Hacking Wii U Sysnand backup :NOOb Question


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2015
I'm going to install cfw on to a Wii U, looks all straight forward, I have a 32gb version and one of the optional steps is to make a back up of the Sysnand so ill need a 64GB which I dont have atm.

Reading through the guide it says dont do this and that or you will brick it once cfw is setup, So my question at what point will a backup be of any use to restore the Sysnand? If I brick it cant use it, if I update and Nintendos update defeats the cfw I cant restore it.... Its the right thing to do.. but I'm wondering how useful is it really?


Welcome to the Machine
Oct 10, 2009
United States
which guide did you read? it won't brick the wii u - why would it? it's a safeguard in case anything were to happen.


GBATemp's lurking knight
Former Staff
Oct 27, 2002
Engine room, learning
please, don't use WiiU.Guide website.
it's bad, missing things, telling you to do unneeded things, and people just come here after doing everything and has their wiiu in unusable wrong state. (you can find how many users asked for help after following this website with a simple forum search)

Please, follow Kafluke guide instead.
and before following it, read it and understand it, see what you need and understand why you will have to do things.
It might sound strange, but always read a guide fully and understand what you'll have to do before starting it. try to read other guides and cross them together to compare and see which one is better (more explanation, more up to date, etc.)

About The NAND Backup, it's just in case something bad happen you will be able to write that backup to your console using a hardware flasher (teensy).
You can also open/extract files from your backup on PC, in case you need some files in it (keys, etc.), but you shouldn't need to if you follow tutorials correctly and get your own keys (OTP/SEEPROM dump).

About the brick, You can brick by doing this :
- format the WiiU while having CBHC installed ! NEVER format your wiiu !
- messing with internal system file manually (NAND access, using FTP server homebrew for example)
- (re)installing the NDS game used by CBHC using a pirated version of that title.
I think that's all.

You can't really move/delete the title used by CBHC, it has protection against it.
the only protection it doesn't have is title overwriting. if you replace/reinstall the NDS title, you'll brick.

Note :
you don't even need to install CBHC !!!
only install what you really need or want, don't install CBHC if you want haxchi !
don't install haxchi if you want browser hax...
just look at kafluke's graphic, and decide what you need to follow.
Wiiu guide forces you to install ALL existing things, even unneeded and problematic ones (like Mocha, or redNAND.... it's removed, good)

it also make you look stupid :
"to launch the homebrew launcher, you need to launch Mocha, then you can launch homebrew launcher !"
except that you already are inside the homebrew launcher if you want to launch Mocha... so you don't need Mocha to launch the homebrew launcher (and you definitely not need the channel version of it)
it's full of things like that, written by users who already understand and have a patched console, but not written with complete newbie in mind.
At least, it's trying to help. not a lot of people are taking the time to help others, but it's still incomplete and wrong.
Last edited by Cyan,


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2015
Perfect thanks, thats what I was after, I shall read through that guide.

teensy hey hmm gets me thinking....


GBATemp's lurking knight
Former Staff
Oct 27, 2002
Engine room, learning
like you see, you don't really need to do the NAND backup, you will never restore your backup :/
that's why it's optional on wiiu.guide
BUT at least, do the step to get your OTP and SEEPROM ! (few Kb)
just skip the SLC(wiiu system)/SLCCMP(vwii)/MLC (wiiu data)
or maybe do the SLC (528MB) it contains your console's system file. you can extract them with the OTP/SEEPROM from your computer in case one day you need to restore a file on your console. but you will not be able to restore the backup image if you don't have all 3 dumped NAND files. so, it's up to you to choose just the keys, or everything.
Last edited by Cyan,
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Well-Known Member
May 6, 2006
United States
@Cyan , I hope you copied that somewhere so you can paste it again the next time we have a wiiu.guide user asking for help (every day). You and I and @Felek666 and @godreborn and many others are constantly having to type out an explanation over and over.

Maybe a sticky is in order? Something like "Don't use wiiu.guide" lol
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GBATemp's lurking knight
Former Staff
Oct 27, 2002
Engine room, learning
users only come here for help after following it :(
ok, not always, Toccy came here before doing it.

the guide has wrong things, but I don't want to "officially" (with a sticky) bash it, at least they are trying to fix their wrongs. they already removed the rednand part.
it's mostly missing proper explanations and user choices.I hope it might be fixed one day.
in its current state it has a lot of word error and explanation mistakes. (using the word "mocha" instead of "cfw" for example, there's a tutorial to "delete mocha" while mocha is NEVER installed, it's just confusing the users instead of helping them)
I reread it fully today, and still found lot of things which could be fixed and needed a proper grammar/chronological way to explain to a user who never hacked a console before.

I also found things in your guide which could benefit some "fixes".
but it's because there's a lot of possibilities that it's being hard to maintain.
For example, in your graphic, step 2 you give the choice to use haxchi or browser, but on step 4 you say "haxchi is enough" even though the user chose browser hack at step2. it's confusing, as browser hack is also enough, haxchi is not needed to play good signed games.
don't take it bad, I'm also trying to get users less confused when reading things they are not familiar with.

I also think it would benefit from having a paragraph at the beginning to explain what is currently possible to do with a hacked wiiu.
I'm sure newbie and non-techy people are still wondering what they are doing and why.
Something like a global current situation : you can launch homebrew, you can install game on wiiu or play them from a loader, you can play them online without ban fear, you can launch wiiu games without a CFW, you can get CFW without installing one on the console (temporary CFW from browser hack), CFW will allow you to play out of region games or bad signed games (what is badsigned? etc.), you can hack vwii, you can play gamecube games even without a hacked vWii, you can get gamepad support on Wii and gamecube games!)
see, something like "what's possible currently?", something users can understand "what do I need for what I want to do?"
part of that explanation is in step5, which is good too. no need to read if not interested.

