, and the other day I'm only getting an abysmal cash-in sequel, then I'm totally not interested.