Hacking Compiling homebrew from source


A motherfucking birdplane
Sep 12, 2009
Recently I have been playing mupen-360, but the compatibility isn't great.
I thought it be easier to clone gligli's repository and build from source. It has been no easy task... and still has not finished.
I have been able to compile mupen-360 and had it build the elf files, however, the result when loading roms is a black screen.
Heres what I did;

-Download the latest stable Ubuntu build 12.04 desktop
-clone the free60 gitroot free60 repository
-built the toolchain

all was swell. built the cube demo app too. works fine i guess. shows a rotating cube. cool. whatever.

at this stage, attempt to compile mupen-360 and complains about ZLX not being installed. so begin a struggling journey to install that properly. I think I eventually got there as it no longer complained of errors.
Finally was able to compile mupen-360.
When loading through xell-reloaded (2stage) it shows the blue loading part of the emulator, and finally the emulator itself; allowing you to pick the roms. you load a rom, then nothing. black. nadda.

Could there have been a step I significantly messed up that has chained down the line and caused my issue.
There are/were a butt-load of warnings that show up when trying to compile mupen-360, but I take that as either lazy coding or an unavoidable situation. but nothing to worry about.

wondering if anyone has done this before, or recently and has had luck getting this running.
you follow a guide or could provide me with instructions that I can follow with a new VM or something.
any help would be much appreciated.


Gay twink catboy
Global Moderator
Oct 11, 2011
Homebrew on the 360 isn't great at all.
It's just a few POC's and some game related/NAND tools.

As for your question.
I wouldn't know either tbh.
I hope that with the release of Xecuter Fusion that homebrew will gain momentum.

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  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    no, I'm asking which one of them you are using
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    in that case, there is no such thing as homebrew launcher for aroma
  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    you have to launch your homebrews directly from the wii u menu
  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    there is a plugin that display them on the wii u menu, pretty sure it is enabled by default
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
    so like it doesnt exist
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    it doesn't exist, at least not for aroma
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    on tiramisu you can access it by opening mii maker
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    I don't have a wii u anymore to test it myself, but if homebrews are not visible on the wii u menu I think you can press L + R + minus to open the plugin menu, there should be an option called "homebrews on wii u menu" or something similar
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
    it is L+dpad down+ select
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
    but homebrew is appearing in the home menu btw
  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    yes, now I remember it
  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    then it is working, I also don't like that they did this but it is the only option you have if you are using aroma
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
    i just didint know the homebrew launcher didint exist in aroma
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
    thanks btw
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    @BigOnYa, How do I make enemies respawn on gdevelop after
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    Carrying a PC or phone is so old school!
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