I wish I had time to unit all people who write guides and talk about each guide's steps and fix them. but maybe I hope too much :P
I once tried to tell a userwhat was wrong in his guide (he asked for me to read it and tell him what I thought, big mistake!), he didn't take it well and thought I only wanted to criticize and say the guide was bad. I only wanted to help users reading it. as a result, he still thought HIS way of writing it was good and kept errors and mistakes and chronological errors in it :(
I wish I could just remove problematic guides to prevent users from following them, to prevent users having to ask for help to fix the console due to bad guides. that's not how this forum works, too bad, we instead spend time helping users over and over after letting them follow bad written guides we purposely kept visible.
it's like maintaining people ill on purpose so that you can get money by selling drugs. (except we don't get paid)
Last edited by Cyan,


Well-Known Member
May 6, 2006
United States
users only come here for help after following it :(
ok, not always, Toccy came here before doing it.

the guide has wrong things, but I don't want to "officially" (with a sticky) bash it, at least they are trying to fix their wrongs. they already removed the rednand part.
it's mostly missing proper explanations and user choices.I hope it might be fixed one day.
in its current state it has a lot of word error and explanation mistakes. (using the word "mocha" instead of "cfw" for example, there's a tutorial to "delete mocha" while mocha is NEVER installed, it's just confusing the users instead of helping them)
I reread it fully today, and still found lot of things which could be fixed and needed a proper grammar/chronological way to explain to a user who never hacked a console before.

I also found things in your guide which could benefit some "fixes".
but it's because there's a lot of possibilities that it's being hard to maintain.
For example, in your graphic, step 2 you give the choice to use haxchi or browser, but on step 4 you say "haxchi is enough" even though the user chose browser hack at step2. it's confusing, as browser hack is also enough, haxchi is not needed to play good signed games.
don't take it bad, I'm also trying to get users less confused when reading things they are not familiar with.

I also think it would benefit from having a paragraph at the beginning to explain what is currently possible to do with a hacked wiiu.
I'm sure newbie and non-techy people are still wondering what they are doing and why.
Something like a global current situation : you can launch homebrew, you can install game on wiiu or play them from a loader, you can play them online without ban fear, you can launch wiiu games without a CFW, you can get CFW without installing one on the console (temporary CFW from browser hack), CFW will allow you to play out of region games or bad signed games (what is badsigned? etc.), you can hack vwii, you can play gamecube games even without a hacked vWii, you can get gamepad support on Wii and gamecube games!)
see, something like "what's possible currently?", something users can understand "what do I need for what I want to do?"
part of that explanation is in step5, which is good too. no need to read if not interested.

I wish I had time to unit all people who write guides and talk about each guide's steps and fix them. but maybe I hope too much :P
I once tried to tell a userwhat was wrong in his guide (he asked for me to read it and tell him what I thought, big mistake!), he didn't take it well and thought I only wanted to criticize and say the guide was bad. I only wanted to help users reading it. as a result, he still thought HIS way of writing it was good and kept errors and mistakes and chronological errors in it :(
I wish I could just remove problematic guides to prevent users from following them, to prevent users having to ask for help to fix the console due to bad guides. that's not how this forum works, too bad, we instead spend time helping users over and over after letting them follow bad written guides we purposely kept visible.
it's like maintaining people ill on purpose so that you can get money by selling drugs. (except we don't get paid)
I love all these points! I'll incorporate them all! That's why I love our guide. Because it's not "my" guide. So many have contributed and I'm always willing to take constructive ctitism.

I actually regularly "unhack" my Wii u and ask one of my kids to see if they can follow the noob guide. When I go through it I tend to overlook things I already know.

Also, it's a community guide and you're a mod. Feel free to change anything you want. Just update the changelog when you do.

Like you said, I don't get paid to do this so I need everyone's help!
Last edited by Kafluke,


Dec 5, 2021
United States
I love all these points! I'll incorporate them all! That's why I love our guide. Because it's not "my" guide. So many have contributed and I'm always willing to take constructive ctitism.

I actually regularly "unhack" my Wii u and ask one of my kids to see if they can follow the noob guide. When I go through it I tend to overlook things I already know.

Also, it's a community guide and you're a mod. Feel free to change anything you want. Just update the changelog when you do.

Like you said, I don't get paid to do this so I need everyone's help!
I know this is an old thread, but I was wanting to install cfw on my wii u after the announcement of the wiiu and 3ds eshops closing. Will this guide work with a system running 5.5.5U?

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  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    there is a plugin that display them on the wii u menu, pretty sure it is enabled by default
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
    so like it doesnt exist
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    it doesn't exist, at least not for aroma
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    on tiramisu you can access it by opening mii maker
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    I don't have a wii u anymore to test it myself, but if homebrews are not visible on the wii u menu I think you can press L + R + minus to open the plugin menu, there should be an option called "homebrews on wii u menu" or something similar
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
    it is L+dpad down+ select
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
    but homebrew is appearing in the home menu btw
  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    yes, now I remember it
  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    then it is working, I also don't like that they did this but it is the only option you have if you are using aroma
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
    i just didint know the homebrew launcher didint exist in aroma
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
    thanks btw
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    @Xdqwerty you can use a "spawner" function on any object.
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    Or when your player dies, you can say in code, if enemy exists, do nothing, but if enemy does not exist, then create enemy at certain spot. (This would be a pain tho for lots of emeies)
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    Easiest, simple way would be just restart scene, but player would restart from beginning.
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @BigOnYa, thx in advance
    Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty: @BigOnYa, thx in advance +1