Really want to extract my nand to play on Dolphin/Retro Rewind but every time I try to load Bootmii it just sends me straight back to Priiloader, I am on IOS80 v54321 so idk if that has anything to do with it. I have tried loading bootmii through the normal way in the homebrew channel, loading it through Priiloader, and running it through DacoTacos Bootmii Booter. It's not set to Boot2, but even when it is it just bypasses bootmii and goes to the wii menu completely ignoring it. I have also reinstalled Bootmii countless times through the hackmii installer to no avail. If there's another method/application I could use to extract the nand, that would be awesome! My SD card is a good 15 years old and it's the standard 2GB Wii one but it works just fine. My PC has no problem detecting it or anything and I have never had any issues. So I am doubtful it is that but open to trying any diagnosis on it if necessary. I have tried to change the video mode in the bootmii.ini file to NTSC and still nothing. I have done a solid amount of research online and nothing has sorted it as to why I am here lol. It is FAT32 format and I just tried completely reformatting it this morning and that didn't make a difference. If you have anything complicated to suggest regarding iOS. Please go slow with me and make it easy to understand if possible. I have been in the modding scene for a while but there are things that I don't understand fully and is a bit confusing. For some reason I am someone who seems to always run into some sort of issue that no one else has and man it's annoying lmao. Worst case scenario I do have soldering skills and have modded Xbox 360s in the past with no issue, so if there is some sort of nand reader I could solder to the system and get it that way, I would do it but would obviously need the info for that and that’s like a last resort resolution so yeah any help would be GREATLY appreciated!
EDIT: Just noticed that for some reason, changing the video mode from Progressive to NTSC is not saving. When I save it and remove my SD card and put it back in my PC, it goes back to Progressive, so maybe that is it? I feel if it was a display issue though, it would just stick to a black screen and not just instantly go back to Priiloader. I'm not sure. EDIT2: Got it to save by manually ejecting and same problem.
EDIT3: I would like to add I installed a custom theme years ago. I don't remember what I used exactly, has had to of been at least 6-7 years ago. Just wanting to add anything I possibly can to get some help. From doing research it looks like modded wii themes can screw up Bootmii from the IOS manipulation. EDIT4: Bought a brand new 32GB SD card just to rule that potential issue out and same problem sadly lol. EDIT5: *SOLVED* For anyone that potentially sees this in the future, I could not get BootMii working.. BUT I was able to use DumpMiiNand as a substitute and it worked just fine! Link here! Huge shoutout to XFlak for all the help! If I get Bootmii working, I will update this!
Last edited by DevnM11,