Brand Newman
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  • Thanx for the follow
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    Reactions: Alexander1970
    Brand Newman
    Brand Newman
    You very much deserve it! I looked a bit at your game and will give it more attention when I'm done with my personal project by the end of the month. Thanks for keeping the Wii alive, have a nice evening!
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    Reactions: newo
    Cool, I do what I can for the little white box. It has some of my favorite games. good luck with your project.
    Brand Newman
    Brand Newman
    Oh that's nice, thank you very much! Yes I just turned 40, can anybody believe a Super Mario Land player could ever be that old? Yes... Everyone? Oh well... ;)
    Awww, happy birthday for Monday! Thank you so much for your dedication to making more Wii games available in English. Your patches rock! xD
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    Reactions: Brand Newman
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Brand Newman

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    Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty: Good night