Hacking Wii U Hacking & Homebrew Discussion


Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2015
I already answered your question
"people should talk and establish conclusions BEFORE making assumptions."

Hykem assumed they would release whatever they have. That is not the case. Case closed.

As I said I before I totally agreed with you on that, except of your anger towards @Hykum I didn't get why you were angry at him while you were doing that yourself without asking him anything. Also I didn't mean to attack you I was just curious what you meant, since it kind of seemed like you were like those fools that just get mad at the wrong person & rage quit, because I noticed some people didn't talk to @Hykum & drew conclusions & STARTED making assumptions getting upset & upsetting other people, since it seemed to me you got mad at @Hykum for being misunderestood, because you took @zecoxao words seriously without knowing the full story what had happened, i mean the way i saw @zecoxao post was that it was all "his words" with no quotes or link the original words of @Hykum. That'swhy a part of your post didn't make sense to me.

So again I think this whole thing escalated, because some people put their own versions, before asking the @Hykem what he meant before informing us. In this case they assumed @Hykem m meant giving up releasing his exploit alltogether while he didn't mean to say that. They basically hijacked the devs got all worked up for nothing, it's quite sad & pathetic. Lol & if any of those devs are sadists, they could mess around with a lot of people, by just acting like they're going to abandon everything xD. Really, it might be a good stress reliever for all the things they get to put up with xD. I shouldn't give them any ideas right?, but yeah i wouldn't be surprised if theystart to treat poeple this way considering how some people act xD.So let's all learn from this & move on!

Well I'm glad things got resolved anyways for worrywarts. Lol, some of the drama this forum is more fun that a TV drama xD. I should start bying more popcorn, sit back & read some drama's on here when i'm bored!
Last edited by Angely,


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2015
Gambia, The
As I said I before I totally agreed with you on that, except of your anger towards @Hykum I didn't get why you were angry at him while you were doing that yourself without asking him anything. Also I didn't mean to attack you I was just curious what you meant, since it kind of seemed like you were like those fools that just get mad at the wrong person & rage quit, because I noticed some people didn't talk to @Hykum & drew conclusions & STARTED making assumptions getting upset & upsetting other people, since it seemed to me you got mad at @Hykum for being misunderestood, because you took @zecoxao words seriously without knowing the full story what had happened, i mean the way i saw @zecoxao post was that it was all "his words" with no quotes or link the original words of @Hykum. That'swhy a part of your post didn't make sense to me.

So again I think this whole thing escalated, because some people put their own versions, before asking the @Hykum what he meant before informing us. In this case they assumed @Hykum meant giving up releasing his exploit alltogether while he didn't mean to say that. They basically hijacked the devs got all worked up for nothing, it's quite sad & pathetic. Lol & if any of those devs are sadists, they could mess around with a lot of people, by just acting like they're going to abandon everything xD. Really, it might be a good stress reliever for all the things they get to put up with xD. I shouldn't give them any ideas right?, but yeah i wouldn't be surprised if theystart to treat poeple this way considering how some people act xD.So let's all learn from this & move on!

Well I'm glad things got resolved anyways for worrywarts. Lol, some of the drama this forum is more fun that a TV drama xD. I should start bying more popcorn, sit back & read some drama's on here when i'm bored!

Captain here, hy didn't kum, his nickname is Hykem :teach:

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