Hardware USB Doing strange things

  • Thread starter Deleted User
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  • Views 738
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Deleted User

Hello, so a USB I bought from china (always a good sign) is acting up. I got it today, and first I ran h2testw on it to test if the storage was correct (h2wtest didn't finish, it only copied like 28GB) and stopped. So I closed to program and tried formatting the USB. Trying that just froze my PC and I restarted it. What I notice straight away is that my Bios is stuck. I unplug my USB drive and it magically enters grub boot. This happens every time I start up my PC with this USB entered in. It is now not detected in Linux OR Windows and just shows as UDisk in Windows. I am wondering if there is any way I can get it working again, removing the device from windows and installing generic usb drivers didn't work, and I can't find any drivers from the company, so I am wondering if there are any live ISOs that can format it or any way I can get this working. Thanks.

Deleted User

I found out why the USB was stopping my BIOS, is because I have UEFI to boot from any USB that is plugged in, whoops!

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