Hacking 4 TB Seagate / DIOS MIOS issues


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2011
United States
Progress! After all the trouble of putting my old desktop back together I find out that (as an internal SATA) the drive works perfectly. It sees all 3.7 TB without any problems as GPT, and when using MBR it sees a 2 GB partition and a 1.6 GB partition. So I then figured that maybe the real problem was in my choice of an external hard drive enclosure. I unfortunately couldn't find any with a fan that supported drives larger than 3 TB, but I was able to find a "Pluggable Communicator SATA HDD Docking Station" and when plugged into my Windows 7 machine it is working perfectly.

So now I am going to format the two partitions to FAT32, make the smaller one a Primary for DIOS MIOS and see what happens.

EDIT: The new enclosure reports it as a 4k sector drive. :( I don't really know what to do. Either an enclosure reports it as a 512 byte drive correctly, but doesn't show the entire drive. Or it shows all the space, but then converts it into a 4k drive. As an internal drive I can get everything to work, but does anyone know of an enclosure that will support 512 byte drives *AND* large hard drives?

EDIT 2: I applied a firmware update to the external enclosure and windows is actually formatting it with 512 bytes. There was no error message that the sector size is larger than the selected cluster size. It's going to take me a little while to format and check everything, but if it works I will write a new thread in pictures showing exactly what it takes to get a 4 TB drive working with the Wii.

EDIT 3: Yes! It works! Well, almost. I am able to get a 4 TB hard drive to be seen as having 512 bytes as an external USB hard drive. The problem I am running into now is two fold: First, I am able to format the drive as NTFS, but Fat32GUIFormatter doesn't like the drive anymore. It says "this drive has more than 2^28 clusters". That is only a minor problem though because I can Format it to Fat32 with MiniTools Partition Manager. The second problem is that I can only use a total of 2 TB (s0 far) because it's using MBR. I have to figure out how to get MBR/GPT dual working before I can get this working perfectly.


Snake Charmer
Jul 30, 2009
Gambia, The
EDIT 3: Yes! It works! Well, almost. I am able to get a 4 TB hard drive to be seen as having 512 bytes as an external USB hard drive. The problem I am running into now is two fold: First, I am able to format the drive as NTFS, but Fat32GUIFormatter doesn't like the drive anymore. It says "this drive has more than 2^28 clusters". That is only a minor problem though because I can Format it to Fat32 with MiniTools Partition Manager. The second problem is that I can only use a total of 2 TB (s0 far) because it's using MBR. I have to figure out how to get MBR/GPT dual working before I can get this working perfectly.
about that error:
Fat32 is limited to a maximum of 2^28 clusters
for a 2TiB partition that means that the clusters size must be at least 8KiB
(2TiB/2^28 = 2*2^40/2^28 B = 2^13 B = 2^3 KiB = 8KiB)

If you need help with setting up the dual MBR/GPT ask
but keep in mind my experience is limited to general stuff and linux, not how how to do something under windows
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GBATemp's lurking knight
Former Staff
Oct 27, 2002
Engine room, learning
You didn't forfeit and are still working hard to make it compatible!

If USBLoaderGX still tells you that the drive is not compatible, remember to test a revision before r1208 or use another loader without partition verification.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2011
United States
about that error:
Fat32 is limited to a maximum of 2^28 clusters
for a 2TiB partition that means that the clusters size must be at least 8KiB
(2TiB/2^28 = 2*2^40/2^28 B = 2^13 B = 2^3 KiB = 8KiB)

hmm. I got that same exact error in gparted in Ubtuntu no matter what size I set it to. Why did the error only emerge when I was able to present it as a 512 byte drive? And why am I able to format it to Fat32 in MiniTools Partition, but nothing else?

