Hacking Switched to a new MicroSD - "Save file not founded" error


Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2013
I have been using an 8gb kingston class 4 microsd with r4. I decided to upgrade to a 16gb sandisk class 10. In order to do so, I copied all the files in my previous sd card, into the new one. However, when I try to open one of the new games, I get the "save file not founded" (yes, it says "founded") error.
- My previous sd card still works the way it should.
- The same games that work with the kingston microsd, give the error mentioned above when using the new microsd
- I can see the menus and the games, so the files must have transferred correctly.
- I reformatted the new sd card and tried copying the games again. The results remain the same.
- I have read in a similar topic that the problem is caused by file names being under 8 letters and/or having spaces. To be sure, I replaced the names of several games accordingly. It did not make any difference. Furthermore, none of the games that had spaces between the words caused a similar error with the previous sd card.
- Another possible explanation was that the extension of the save files were ".SAV" (with uppercase) and I needed to change them to ".sav". Again, it did not help and this did not cause any problems with the previous sd card.

What could be the problem? Was copying all the files a mistake? Shoul I have copied only the game files and some other stuff and exclude the others?

I would appreciate your help.


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