Any vegans/vegetarians here besides me?


Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2007
I'm a vegetarian. I have been one my entire life (almost 19 years). I have fully developed and significantly healthier than all of my friends (the majority of which are not vegetarians). Whilst I was born into a vegetarian family I maintain my vegetarianism for a number of reasons.[*]Ethical Reasons (my personal ethics tell me that killing anyone is wrong, this means that killing someone - often inhumanely - and then eating their corpse is EVER SO wrong).[*]Disgust (how anyone could bring themselves to eat a corpse is beside me. Haven't any of you ever smelt burning human flesh? It smells exactly like the corpses that you guys are so happy to eat. Essentially you're eating yourselves.)As for what granville said concerning vegans relative to vegetarianism he is wrong. A vegan isn't a strict vegetarian they're a completely different thing. A vegetarian refers to someone who eats no meat, fish or other living creatures. A vegan also doesn't eat milk or eggs. Some of you may be wondering about eggs and fertilisation but if an egg is fertilised then the contents are no longer what you see in regular eggs and you would immediately realise it wasn't fit for consumption. This has never happened to me and goes to show that eggs bought in stores never contained life.

Those of you who have tried (and miserably failed) to argue that your diet is natural are ever so mistaken. What's natural is to eat berries off of bushes and fruit off of trees. Eventually primitive man started hunting prey too but that's not part of our original "design". Furthermore the preparation and cooking exercised by all modern humans is completely unnatural which makes a far larger portion of the meat eating (read corpse eating) population further from "what is natural".

I'm sure a large percentage of the members here believe that murdering a human life is wrong. Those of you should also regard the lives of other animals just as highly. The fact that you (apparently) don't is characterised by laziness or hypocrisy. If you did what you do to other animals to humans you would be imprisoned for life and, in some places, murdered yourself. Stop making up poor excuses and accept that what you're doing goes against your own principles. Either stop murdering or stop lying to yourself that you're a real human being.


GBAtemp Goat
Aug 24, 2007
Orlando, Florida
United States
Hey chill out. That's the kind of attitude that makes people angry. A vegan IS a strict vegetarian as we refuse to eat ANY animal produce. That's what I do. I only eat plant matter.

There's no need to feel you're better than others or are part of a moral ascension.


Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2008
I'm also a vegetarian, but solely for environmental reasons, such as deforestation for pasture land.

Also, as a graduate student of anthropology I can assure the people spouting that vegetarianism is unnatural is pure fallacy. Many of our ancestral species' diets relied heavily upon vegetable and fruit sources, meat being a either a luxury or infrequent source of food. If it was easier to get their nutritional supplement from the local plant fauna, they did so, if it was easier to kill or eat a wounded animal, they did so. There is no natural or unnatural about it. The reason we are omnivores is because our bodies are equipped to break down both food sources, where as for an animal that is strictly carnivorous is not as readily equipped.

Think the vegetarian lion from Futurama.


Jul 18, 2007
United States
Venko said:
I'm a vegetarian. I have been one my entire life (almost 19 years). I have fully developed and significantly healthier than all of my friends (the majority of which are not vegetarians). Whilst I was born into a vegetarian family I maintain my vegetarianism for a number of reasons.[*]Ethical Reasons (my personal ethics tell me that killing anyone is wrong, this means that killing someone - often inhumanely - and then eating their corpse is EVER SO wrong).[*]Disgust (how anyone could bring themselves to eat a corpse is beside me. Haven't any of you ever smelt burning human flesh? It smells exactly like the corpses that you guys are so happy to eat. Essentially you're eating yourselves.)As for what granville said concerning vegans relative to vegetarianism he is wrong. A vegan isn't a strict vegetarian they're a completely different thing. A vegetarian refers to someone who eats no meat, fish or other living creatures. A vegan also doesn't eat milk or eggs. Some of you may be wondering about eggs and fertilisation but if an egg is fertilised then the contents are no longer what you see in regular eggs and you would immediately realise it wasn't fit for consumption. This has never happened to me and goes to show that eggs bought in stores never contained life.

Those of you who have tried (and miserably failed) to argue that your diet is natural are ever so mistaken. What's natural is to eat berries off of bushes and fruit off of trees. Eventually primitive man started hunting prey too but that's not part of our original "design". Furthermore the preparation and cooking exercised by all modern humans is completely unnatural which makes a far larger portion of the meat eating (read corpse eating) population further from "what is natural".

I'm sure a large percentage of the members here believe that murdering a human life is wrong. Those of you should also regard the lives of other animals just as highly. The fact that you (apparently) don't is characterised by laziness or hypocrisy. If you did what you do to other animals to humans you would be imprisoned for life and, in some places, murdered yourself. Stop making up poor excuses and accept that what you're doing goes against your own principles. Either stop murdering or stop lying to yourself that you're a real human being.
Definition of moralfag.

If I went back to being a meat-eater, it would be because everyone assumes that I'll be a total douche about my diet like this guy.


Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2008
Wow, I never even read Venko's reply. Good Christ, man, you're a fence camper. Our original design? Primitive man?