If you need help with setting up the dual MBR/GPT ask
but keep in mind my experience is limited to general stuff and linux, not how how to do something under windows

Thanks! and yes, I could use some help. My assumption is that I need it to be in GPT first so what I did already is convert it to a GPT drive, left the 128 MB GPT partition alone, and created two Fat32 partitions through MiniTools that are 1862.94 GB each with both set as primary. I assume that for Wii games it could access from either partition so I am not going to obsess over getting one of the partitions to read as 3 TB and I actually think it would be a bad thing. From what I read Windows won't see both partitions with Hybrid MBR/GPT unless both partitions are hybrid and both not exceeding the 2 TB point. Right now I am running a surface scan before proceeding just to play it safe (it's going to take 35 more hours), and then I will want to try to get this all done.

I have my desktop put back together which has an Ubtuntu 7.10 64 bit partition. For the purposes of a guide for others I am still going to try to get it to work with Windows, but to fall back on could you give me suggestions for getting it to work with Ubuntu? Also, out of curiosity, could I possibly even do it with Ubtuntu in live CD mode? If I could from there it would be even easier for others to follow because they won't have to actually install a new OS. Ultimately I don't just want to get this to work for me, I want to be able to then create a simple guide so that everyone knows exactly what to buy and do to get it to work perfectly.

You didn't forfeit and are still working hard to make it compatible!

Yup. Somewhere along the way it just became part of my stubborn drive. I am determined to get this to work! Sure, I could have just used the drive for something else - or I could have even settled on 1.6 TB before with the Wii when I got that much to work. I can even settle on 2 TB at this point, but why stop when I am so close? :)

If USBLoaderGX still tells you that the drive is not compatible, remember to test a revision before r1208 or use another loader without partition verification.

That is a good suggestion. If everything else fails that will be my next step. :) Of course, I am going to hope it doesn't come to that because game compatibility might not be as good at previous revisions. Still, even if it does come to that, assuming I get it to work it might be enough to then convince someone to do an update to allow it to ignore the check and try anyway under the circumstances.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2011
United States
Successfully created hybrid MBR. Now to copy data to the drive and then test it out!

EDIT: Hit a snag. Although I successfully created the hybrid MBR, and Windows 7 Disk Management correctly sees it as FAT32 partitions, it refuses to make it active or assign a drive letter. MiniTools isn't able to assign a drive letter either. I have no problems seeing the drives in Ubuntu so I am using that OS to copy the files, but does anyone have any idea on how to get Windows 7 to see the Hybrid MBR? If not I will simply amend the guide I am writing to say that an Ubuntu Live CD is required for copying the files for the time being.

EDIT 2: I am currently transferring all the files from my old 1 TB to the new 4 TB. It's going to take a day or so to complete because the desktop is quite a bit slower. I probably should have tested a VMware option instead, but I already started so I can wait. I will let everyone know how it turns out once it's done copying and plugged into the Wii.

EDIT 3: This is really strange. I set up a virtual machine of Ubuntu on my Windows 7 machine to see if it might be faster or easier, but even when VMware says it's mounted inside the virtual machine it can't see it. I find that strange because Windows 7 can see the drives (even though it can't access it) and the same version of Ubuntu on a much older machine has no problems accessing it. I also found that when this drive is physically plugged into a computer booting Windows 7 that computer won't boot at all until it's unplugged. It's like Windows 7 just hangs trying to figure out what the drive is. I know I followed all the instructions for setting it up so that windows machines can see it.

EDIT 4: never mind about VMware, I figured it out. I needed to power off the drive before plugging it into a new device to be properly detected. So I can use VMware to access the drive on the Windows 7 machine with no problems now.


Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2013
United States
So, does dios mios like it? If so good job. Still hoping for a dios mios update but hopefully nintendont will support large hard drives.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2011
United States
So, does dios mios like it? If so good job. Still hoping for a dios mios update but hopefully nintendont will support large hard drives.

