Hello, I am looking for some assistance. Rabi-Ribi was recently released, I was playing it on PC but would like to transfer my save over to the Switch to resume play.
I have tried exporting my save via Checkpoint and comparing the save file on the PC. The PC has files named "save0.sav" and "save1.sav" and the Switch does too. I tried copying the save0 and save1 to Checkpoint and restoring the save. However, the game loads but then crashes just before the title screen. So it seems the saves may be in a slightly different format? Is it possible that someone knows how to convert the save over, or perhaps it would require a save convertor?
I have tried exporting my save via Checkpoint and comparing the save file on the PC. The PC has files named "save0.sav" and "save1.sav" and the Switch does too. I tried copying the save0 and save1 to Checkpoint and restoring the save. However, the game loads but then crashes just before the title screen. So it seems the saves may be in a slightly different format? Is it possible that someone knows how to convert the save over, or perhaps it would require a save convertor?