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What do you think is more harmful to the world? Racists, or religious fanatics?


Dec 11, 2015
None at all. I believe that all organized religion is harmful and completely full of shit. I am a complete gnostic atheist who denies the possibility of the existence of any god that mankind has ever invented.

I kind of said this before. All religion is harmful, and the most wicked, evil and violent invention in the history of man.
I used to think like that when I was younger but as I've gotten older and wiser I see things differently.

1: Some people can use religion as a tool for evil and will use it to get what they want.
2: Some other people will find great joy in religion and use it to do good and give them and others a sense of hope.

People have free will to choose what they want to do, however religion is just a message no matter what god you believe in. It basically tells a story and as supposed to teach you lessons on how to live life and treat others. Yes we all know that there are bad people in the world and there's also good and both these people see things from a totaly different perspective.

There's a youtube channel about Near death experiences, I think it might be called NDE or something like that, however after watching many different people and listening to their stories, well firstly I though they might have been actors or religious nuts or people just wanting to sell a book etc, but I did some research on some of them to see and they were just regular people with a story to tell. Now it was very weird, all the stories were kind of similar about what happened once they died, how they felt and what they say, how they communicated and what god actually was. Even me being the most sceptical person in the world has to wonder if they are all lying or even if just a single one of them is telling the truth, well it does give you hope for what happens once you die, and I could then see that religion is based on something solid after all.

Now for racism:

Many years ago we lived in hunter gatherer groups and there was enough food and resources for our group, another "foreign" group came along and stole our resources so that bred resentment in our group. Then we advanced and started growing crops - so we started killing strange "foreign" people and then enslaving them to do the work. This resulted in people fearing one another. Then we advanced more and our lands became larger so we created armies to defend them, and to invade others land and then steal their resources. Eventually people through countless millenniums grew to distrust "foreign" people and this served well as a tool, after all you never knew who was a spy for a "foreign" country and whether or not they would want to invade you or steal your stuff.

Basically it comes this, we have evolved to be wary of strangers and not to trust people that look differnt from us, this is a lesson learned through the blood of millions of our ancestors and they passed that knowledge down to us through their suffering and hardship throughout thousands of years - some would call this racism, after all we are judging another person based on their race. This is all good and dandy while times are good and we are not being invaded, however Ask a Ukrainian what they think about a Russian and vice versa - some would call their repsonse "racist", others would just see why they think the way they do.

So is racism good or bad? I would say neither, it's just a basic tool/survival instinct developed over thousands used for the survival of your own race and people. It's built into us all and forms part of our core, whether you want to believe this or not is up to you.

I take people how I find them, if you're a black guy and you're a acting like a prick, I think you're a prick. If you are a white guy or some other colour and you're acting like a dick, I still think you're a dick. On the other hand, treat me well and you get the same in return.


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2009
Mushroom Kingdom ( o Y o )
United States
You were making a lot of sense until you said this. Now I hate you, and we can never be friends.
No worries. You're a prejudiced mook. I wouldn't be your friend.


Not to mention KARENS n DARRENS :D

In think we need more people who stand up to the cultists. Cancel culture is one of the biggest problems today. Packs of chihuahuas barking at everything they dont like. You dont really matter. The door swings both ways. Stop making people uncomfortable and all of a sudden people will stop calling you out. You dont deserve to be included until you do something worthwhile. I am so tired of weak minded bitchy snowflakes. You're not beautiful or special. People think they deserve acceptance. You're all hypocrites. It's the damn participation medal generation that got praised for coming in dead last. I'm sorry they never got taught how to be real people. Now the smart people are getting silenced so the dumb people dont kill themselves. Selfish, stupid,weak snowflakes.

Stop being so soft and you might learn someting from those Karrens and Darrens. They might not be nice but they are usually right.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2018
United States
Don't worry, the Westboro Baptist Church can't hurt you. They're more of a bad joke sent straight from the colonial era than anything. Though there definitely are cultists out there that are willing to rape people and even place human lives in danger. These are definitely the most dangerous ones.

Honestly, culture warriors in general are really just more annoying than anything. Though once they get to the point of rioting or religiously supporting a spray-tanned old timer with a bad comb-over to the point of trying to overturn an election, that's when I consider them threatening.