Still transferring the files. Unfortunately, Windows 7 definitely does not like it and although Ubuntu likes it files take forever to transfer on an Ubuntu system. The problem I ran into was that it froze up mid transfer and started to show the remaining time as longer and longer. After 24 hours of waiting I pretty much had to start over. Basically, in Ubuntu, I can't tell it to copy all the files at once. I have to do little at a time. I probably should have copied the files over FIRST and then converted the MBR and then just checked to see if the files were OK. What is really needed is a dedicated file manager that runs inside windows and can access partitions that windows won't.

Here's what I am going to do next: After the current set of files are done copying I am going to test it out. If it works I am going to convert the drive back to GPT, see if the data is safe, finish the transfers, and then convert it back to a hybrid MBR/GPT. I recorded all of the steps I took to begin with so it would be pretty easy for me to switch it back and forth and would definitely be faster than using Ubuntu.

EDIT: I really should have moved the files first. Basically what ended up happening in Ubuntu is that one of the two partitions became automatically locked as read only, and so when I tried plugging it into the laptop in VMware to finish a last file to that partition it actually saw two copies of the DIOS MIOS partition and the Wii games partition was still locked. MiniTools Partition Wizard now sees it as a "bad partition", but I know it has no physical errors because I ran a detailed surface scan before making any changes. So anyway, I am basically going to fix the MBR, start it over, and this time I am going to get the files in place BEFORE converting to a hybrid. Then I will never again bother with trying to copy files to/from it in Hybrid mode. If it works, I am going to then figure out the most efficient way to convert it back and forth without data loss.

EDIT 2: I had no problems deleting the volume in windows 7 and re-setting them up as they were before converting to hybrid MBR/GPT. Starting a fresh file transfer and it's already taking substantially less time than it took in Ubuntu. With luck I should have everything tested by the end of the day.

EDIT 3: Figured out why Ubuntu kept stalling with it. Basically, the drive runs hot and "docking stations" don't have any way to draw heat away from the drive. It basically overheats. In Windows it gave me a similar problem, but it did it in a way that helped to confirm the problem. I am almost done with the file transfers now, and as a proof of concept I will still test with this enclosure, but given the problem I am going to test a few other enclosures until I find a better one that works. The next on the list is a "Thermaltake Max 5G Active Cooling Hard Drive Enclosure with Two 80mm Blue LED Fans USB 3.0 5.0Gbps ST0020U"


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2011
United States
I figured out how to get Windows 7 to see the drive while in Hybrid mode! I have the files copied over to the drive and tested it with the Wii. USB Loader GX recognized the drive, but after loading it crashed. "Exception DSI Occurred". I imagine it's one of two problems.

1.) Maybe the problem is related to the fact that I left the 128 MB GPT reserved partition intact, and is first in the drive letter?

2.) Maybe USB Loader GX, being "aware" of both MBR and GPT doesn't know which to use? Unfortunately, I can't simply use GPT with one partition and MBR with the other or else Windows 7 definitely will not be able to see it.

You didn't forfeit and are still working hard to make it compatible!

If USBLoaderGX still tells you that the drive is not compatible, remember to test a revision before r1208 or use another loader without partition verification.

I would like to test two things out.

1.) I want to find a version of USB Loader GX that does NOT support GPT to see if it will work. That will help me to confirm if the problem is that USB Loader is GPT aware.If I can get that confirmation then maybe I could convince the people at USB Loader GX to issue an update for the latest version to properly support Hybrid drives.

2.) If that fails I want to find a copy of DIOS MIOS that is stand alone and separate from USB Loader GX with instructions on how to use it. I want to test the latest version first with a 512 check just to see if the check will succeed. If it doesn't I want to test a version without that check to see if there is a difference.

Do you know where I can find those? I am so close I can almost taste the victory! I *WILL* have this all working before this Summer ends!

In the meantime I am waiting on a new hdd enclosure to arrive in the mail. Trying to find one that works and runs cooler.


GBATemp's lurking knight
Former Staff
Oct 27, 2002
Engine room, learning
"The people" at USBLoaderGX is me only ;)

I can make a version without GPT support if you want to test it.
and one without the 512 check. (or just a warning instead of an error).

