I've been really lucky and some random person in a game shop gave me his old PS2. In addition to that I've been given over eighty games (fake and before 2007 so no recent ones) + to play with since he bought a new PS3.
What Games should I get? ( Preferably the one with the one with the best graphics or the one that is all out fun)
-Shooting ( I heard that Cod on PS2 sucks though)
This is what I already have which I like and/or about to get:
H= Have
G= Get
1. God of War I, II (H)
2. Yakuza (H)
3. WWE Raw V.S Smackdown 2011 (G)
4. Burnout 3 (G)
5. Need for Speed ( I don't know what to get)
6. Tom & Jerry (Gonna get it because I had so much fun when I played it as kid)
7. Tekken 5 ( G)
8. Star Wars ( I want to get the one the one where you play as clones)
9. GTA Vice City (H)
10. GTA San Andreas (G)
11. NBA 2K11 ( G if it's for PS2 as well)
Please Help !
What Games should I get? ( Preferably the one with the one with the best graphics or the one that is all out fun)
-Shooting ( I heard that Cod on PS2 sucks though)
This is what I already have which I like and/or about to get:
H= Have
G= Get
1. God of War I, II (H)
2. Yakuza (H)
3. WWE Raw V.S Smackdown 2011 (G)
4. Burnout 3 (G)
5. Need for Speed ( I don't know what to get)
6. Tom & Jerry (Gonna get it because I had so much fun when I played it as kid)
7. Tekken 5 ( G)
8. Star Wars ( I want to get the one the one where you play as clones)
9. GTA Vice City (H)
10. GTA San Andreas (G)
11. NBA 2K11 ( G if it's for PS2 as well)
Please Help !