I'm assuming you're a religious zealot who believes in evolution when the argument suits it. If you believe in evolution, life was spontaneous and our ability to consume meat is an adaptive trait. If you believe in creation, we were designed the way we were by God, which gives us the anatomical abilities to both find, kill, eat and process meat. Either way your argument contains so many anecdotal fallacies that you're confused which way is up and which is down.

My apologies to anyone, I have no problem with religion or creationism, I just don't like seeing pieces for each side of an argument used to support one man's misguided moral dilemma.


Jun 11, 2008
United States
I think it's fine to be proud of being a vegan and brag about it a little. You've got principles and you're prepared to make sacrifices in order to adhere to them.

You can deny the health benefits, either. I've been vegan for about four years now and I've never been fitter or stronger. And once the girls find out you're vegan... well, you get the idea


Aug 16, 2007
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I'm alright with vegetarians but i get annoyed at vegans but that's my personal viewpoint.

sbot10 said:
And once the girls find out you're vegan...
They don't think you're a strong muscular hunkish man who eats 5 steaks just for breakfast.


Jun 11, 2008
United States
'Cause nothing's quite as attractive as colon cancer... If you ate 5 steaks in a row you wouldn't poop for a week!


Dec 18, 2004
Guantanamo bay
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xJonny said:
I'm alright with vegetarians but i get annoyed at vegans but that's my personal viewpoint.

sbot10 said:
And once the girls find out you're vegan...
They don't think you're a strong muscular hunkish man who eats 5 steaks just for breakfast.
Humans are omnivores no matter what, and that can not be changed, it is only natural that your body will need it. There is 20 amino acid in meat that can be consumed by human to maintain their body in a much more efficient manner. Eating meat has nothing to do with masculinity, and if it does, something is wrong here. I guess it could be the fact that North American meats are unnatural and injected with hormones? Personally, my family have all lived a wonderful life back home eating meat their entire lives.


GBAtemp Goat
Aug 24, 2007
Orlando, Florida
United States
To anyone who posts hate (carnivore OR herbivore):

Does this have to turn into a hate war? I'm a vegan, you're not. So what? It doesn't matter what you eat. I just posted to give a little bit of a personal output and see if anyone else is a vegan/vegetarian as well.


Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2007
United States
FAST6191 said:
"I respect anyone who DOES eat animal produce as long as they respect MY choice. The only thing that has yet to piss me off in being a vegan is peoples' reaction to telling them. They tend think you're some kind of a cultist or weirdo. Does disliking broccoli make you strange? No. Does disliking milk make you weird? No. So why should disliking meat?"

I think this comes under the I do not personally care for your choice but as long as it does not affect me (i.e. a group of people try to pass a law that affects my way of things) I could care less. The phrasing of that comes dangerously close the the right not to be offended stuff that I completely disagree with.

Well, I do agree that people have the right to not to be offended, but then people should not all act like pricks all the time which is more common courtesy than law or anything. Then from there we have sliding scale of severity to harassment, abuse and discrimination and we have the right to not be treated that way. The big difference between the being offended side and the discrimination side is that the discrimination side the person is being targetted.

So, if someone only eat vegies and finds people who eat meat cruel, disgusting and offensive then tough luck thats his problem.

But if other people started harassing and looking down on him just simply because he is vegetarian and nothing else then he has the right to not be treated like that.

Similarly it is just as bad if he decided to harass people for eating meat.

Anyway I like both my meats and vegies. I'm cool with people who are vegetarians. Nice people are nice people regardless of what they eat. But if an looney comes up to me and start calling me a murderer and how im morally inferior then I'll make him swallow his own tongue.


Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom
Eden said:
I'm also a vegetarian, but solely for environmental reasons, such as deforestation for pasture land.

*points to cash crops and the fact that if you so desired you can buy all manner of differently rated organic produce if such things concern you.

Venko said:
I'm a vegetarian. I have been one my entire life (almost 19 years). I have fully developed and significantly healthier than all of my friends (the majority of which are not vegetarians). Whilst I was born into a vegetarian family I maintain my vegetarianism for a number of reasons.
[*]Ethical Reasons (my personal ethics tell me that killing anyone is wrong, this means that killing someone - often inhumanely - and then eating their corpse is EVER SO wrong).

I'm sure a large percentage of the members here believe that murdering a human life is wrong. Those of you should also regard the lives of other animals just as highly. The fact that you (apparently) don't is characterised by laziness or hypocrisy. If you did what you do to other animals to humans you would be imprisoned for life and, in some places, murdered yourself. Stop making up poor excuses and accept that what you're doing goes against your own principles. Either stop murdering or stop lying to yourself that you're a real human being. (order altered to encompass same point)

Ignoring the use of first hand knowledge in a debate such as this ("[I am] significantly healthier..", for example I liked dinosaurs as a kid and now all my friends hold jobs paying higher than the average wage in the country or closer to home for a games related forum: a killer I once met played a computer game at some point in the past) and for the further blow you said majority which does not encompass all in the sample......
Also ignoring murder being defined as illegal* killing and killing merely being the ending of a life. I am all for killing in euthanasia (for any reason), self defence (be it active or clearly preemptive).
*regardless where you are the state is the main moral authority and you are free to add to this in your head.

re: "animals just as highly" The debate on animal rights is subjective (there is clearly more than one point of view as this very thread demonstrates) so a statement that someone should do/believe something with absolutely no justification is not going to hold up to anyone thinking critically. The rest of the paragraph relies on the acceptance of this and as such can be ignored until a better basis is formed for it (including justification of the existing one). If you do try to create a reason I would advise some other rephrasing or the arguments may be tripped up for the reasons in the parargraph below.