I don't know why you have a code dump, it may require debugging.
I'll need more information on your Hybrid mode to "detect" it in the loader.

DIOS MIOS can't be "stand alone".
DIOS MIOS is a MIOS replacement, you need a way to boot into GameCube Mode : From system menu (when using a disc) or from a loader. The smaller loader is DMLBooter.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2011
United States
"The people" at USBLoaderGX is me only ;)

Oh wow. You mean you work on it yourself? That's impressive!

I can make a version without GPT support if you want to test it.
and one without the 512 check. (or just a warning instead of an error).

Thanks! That would definitely be helpful! If it wouldn't be too much trouble at is.

I don't know why you have a code dump, it may require debugging.
I'll need more information on your Hybrid mode to "detect" it in the loader.

hmm. Well I didn't take a picture of the exact error this time, but I can in a bit if you need me too. As for the details of the partitions and hybrid MBR/GPT I made careful records of everything I did with repeated screenshots. I was in fact writing and rewriting a guide for others to follow as I went through it so it's pretty easy to get you that information. I am also willing to go through any tests you need me to do.

First I verified that it was being presented as a 512 byte drive and that the entire capacity was seen by the OS:


Then I converted the drive to GPT within Windows 7. It created a 128 MB reserved partition, which I left alone. I then created two Primary Fat32 Partitions within MiniTools Partition Manager (Fat32 GUI Formatter will not work with the drive in 512 byte mode. Neither will gparted in Ubuntu.) 1862.94 GB each (1907654.23 MB in one, 1907655.07 MB in the other) which I did primarily because I read that if either partition is larger than 2 TB in hybrid mode it causes problems for Windows. Using gdisk these are the exact steps I took which resulted in a working Hybrid mode.


My first attempt excluded the 128 MB partition from the changes. I also used the wrong hex values. In case you are curious, these are the values from the first attempt that resulted in a failure of Windows 7 to see the drive correctly.

I then made absolutely sure that the Start and End Sectors matched up before writing this time, then when it was written I verified that it was indeed a Hybrid drive. (Maybe a future version of USB Loader GX can make a similar check and then determine which to use?)


Not only can windows see the partitions perfectly, but transferring files to it is much MUCH faster than it was in GPT only mode. The only problem I have now with Windows is that when I plug the drive in it tells me it wants to format that 128 MB partition, which of course I won't do because that will damage the Hybrid mode. I don't know if it was even needed to leave it on, but I can't exactly get rid of that partition without starting over and I already know that MiniTools will damage the Hybrid mode. Removing the drive letter in Windows Management doesn't seem to "stick" like other drives would, and even the specific drive letter assignments given to the two partitions I am working with don't remain. (For example, the Wii partition W changed to a J). All other information, including partition labels, appear to be intact.

(EDIT: It's now correctly presenting drive letters and keeping the 128 MB partition hidden when plugged in.)

Currently using the "Plugable U3 Docking Station" in USB 2.0 mode. A Thermaltake is the next enclosure I will be testing.

DIOS MIOS can't be "stand alone".
DIOS MIOS is a MIOS replacement, you need a way to boot into GameCube Mode : From system menu (when using a disc) or from a loader. The smaller loader is DMLBooter.

Ahh. That makes sense.

Oh, and also, before I forget to mention it: WiiMC won't see the drive at all. Neither partition is available on it's list. Not sure why. That isn't a primary concern of mine since I started to use the PS3 as a media drive, but I would also like to figure out how to get media files to play from the drive as well in Hybrid mode.


GBATemp's lurking knight
Former Staff
Oct 27, 2002
Engine room, learning
Thank you for the screenshots.
I think the 128MB partition will be problematic for DIOS MIOS.

