Hacking Question about NNID Regarding Fieldrunners

  • Thread starter Deleted-379826
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  • Views 1,140
  • Replies 3


Ok Ok, first Off I have asked in the noob paradise and it's been over 12 hours, don't have too much time and want to get started soon! I also think this can help other people if they do not want to pay to help a friend, Thank you!

Just wanna know if this would work, wanna do fieldrunners exploit with my cousin on his old 3ds. I have mine and it's linked to my Nnid and his is linked to his and he has money. I was wondering if I created an emunand and then formatted (so it unlinked my NDID and BTW I'm also on a9lh). Then after that if he formats his system and finally I log into his Nnid on my emunand. So then I can purchase fieldrunners on my emuNAND with his money to use for the exploit. Possible? Thanks!


Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2016
United States
Ok Ok, first Off I have asked in the noob paradise and it's been over 12 hours, don't have too much time and want to get started soon! I also think this can help other people if they do not want to pay to help a friend, Thank you!

Just wanna know if this would work, wanna do fieldrunners exploit with my cousin on his old 3ds. I have mine and it's linked to my Nnid and his is linked to his and he has money. I was wondering if I created an emunand and then formatted (so it unlinked my NDID and BTW I'm also on a9lh). Then after that if he formats his system and finally I log into his Nnid on my emunand. So then I can purchase fieldrunners on my emuNAND with his money to use for the exploit. Possible? Thanks!

The only way to use his NNID is by system transfer. Format just unlinks it and the servers only will allow his 3ds to connect to the NNID.
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Dead and alive
Nov 23, 2014
Canberra, Australia
Not sure I understand exactly what you want to do, but, you can't sign in with your NNID on another 3DS without doing a system transfer first (or calling Nintendo and asking them to link it with the other 3DS because the first one was stolen/dropped in water/etc and you can't do a system transfer).

Edit: ninja'd. How weird that the post is an hour old but we both replied at the same time!
Last edited by Quantumcat,
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Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 2016
Backup your data (nand), format your 3DS, system transfer his account to your 3DS, buy the game with his account, do stuff (savegame exploit), wait til you can system transfer to his 3DS, system transfer to his 3DS, restore your backup, profit (?)
PS: I'm not 100% sure that this will work
Last edited by piterayo,

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