When I first entered the PSP scene, I had limited knowledge of file names and terms used with forums. Though, now that I have a bit more knowledge, I think I could create a PSP Jargon Dictionary.
Here is a list of words and terms that you may come across in forums or websites:
Types of PSPs
PSP-1000 - FAT / Original PSP OR PSP FAT
PSP-2000 - Slim PSP OR PSP Slim
PSP-3000 - Brite PSP OR PSP Brite
PSP-N1000 - PSP Go
PSP regions
PSP-x000 - Japan
PSP-x001 - US / North America
PSP-x002 - Australia / New Zealand
PSP-x003 - UK
PSP-x004 - Europe
PSP-x005 - Korea
PSP-x006 - Hong Kong / Singapore
PSP-x007 - Taiwan
PSP-x008 - CIS
PSP-x009 - China
PSP-x010 - Central / South America
x = 1,2,3,N1
File Formats
EBOOT.PBP - A File format that is usable by the PSP. PSP's way of packaging a bunch of files. Sorta like a folder or .rar file.
.iso - An image of a disc/UMD
.cso - A compressed image of a disc/UMD
.ctf - Custom Theme; Requiring custom firmware
.ptf - Theme that works on OFW and CFW
.prx - A file format used for plugins.
.pmf - A video format of the PSP. Also usable on the PC.
Types of ISO Labels
Clean - Untouched copy of the UMD put into a ISO format.
Patched - A backup that has a fix applied to it so it can bypass AP. May also be patched for translation/alterations.
Cracktro - A introduction made by the game "cracker" which then leads to the game. Also known as Cracked Intro
Nuked - A backup that has been labeled bad. Normally a bad dump causes this.
Cracked - A backup that allows bypassing of AP. Normally done by the dump uploader.
Full - The complete backup, also known as clean.
Ripped - Very large files removed from the ISO to make smaller. Still able to work however (Normally videos or music files are stripped from the ISO).
Downsampled - BGM, voices, and/or movies had their quality lowered to a smaller yet still very playable condition.
Firmware/Homebrew related
Firmware - The "Operating System" of the PSP.
Homebrew - A release of software / game made by individuals outside of Sony. (Do not work for Sony) Normally made to utilise the consoles full abilities.
CFW / Custom Firmware - A firmware made to run back up games.
OFW / Official Firmware - A firmware released by Sony PSP.
SE - An older custom firmware by Dark_Alex.
Here is a list of words and terms that you may come across in forums or websites:
Types of PSPs
PSP-1000 - FAT / Original PSP OR PSP FAT
PSP-2000 - Slim PSP OR PSP Slim
PSP-3000 - Brite PSP OR PSP Brite
PSP-N1000 - PSP Go
PSP regions
PSP-x000 - Japan
PSP-x001 - US / North America
PSP-x002 - Australia / New Zealand
PSP-x003 - UK
PSP-x004 - Europe
PSP-x005 - Korea
PSP-x006 - Hong Kong / Singapore
PSP-x007 - Taiwan
PSP-x008 - CIS
PSP-x009 - China
PSP-x010 - Central / South America
x = 1,2,3,N1
File Formats
EBOOT.PBP - A File format that is usable by the PSP. PSP's way of packaging a bunch of files. Sorta like a folder or .rar file.
.iso - An image of a disc/UMD
.cso - A compressed image of a disc/UMD
.ctf - Custom Theme; Requiring custom firmware
.ptf - Theme that works on OFW and CFW
.prx - A file format used for plugins.
.pmf - A video format of the PSP. Also usable on the PC.
1st Letter U is UMD, beta or demo. N means playstation network. HB is usually a demo a special demo.
2nd Letter L is UMD. P PSN. C Beta or demo.
3rd Letter U USA. E Europe. J Japan. A Asia. 1-9 demos betas and some other stuff rather not go over it
4th Letter is where it gets crazy some are numbers others are letters. Also some of them cross over making it insane to put them all into a category. S M G Z S H D T
HB gets crazy afterwards
By Rasas
2nd Letter L is UMD. P PSN. C Beta or demo.
3rd Letter U USA. E Europe. J Japan. A Asia. 1-9 demos betas and some other stuff rather not go over it
4th Letter is where it gets crazy some are numbers others are letters. Also some of them cross over making it insane to put them all into a category. S M G Z S H D T
HB gets crazy afterwards
By Rasas
Types of ISO Labels
Clean - Untouched copy of the UMD put into a ISO format.
Patched - A backup that has a fix applied to it so it can bypass AP. May also be patched for translation/alterations.
Cracktro - A introduction made by the game "cracker" which then leads to the game. Also known as Cracked Intro
Nuked - A backup that has been labeled bad. Normally a bad dump causes this.
Cracked - A backup that allows bypassing of AP. Normally done by the dump uploader.
Full - The complete backup, also known as clean.
Ripped - Very large files removed from the ISO to make smaller. Still able to work however (Normally videos or music files are stripped from the ISO).
Downsampled - BGM, voices, and/or movies had their quality lowered to a smaller yet still very playable condition.
Firmware/Homebrew related
Firmware - The "Operating System" of the PSP.
Homebrew - A release of software / game made by individuals outside of Sony. (Do not work for Sony) Normally made to utilise the consoles full abilities.
CFW / Custom Firmware - A firmware made to run back up games.
OFW / Official Firmware - A firmware released by Sony PSP.
SE - An older custom firmware by Dark_Alex.