That partition is the first one on your MBR table, and DIOS MIOS mount the first one too.

the MBR (sector 0) displays :
1 FAT32 (128MB only? won't hold any GC games)

The GPT (Sector1 and Last-1) should hold both the one on MBR, plus the other ones visible only when using GPT compatible hosts, listing partitions which are over the 2TB limit.
1 Basic Data partition (FAT32 ?)
2 Basic Data partition (NTFS ?)
3 Basic Data partition (NTFS ?)
4 Basic Data partition (NTFS ?) with remaining space from 2TB to 3.6TB


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2011
United States
Thank you for the screenshots.
I think the 128MB partition will be problematic for DIOS MIOS.

That partition is the first one on your MBR table, and DIOS MIOS mount the first one too.

I see. OK then, I will attempt to restore it to a normal GPT drive. (hopefully without data loss, but if that happens I can easily copy the files over again) I will then adjust the partitions and then make it a hybrid again and post the results.

the MBR (sector 0) displays :
1 FAT32 (128MB only? won't hold any GC games)

The GPT (Sector1 and Last-1) should hold both the one on MBR, plus the other ones visible only when using GPT compatible hosts, listing partitions which are over the 2TB limit.
1 FAT32
4 NTFS ?

I'm not sure if I am understanding what I am seeing here. I shouldn't have any NTFS partitions in place.


GBATemp's lurking knight
Former Staff
Oct 27, 2002
Engine room, learning
I based it on your screenshot:
Code 0x0C = FAT32 (well it says 0x0C01, I don't know if the "01" after 0C is important to the partition type)
Code 0x07 = NTFS
Code 0xEE = GPT presence (usually located in the first MBR's slot when a drive is not hybrid)

Can't you just merge/format the existing partitions without rebuilding everything from start?
if you could make a single partition by merging 1 and 2 it would be fine. do it in both MBR and GPT sector.
Maybe your partition manager can't work on hybrid directly?


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2011
United States
I based it on your screenshot:
Code 0x0C = FAT32 (well it says 0x0C01, I don't know if the "01" after 0C is important to the partition type. If it's the next byte, then it's related to Cylinder's address)
Code 0x07 = NTFS
Code 0xEE = GPT presence (usually located in the first MBR's slot when a drive is not hybrid)

Oh, I see. Well, I used those codes because they were suggested. I will try 0C with the next attempt to see what it does.

Can't you just merge/format the existing partitions without rebuilding everything from start?
if you could make a single partition by merging 1 and 2 it would be fine. do it in both MBR and GPT sector.
Maybe your partition manager can't work on hybrid directly?

Unfortunately not. Last time I attempted any changes within MiniTools the partitions went bad and I lost all the data too.

Here's what I did: First I converted the drive back to MBR only. Then I converted it to GPT. Then I deleted the 128 MB partition in MiniTools. Then I resized the DIOS MIOS partition to have the 128 MB from the beginning added to it. No data was lost, so now I am ready to make it a Hybrid again.

The good news is that being forced to do this really helped improve the guide I am writing.

EDIT: This is weird. Without the protected partition it says "Unused Partition Space Found" and it asks if I want to use it to protect the partitions. I double checked and I don't have an unused partition space. I am going to select "yes" to see what it does.


GBATemp's lurking knight
Former Staff
Oct 27, 2002
Engine room, learning
MBR expect the first partition to be located at sector 1.
But the GPT table/array are located between sector 1 and 33, the first partition starts at sector 34. the MBR doesn't recognize what's located from 1 to 33.
protecting that space to prevent deleting the GPT info = create a partition in the MBR which cover the GPT table (which looks like a FAT32?) and it's store in MBR's slot1. (unfortunately, if it looks like FAT32/primary/first partition of the drive, DIOS MIOS will use it). If you could, you should create the "protective" partition in slot2 or 3 of the MBR.

Not protecting that space = unallocated space. this is probably what you want, this way you can have the first partition on the MBR being the first GPT partition too, and format it to FAT32. Never format that unallocated space or you'll loose your GPT info.



Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2011
United States
MBR expect the first partition to be located at sector 1.
But the GPT table/array are located between sector 1 and 33, the MBR doesn't recognize it as a partition.
protecting that space to prevent deleting the GPT info = create a partition in the MBR which cover the GPT table (which looks like a FAT32?) and it's store in MBR's slot1. (unfortunately, if it looks like FAT32/primary/first partition of the drive, DIOS MIOS will use it). If you could, you should create the "protective" partition in slot2 or 3 of the MBR.

Not protecting that space = unallocated space. this is probably what you want, this way you can have the first partition on the MBR being the first GPT partition too, and format it to FAT32. Never format that unallocated space or you'll loose your GPT info.


I tried a few variations, and unfortunately it looks like getting rid of the reserved partition is what makes it impossible for Windows 7 to properly see it. I tried various hex codes with or without protecting the free space and the end result is always the same: Windows Disk Management sees it, but it refuses to assign a drive letter. What's weird is that Windows can see it in strictly GPT mode without that partition present.

That partition isn't supposed to be a data partition, but Windows ends up thinking that it is one if I convert it to hybrid as well. Unfortunately, if I don't convert all partitions to hybrid Windows also will not see it.

I have two options at this point: I can either resign myself to switching back and forth between hybrid mode and non-hybrid mode any time I connect it to windows 7, or I can try to find a way to create that reserved partition at the end. I can't use Windows Disk Management to do that though because that would wipe the drive.

EDIT: This is very interesting... In playing around with it I managed to get Windows to see both partitions in MBR only mode. No GPT at all. I am going to see if the Wii will see it. If it works I am going to write out the steps for the guide.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2011
United States
Ok, so here's the situation: I let the drive cool down for a while unplugged and then I performed the test. When I plug this drive into the Wii and Load USB Loader GX I get the same "Exception (DSI) Occurred!", but only after it gets past the "Initialize USB" screen. If I keep it unplugged and then plug it in during the 20 second count down it will instead load to the screen where I will see the background, but everything is perpetually frozen. No pointer, no menus, no nothing.

Here's what I am currently using: MBR. No GPT, no hybrid mode. I was able to get Windows to see two MBR partitions on one hard drive by first making it into a Hybrid disk (with only a total of two partitions), and then:


Then I noticed that Windows can still see the drives. So to be safe I went into MiniTools and told it to rebuild MBR and when it was done I went back into gdisk to verify that it was indeed MBR only. Sure enough it was.


So basically if I convert a drive to Hybrid first, and then convert it back to MBR, and then rebuild the MBR, Windows 7 will see and write to both 1.81 TB partitions. The only problem I had was that I didn't automatically assign a drive letter to them when I plugged it back in, but that's minor.

Is there a reason why, as an MBR only, and with only two partitions, USB Loader GX would give me an error that it gave me when attempting as a hybrid MBR with 3 partitions?

EDIT: I ran a few checks to try to identify the problem. I converted the drive to GPT using gdisk and connected it to the Wii and I had the exact same problem as before: WiiMC doesn't see the drive, and although USB Loader GX will detect the drive and then initialize it ends up at a frozen screen. I also checked the files in USB Loader GX just to see if something is out of date, but everything appears to be updated. Are there any error/log files I can find?

Here's what I am wondering: What if the problem is because it's in 512 byte mode? I mean, this drive did work with USB Loader GX for loading Wii games at least when being presented as a 4k drive. FAT32 GUI Formatter threw errors at me trying to do anything with it as well when it was presented as a 512 byte drive. Could it just be that these programs are expecting a 512 byte drive to be smaller? At the point that I tested it as a GPT the only difference is the Sector Size so that's why I am inclined to think of that as the problem. I suppose it could also be the enclosure at fault, but I doubt that's the case. Even if it is, I will be testing new ones soon.

