1-My computer only has a slot for reading SD cards.
2-I have a USB reader that came with my Acekard 2.1.
3-I think I bought a fake 4GB sandisk microsdhc card.
When I use the microsdhc card with the USB reader, the computer has no problems reading it. Is this normal? I read somewhere that by using a USB adapter, you trick the cpu into thinking that it's just another harddrive, so that's why there is no problem with the pc reading it ( although it will only work with up to 8gb microsdhc cards ). Or did my computer read it because since the card is fake, maybe is just a microSD card with less than 2gb that got tweaked to look like a 4gb one.
I used an original class 6 4gb a-data microsdhc card with the USB adapter, and even though everything went good at first, after some file transfering, I started getting a lot of errors and pc freezings, and later the card became corrupted and died.
So, what was the cause of the errors and freezings?
A- Was it that my computer can't read SDHC cards at all?
B- Was it that the a-data card was not compatible with my computer?
What do you think?
I need to get a new micro card but don't know which one to get. I can get an original 2GB sandisk microsdhc card at FRYs for 10 bucks, or I can get an original 4gb kingston microsdhc for 10-12 dollars at newegg ( but with the doubt that it won't be compatible with my computer ).
2-I have a USB reader that came with my Acekard 2.1.
3-I think I bought a fake 4GB sandisk microsdhc card.
When I use the microsdhc card with the USB reader, the computer has no problems reading it. Is this normal? I read somewhere that by using a USB adapter, you trick the cpu into thinking that it's just another harddrive, so that's why there is no problem with the pc reading it ( although it will only work with up to 8gb microsdhc cards ). Or did my computer read it because since the card is fake, maybe is just a microSD card with less than 2gb that got tweaked to look like a 4gb one.
I used an original class 6 4gb a-data microsdhc card with the USB adapter, and even though everything went good at first, after some file transfering, I started getting a lot of errors and pc freezings, and later the card became corrupted and died.
So, what was the cause of the errors and freezings?
A- Was it that my computer can't read SDHC cards at all?
B- Was it that the a-data card was not compatible with my computer?
What do you think?
I need to get a new micro card but don't know which one to get. I can get an original 2GB sandisk microsdhc card at FRYs for 10 bucks, or I can get an original 4gb kingston microsdhc for 10-12 dollars at newegg ( but with the doubt that it won't be compatible with my computer ).