CarbonX13 said:
somerandomguyO_O said:
Vulpes Abnocto said:
I'm guessing there will be a ton of disappointed griping that the 3d feature isn't nearly as good as people expected it to be....and lots of broken 3d sliders.
Plus one to this.
Make that +2.
And I'm just going to assume there will be the ridiculous questions like "why is my R4 not working?", "does this game work on NTSC / PAL?", "is this game in 3D or not?", etc.
Also, the age old questions....
-"Why doesn't adjusting the 3D slider do anything while I'm playing *Game not made specifically for the 3DS (i.e. Spirit Tracks or DQIX)*?"
-"Why doesn't my Action Reply work on my 3DS?"
-"Why aren't my games in 3D?" *It ends up their 3D slider is turned all the way down*
-"Where can I download *3DS game*?"
-"When will *3DS game* be released as a ROM?"
-"So the 3DS is out, can I play *DSi Exclusive game or DSiWare* on my Acekard now?"
-"Who's hacking the 3DS?"
-"Is the 3DS hacked yet?"
-"Can you get the 3DS common code by hacking into the DSi's internal firmware and flashing it?" *Or some other random question where nobody knows what they're talking about*
-"Can 3DS connect to 3D TV?"
-"How to play *3DS game* on No$GBA?"
That's what I'm expecting. XD