We all know it is very obvious that of course climate change doesn't exist and global warming is hoax by FAKE NEWS media. But there are some interesting weather patterns occurring that are confusing some of the gullab le population into believing otherwise.
Ocean temperatures rising. Alaska hitting 90°F/32.2°C. Polar ice caps melting.
While the less-gifted portion of the population may scream "climate change!", there is only one logical explanation: everything on Earth except the climate is getting colder.
So here we are, wasting money researching a myth, when we need to be heating everything up ourselves! WE NEED MORE GREENHOUSE GASES IN THE ATMOSPHERE. We need to stop subsidizing renewable energy, and stop limiting coal use. It's been proven that Earth goes through cyclical ice ages, everything got too cold until the volcanos shot lava and greenhouse gases into the air, warming everything back up.
Do your part, burn coal and dispose of your renewables! Don't just leave a carbon footprint, make a fucking CARBON ANGEL.
Ocean temperatures rising. Alaska hitting 90°F/32.2°C. Polar ice caps melting.
While the less-gifted portion of the population may scream "climate change!", there is only one logical explanation: everything on Earth except the climate is getting colder.
So here we are, wasting money researching a myth, when we need to be heating everything up ourselves! WE NEED MORE GREENHOUSE GASES IN THE ATMOSPHERE. We need to stop subsidizing renewable energy, and stop limiting coal use. It's been proven that Earth goes through cyclical ice ages, everything got too cold until the volcanos shot lava and greenhouse gases into the air, warming everything back up.
Do your part, burn coal and dispose of your renewables! Don't just leave a carbon footprint, make a fucking CARBON ANGEL.