EDIT 2: I think I found the problem: Cluster size. Since FAT32 GUI Formatter in Windows and gparted in Ubuntu gave me the error "Fat32 is limited to a maximum of 2^28 clusters" I had to the FAT32 GUI Formatter, but it didn't give me an option of which cluster size to set so I got to thinking that maybe it gave me a cluster size larger than 32k. Sure enough it did, and it's minimum is 64k:


So here's what I am doing now:I am looking for a program that will change a cluster size to 32k. Hopefully I can find one. Otherwise I will pretty much have to reformat and start over.

about that error:

for a 2TiB partition that means that the clusters size must be at least 8KiB
(2TiB/2^28 = 2*2^40/2^28 B = 2^13 B = 2^3 KiB = 8KiB)

Can you tell me a bit more about this error? In Ubuntu gparted gave me that error with no option of what to set the cluster size to

Right now I am moving files from one partition to another (hoping I won't have to start over) and will try to redo that format to see if I can find a way to get the correct 32k cluster size.

EDIT 3: "EaseUS Partition Master Home Edition" was able to see information that MiniTool couldn't. Most importantly, where that "unallocated space" was so I can clean it up. That could be causing problems due to the sector start/stop point. (not that in the above screenshot MiniTool saw no unallocated space)


Unfortunately, it's resize partition option won't let me resize the cluster below 64k either.

I resized the first partition to create a new 800 GB partition to try formatting correctly which I would then move all the data too if successfuly. Interestingly, EaseUS also doesn't give me an option of what cluster size to set in FAT32, but does in NTFS. So going to create it as NTFS with 32k cluster size and try again with FAT32 GUI Formatter.

EDIT 4: I found a workaround. First I converted the partition to NTFS, then I was able to change the cluster size to 32k. Now I am converting it back to FAT32 and I will see it it works.

EDIT 5: According to MiniTools support:

"You can only use 64K cluster size if your volume if larger than 1TB"

So I am going to try to instead create 4 partitions.

EDIT 6: They were wrong. I figured out, completely by accident, how to do it. Since I already converted the drive to NTFS I wanted to convert it back to FAT32, but halfway through the process was interrupted. The partition was damaged and I had to start over. I went back into MiniTool and set the partition size at 1 TB exactly initially, but then after selecting the FAT32 option at 32k I wanted to see how far it could go before saying it had to format at 64k. It went all the way to 1.81 TB without complaining so I let it do it's thing and sure enough I got it the way I wanted it.


Unfortunately this means I will have to start over on copying files, but it's worth it.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2011
United States
OK, right now I have both partitions set to Fat32, 512 byte Sector size, 32k cluster size, Primary, 1.81 TB.

Hybdrid MBR/GPT: WiiMC will freeze up. USB Loader GX produces an Exception (DSI) with a Stack and Code dump. It will say that it will reset in 20 seconds, but when it does it just goes to a black screen and requires the Wii to be powered off manually (hold power button for a few seconds). I took a video of this test if you care to see it.

MBR Only: WiiMC works, but only with the first partition. That didn't surprise me, but because I was able to trick Windows into working with both partitions in MBR only I hoped WiiMC would as well. Then I went onto test USB Loader GX. It detected the drive, but after going to the main screen gave me the same error as before. Ominously, my camera actually went dead during that test. As in so dead that it isn't even charging anymore O.o

GPT Only: WiiMC works, but only with the first partition. That did surprise me. Unless WiiMC isn't aware of additional partitions I would have expected it to see both. USB Loader GX gave me the same error as before which I also didn't expect. The same drive, as 4k sector size and GPT, worked fine in USB Loader GX for Wii games at least.

Since I did hear that 32k cluster size isn't SUPPOSED to be possible for FAT32 over 1 TB I will recreate all the partitions to do a final phase of testing. That will help determine if the problem is software (the programs just not being able to work with it as they are currently written) or if the problem was in some configuration I was using. If that doesn't work I will need suggestions on what to do next because I will have exhausted all of my ideas.


Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2011
United States
Dude give up. Wii software expects USB drives to have less than 2^32 sectors which means a 512B sector drive has to be smaller than 2TB. Supporting more than 2^32 sectors is harder than adding support for 4KB sectors.

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