Hello there tempers! As the title states, i am interested in reviving my R4i Ultra!
For those who dont know, it is a clone of Acekard 2(i).
As Such, using certain things made for Acekard allows to be run on it, Sadly, AKAIO is NOT one of those things.
Currently, I am running YSMenu made using AK2YSAuto. This Uses akloader.nds to run its games.
Because of this, as far as i know, I am unable to use the extinfo.dat and other related .dat's to update/run new games like the Regular YSMenu.
If anyone knows anyway i can get the regular, updatable YSMenu to work on my AK2 clone, i would be very grateful, or even if i could update my current YSMenu to play new games. It runs using the same loader as old Acekard Official firmware 4.23.
Thanks again,
For those who dont know, it is a clone of Acekard 2(i).
As Such, using certain things made for Acekard allows to be run on it, Sadly, AKAIO is NOT one of those things.
Currently, I am running YSMenu made using AK2YSAuto. This Uses akloader.nds to run its games.
Because of this, as far as i know, I am unable to use the extinfo.dat and other related .dat's to update/run new games like the Regular YSMenu.
If anyone knows anyway i can get the regular, updatable YSMenu to work on my AK2 clone, i would be very grateful, or even if i could update my current YSMenu to play new games. It runs using the same loader as old Acekard Official firmware 4.23.
Thanks again,