In regards to racists, I put it on a scale:

0: Person is a saint, incapable of any hatred whatsoever, and won't even giggle at jokes or place stereotypes onto people. Likewise, they won't lean too far into anti-racism either, as they acknowledge that "anti" people are capable of becoming the very thing that they hate. True believer in equality. Few of these people exist in the world.

1-2: Harmless. Might inwardly place the every now and then stereotype onto people or just laughs at the every now and then racist joke without going too far, but still believes in equality.

3-4: Mostly harmless. Has "opinions." Will likely make the claim that they aren't racist, but their opinions suggest otherwise. Still mostly believes in equality, but will make excuses for certain disparities between rcial groups.

5: Things start getting gettin' weird. Individual starts getting rather vocal and is largely against immigration. Probably won't kill a man, but might report a guy to the police for "shady behavior." Will make bad excuses for someone shooting an individual for questionable reasons. Some of these people may be in favor segregation.

6: Dangerous. In favor of segregationist policies. Yells at people to "go back to their own country," and will possibly shoot a guy for the wrong reasons, claiming that it was done in "self-defense." Will even go as far as to stalk "suspicious folks" to make sure that they're "not a threat."

7: Menacing! Does not question policies that outright target certain individuals. Strong believer in the ethno-state. Will definitely shoot anyone who "trespasses" onto their property or outright stalk a "questionable fella." Is in favor of violence against "certain types" of people.

8-9: CRITICAL! Person is willing, if not gleefully so, to take part in violent, and even outright murderous crimes against humanity solely based on race.

10: Send in the troops, 'cause this guy is LITERALLY HITLER! Calls for, and enacts genocide on a massive scale until their own kind are the only ones left.
Last edited by Delerious,


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2012
United States
Definitely religious fanatics. People shouldn't believe anything without questioning it, and once people start believing in things without evidence, they can be manipulated into believing anything.

well except for the vaccines, and the government, and the left, and bribed doctors, and judges etc.


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2006
well except for the vaccines, and the government, and the left, and bribed doctors, and judges etc.
  • Have you looked at the raw data for vaccine effectiveness and side effect rates?
  • Have you looked at how your representatives voted, which ones voted for the legislation that makes government bad and against legislation that would make it better? Do you understand the underlying issues well enough to know whether the proposed solutions would work?
  • Do you know what the left is fighting for? It's insane to me that working class people are against things like paid sick leave, vacation time, enforcing overtime after 40 hours with the current workweek and reducing the future work week to 4 days/32 hours. Unless you own a business, you only benefit from worker and consumer protection, and if the business you own is small, you probably benefit from these changes too.
  • Do you have evidence that the judges and doctors you disagree with are the ones taking the bribes and that the ones you do agree with aren't?
If you aren't questioning why you believe what you do and instead are just regurgitating what an authority figure told you, then that's exactly proving my point about how dangerous unchecked belief is.


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2013
Which of the two do you believe is the most harmful in this country?
Same thing, they believe some version of gospel othering that someone made up, a few others updated through the ages to fit some political agenda, and everything that contradicts it, including non-mythological history is heresy that they shall not show reading comprehension of.
While far from the only groups incapable of dealing with dissonance, which we all do to some extent, there's a unique feeling of fitting at a good enough place in the "natural" order of things, if not for those who are different.
Now, I'm an lucky outlier who is fine either way, but, other than completely detached from real life super-rich, I don't think there's many other people who are so inwardly focused about their rightful place, doubly so when their beliefs betray them and they feel the need to rise their commitment.
And, to make it crystal, neither extreme makes faith a bad thing or discussing that cultures have good and bad things unspeakable.


May 28, 2023
america unfortunately
United States
I'd have to say religious fanatics have the ability to be the most harmful.

Racists are terrible people, but they're usually working off their own experiences in life. Maybe they were robbed by a black person, or maybe a white person treated them like crap. That formed their perspectives of who they feel they can't trust. Those types of thoughts can be reversed if given the opportunity.

