So I just got Xenoblade Chronicles and was looking forward to playing it, alas, it was not to be; I first noticed something was up when my Wii refused to update off the Xenoblade disk, but shurgged it off as the update not playing nice with the softmods. I then tried to rip the dvd onto my USB Hard Disk, but it either errored out in opening the disk, or would freeze when ripping commenced; I then proceeded to try all of my remaining Wii Games, none of them would rip.
I need some advice, preferably some DIY advice (I already tried getting my wii repaired once, hbc detected, no cigar). Should I just get myself a new wii and try again?
I need some advice, preferably some DIY advice (I already tried getting my wii repaired once, hbc detected, no cigar). Should I just get myself a new wii and try again?