so i have been loyal to the jailbreak scene from the beginning and have had full faith in it like many of you. No game has been worth me upgrading to the current fw to play... not MW3, being able to play UC3 w/o freezes, etc... but my all time favorite series, the "tales of" series, is localizing Graces f, and i have to not only support it by buying a pre ordered copy, but i gotta play it too! So my question is assuming no amazing breakthrough in the scene occurs between now and march 13th(its release date), how do you recommend I play the game? I do not want to have to do the soldering of some of the chips that allow you to go back and forth in fw (downgrading and upgrading fw)... & i know true blue has nothing but hate here, but I feel like a desperate nerd here needing his fill of tales of! Help!