Religious fanatics aren't really thinking for themselves. Their own life experiences don't come into play on how they're supposed to think of others. You listen to the religious leader, and that's all. If a pastor says to hate ________, you will hate them because you were told to. It doesn't matter if you have friends who are __________, and they've been nice to you all your life. You are commanded to hate them. If you don't, hell awaits you.

Racism can also have gray areas. If I were to talk to a racist white guy, and asked "What do you think of this black guy who's a doctor and in MENSA?". They may break from their usual attacks and say "Well, they're one of the rare good ones". It's not much, but it's admittance that they can think highly of that type of person. Whereas religious fanatics can be asked about an atheist who's done charity work all their life, and they'll still come to the conclusion that it doesn't matter. They're still going to hell in their minds.

That being said, if I have the choice of just talking to a single racist or a single religious fanatic, nine times out of ten, I'd prefer to talk to the fanatic. But the question is what is worse for the world as a whole. Anger is bad, but not allowing people to think critically is much more dangerous overall in a society.
In all honesty, I HATE it when bigoted people hide behind religion. That being said, I am in no way anti-religious or believe in antitheism. That shit, in many cases, is closely related to Islamophobia and Anti-Semitism.


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018

This subject is already...A bomb in the hand towards liberty of speech.​

There is, of course, different degrees in both fact of been a fanatical or a racist....And both are not really related.​

For me: Religious fanatics, of course, they use bombs when they give a message.

Is is simple to have a definition of religious fanatics.
What is a religious fanatic? Well, he prays very often, go to is praying very often and try to spread his ideology the most he can, even if he has to kill to pass his message, I'll do it, if he finds opposition, he'll try to suppress it, that often mean, kill it.
A person can be very pious and insisting spreading his religion, but no be a fanatic.
Also, don't forget, someone can also be fanatic about environment for example.

Humm...What do you mean by Racists??....Is it people who hate so much people that are not their color, that they want to kill them? These do exist, but they tend to be rare I'll say, but they do exist.

What do you call Racists....Is it trying to defend their country or nationnal identity been Racist? By asking, I assume you might be sure they are racists.
when immigrants are coming to a country, if they are too much or resistant to the standard customs of the country, the integration process fail.Once inside the country, they tend to change the eco system and might bring crime with them (specially because poverty is often brought with them), and some country have proven seen a tremendous raise In % of Stealings,Raping and murders of their natives. So indeed, in that case, they tend to search for the reason of those raises, of course, those people dislikes the newcomers, so they are called "racism".
I presume the people who think that way deduce that ants or many creature are racists too, because they don't like other ants from other colonies.
Also, I would like to make a difference between immigrants:
You can get a bad status because of what your population gives as an image, for exemple, people from Nepal, India, Asia (maybe less asia than the 2 first) have a very good KARMA STATUS!! They usually almost Never ever make Crimes and are often good workers, they don't impose themselves, so people are usually not racists towards them but the "crime makers", so in "reality" those people are not really racist, they only get 'a prioris' with times......The numbers don't lie when crime numbers are compared in Police Departments!

So I would be interested in the definition of rascism from you all with examples. To me, it's simple, many yougnsters or people using this word haphazardly, tend to forget the original definition of it: Rascism entails a PREJUDICE that is real, if you are just dislike by someone, that is, of course, not a prejudice, but if you don't get a promotion, and you should have gotten one for the reason of your color, that is indeed a prejudice. An insult toward you that ONLY you heard is not a real prejudice, you just have to give the insult back to the person and forget the stupidity of persons! If it's all the time, it's not the same, it becomes an harassment.
I like the description of
Delerious....But he didn't explain if "3-4: Mostly harmless" or higher would be called racist. Is it harmful to have ideas based on logic like Spock? Surely no to me.
It's like Woke people, are they racists?? Or are they just more racist to even this category because they don't think anymore, because they were brainwashed to do so and don't mind loosing their prior identity whereas others ensure their identity on them. Whey Did I took a lot of time writing this? Most people will no think and take only the bad words to see virtual bad feelings.
Last edited by mrmagicm,


(Can't shut up)
Mar 10, 2009
I am in no way anti-religious or believe in antitheism. That shit, in many cases, is closely related to Islamophobia and Anti-Semitism.

