3DS Bluetooth Controller via ESP32?


Apr 5, 2024
United States
To start off I know about Lumas 3DS Input Redirection. That requires a PC and wifi connection something I'm trying to avoid.

I've been researching and at least from what I have found no one has attempted to do this mod via an ESP32 bluetooth controller.

The esp32 has been used to add bluetooth to old consoles like the PS1 that never had bluetooth and the esp32 has been added to gamecube controller pcb converting the controller into a bluetooth controller

My thought/idea if tapping directly on the motherboard pcb the traces same way done on the gamecube controller for every single button then connect them to the the ESP32 controller you could have a bluetooth controller that you can use on the fly without needing to get into luma3ds or loosing the ability just to grab the console and continue using no need for a wifi connection.

Space would definitely be an issue. Using flat ribbon cables and once a design has been reach a reduction of the esp32 to smallest size possible. Similar to the gamecube esp32 mod which has a custom pcb. Most likely interior trimming of the shell would be required.

I'm not a coder or electrical engineer, my question to the more advance folks on here. With your knowledge could this be done? the coding for all modern controllers xbox, ps5, switch, joycon, etc already exist for the esp32. connecting directly to the motherboard pcb would i need to worry about voltages or resistors? again no electrical or coding experience i apologize for my ignorance. i have an idea which i think could work and others i think would enjoy but want to see what more knowledgable people think before i fry a 3ds

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