"killing someone - often inhumanely - and" your view would appear to be that you are unilaterally against such matters so the hypen bounded section is presumably there for emotional effect which is a tactic that has been widely criticised ("plucked" from the headlines could be any random act attempting to curb something under the auspices of think of the children/terrorists/politicians/stoners/economy rather than the merits alone). Failing that I would call upon the use of humane (generally defined as relating to matters/moral derived from intelligent thought on a subject (something humans alone are capable of) and if human values dictate no killing how can it ever be humane) but it appears in that case it is just a poor choice of words.

Venko said:
[*]Disgust (how anyone could bring themselves to eat a corpse is beside me. Haven't any of you ever smelt burning human flesh? It smells exactly like the corpses that you guys are so happy to eat. Essentially you're eating yourselves.)
For the record I have smelled burning human flesh (mental wards are fun places) and in the same way that it is possible to look at a bit of rotten pasta (and some of the pasta molds are less nice, see aflatoxin) and then eat some good pasta in the next 10 seconds.

QUOTE(Venko @ Jun 11 2008, 05:06 PM) Those of you who have tried (and miserably failed) to argue that your diet is natural are ever so mistaken. What's natural is to eat berries off of bushes and fruit off of trees. Eventually primitive man started hunting prey too but that's not part of our original "design". Furthermore the preparation and cooking exercised by all modern humans is completely unnatural which makes a far larger portion of the meat eating (read corpse eating) population further from "what is natural".

This already came up but why is natural better?

" Eventually primitive man started hunting prey"
chicken-egg debate perhaps. Assuming modern monkeys provide a good base to compare against there are many cases where they hunt for anything from other monkeys to insects and similar to birds to rodents..... and some debate could be conducted on whether this is learned behavior or instinctual.

QUOTE(blahman @ Jun 11 2008, 07:09 PM)
Well, I do agree that people have the right to not to be offended, but then people should not all act like pricks all the time which is more common courtesy than law or anything. Then from there we have sliding scale of severity to harassment, abuse and discrimination and we have the right to not be treated that way. The big difference between the being offended side and the discrimination side is that the discrimination side the person is being targetted.

So, if someone only eat vegies and finds people who eat meat cruel, disgusting and offensive then tough luck thats his problem.

But if other people started harassing and looking down on him just simply because he is vegetarian and nothing else then he has the right to not be treated like that.

Similarly it is just as bad if he decided to harass people for eating meat.

I agree that harassment and the like are not to be done however I believe we differ in the definitions we use for the words:

discrimination is generally defined as the active use of prejudice, having a target or not is largely irrelevant (although finding a target and discriminating is generally worse).

"looking down on him" personally I think less of religious people (I use religious to mean those who blindly accept a "religion rather than trying to figure something out, it gets hard when unitarians are thrown in but hopefully the definition is good enough) but other than generally not inviting them to be my personal friends I do not take any other action against them. That perhaps is not the point you were going for and if so I apologise. My point is the difference between prejudice (in your head) and discrimination (acting upon a prejudicial line of thought (generally taken to be an irrelevant prejudice or one without a basis in fact).

Surely the corollary of the internet "rule" that everything is a fetish of someone is everything offends somebody somewhere (or perhaps that the chances are good that what you just said/did or believe offends someone). Trying to navigate that minefield is going to mean I end up in a PC nightmare world.
Sure incitement laws can exist if they are not abused or badly enforced ( ) and was someone to say follow someone attempting to make a reasonable effort to avoid such things then yes but as for unilateral right not to be offended then problems appear.


Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2007
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United States
Quick question for all you guys who know health...Why is Americans today focusing on food high protein, low carbs when the food guide pyramid clearly shows that carbs should be the greatest amount consume?


Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2007
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sbot10 said:
I think it's fine to be proud of being a vegan and brag about it a little. You've got principles and you're prepared to make sacrifices in order to adhere to them.

You can deny the health benefits, either. I've been vegan for about four years now and I've never been fitter or stronger. And once the girls find out you're vegan... well, you get the idea

Wow principles because you eat vegetables, congratulations, I don't see where the sacrifice comes into play do you offer up a vegetable and cut of its leaves or something? Or maybe humans are omnivores and therefore they can eat either meat or vegetables or both so you're not making any real sacrifice. I hope you enjoy the protein supplements, I think I might go eat some chicken.

At the end of the day humans are the superior species, the world is a dog eat dog place the stronger species always wins, if not the gene pool dies. Why are humans, human and why are frogs, frogs because of the need to survive (some may say random mutations but general they are the result of rapid environment change so in the end its still the need to survive.)

~ Commander

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