Yikes! That's waaaaaaaaaaay off the mark. I don't even think that deserves a well worded response it's so painfully wrong.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2009
Mushroom Kingdom ( o Y o )
United States
They're both shit.

I simply don't mind people believing in whatever form of god they want to believe in.
If it makes them happy.
What if they use their belief to condemn,ostracize and kill all that oppose them? Sould the anti-vaxxers and racists have a voice at all? Stupidity is contagious. In that vein does the homophobic Nazi crew deserve a voice too? They claim it's part of their religion and God is behind them after all.. In the digital age when stupidity goes viral, we may need to rethink this. Or make a place for the turds. Truth social? Lol


Gay twink catboy
Global Moderator
Oct 11, 2011
What if they use their belief to condemn,ostracize and kill all that oppose them? Sould the anti-vaxxers and racists have a voice at all? Stupidity is contagious. In that vein does the homophobic Nazi crew deserve a voice too? They claim it's part of their religion and God is behind them after all.. In the digital age when stupidity goes viral, we may need to rethink this. Or make a place for the turds. Truth social? Lol

Arbeitslagers for stupid people I love it!


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2012
United States
  • Have you looked at the raw data for vaccine effectiveness and side effect rates?
  • Have you looked at how your representatives voted, which ones voted for the legislation that makes government bad and against legislation that would make it better? Do you understand the underlying issues well enough to know whether the proposed solutions would work?
  • Do you know what the left is fighting for? It's insane to me that working class people are against things like paid sick leave, vacation time, enforcing overtime after 40 hours with the current workweek and reducing the future work week to 4 days/32 hours. Unless you own a business, you only benefit from worker and consumer protection, and if the business you own is small, you probably benefit from these changes too.
  • Do you have evidence that the judges and doctors you disagree with are the ones taking the bribes and that the ones you do agree with aren't?
If you aren't questioning why you believe what you do and instead are just regurgitating what an authority figure told you, then that's exactly proving my point about how dangerous unchecked belief is.

1. No because companies can claim its part of their ip and therefore they shouldnt have to put it out there, so they can release a modified form of data to benefit them, yes i have proof of that, dont embarrass yourself.

2. I have, extensively, probably more than most, and i dont always agree with all of them.

3. Which left? the moderate left which talks about things you do or the radical left that is proposing bills in , lets say cali, that would allow the government to seize your child for not allowing them to transition at 12 or older.

4. No i dont, it could also be threats too, but i chose to go with bribes as thats better option, between the two.

well i think a larger question is why does anyone think anything, does the creation of a thought automatically create a question as a biproduct? im not here to determine what i am or am not doing, this isnt about me, this was me simply reminding you that there are things you are to merely comply with and not question.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2014
You don't need to be religious to start a religion. A religion can still be known even if there are no followers.

Also, some "religions" are literally anti-politics.

If you'd rather deviate, can government exist without religion?
So then you agree Religion is an institution. Why? Because it is a business none the less, and its managed by non religious leaders.

Also, anything that's religious must (in some way or another) represent or be related to a religion, there's no other way. Its etymologically simple and direct.

By being "anti-politics" they're politizing the fact. It's like when you say you're supporting a group against another one but don't have anything against the latter.

Any government exist thanks to religion (once again, remember Middle Ages) or there wouldn't be "holy-days" on a calendar (any calendar), and many "official" activities in any given country would not be related to religious matters.


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2013
many yougnsters or people using this word haphazardly, tend to forget the original definition of it
Yes, it literally meant pre-judgement of a person, and when applied to the ethnicity of a person, it's the very definition of racism. Couldn't be clearer, really. Bigots couldn't care less about the individual, it's his life job to prove he is different from the image they have in their head. Are they, say, all lazy, or have a lot given up on getting a job that doesn't kill them and pays the bills. Do they come for the easy life, or are they running from foreign backed coups, sanctions, bombs, pollution, and dreadful foreign financed conditions?
Real life is messy. Yeah, people on the center and on the left can pretend it's easy to integrate and get along when it really isn't, but that doesn't make the place of birth or color of the skin have special powers. Trying to put the genie in the bottle isn't a solution, not even a feel good one.

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