My PS2 Slim is making a lot of noise and after changing official composite cables for third-party component ones, the TV blacks out. I no longer have official composite cables.
Last edited by Windows_10_User,
My PS2 Slim is doing a lot of noise (I don't know and I'm afraid of opening it to clean it and/or replace the thermal pads) and after changing the original composite cables for component ones the TV screen flickers (it goes back and returns to normal) for some seconds (it does this a lot of times). I no longer have the original composite cables.
Also, although minor problems, it not always reads a PS2 Memory Card (and I suppose a PS1 one) and a game disc (and I suppose a movie disc) but (I think) if I don't insert the Memory Card the farthest I can it reads it. If I take out a game disc and insert it again it often reads it (maybe I don't even have to take it out sometimes and just click on the power button) and there are times (if not always) I simply put my hand on the PS2, the game disc does a "rotating sound" and the PS2 stops reading it (if I simply click on the power button it may read it again).
Sorry for your troubles with your PlayStation 2.
It sounds like it has a "very interesting" time behind it.
The Memory Card issue can came from an bad/dirty contact through maybe dust or similar.Can you please try another Memory Card before you take "actions" on your PlayStation ?
You can try to take a strong blow in the PlayStation´s Memory Card Connector.
The Game Reading Issue can have many reasons.A dirty Laser Lens or maybe scratched Game Discs.By the Way,is your PlayStation "original" or does it have an Modchip for playing Backups ?
The "noise" (comes as you described from "inside" your PlayStation) can maybe also dust/dirt in the Fan.
The best Solution (you said you are afraid of opening your PlayStation) if you can use an air compressor to get out the dust/dirt.
Maybe some of this Tips helps.
Thank you.
Sounds to me like a mixture of things. I have some ideas on the 2nd half of your post but I have personal experience with the first half so I'll keep my advice focused on that. You may live in an old house and have some strange wiring. This would lead to interference in cheap and poorly shielded component cables and cause flickering and intermittent black screens that last 2-3 seconds. If that's the case then you'd need better cables than the regular 3rd party Chinese stuff that's sold everywhere. That would mean you'd need original OEM sony component cables for the PS2 or high quality ones from HD retrovision but you'd be hard pressed to find either for under $30. It's not optimal but those $10 PS2toHDMI adapters may work for you although they aren't perfect by any means (some adapters wont have 240p support and all of them have crushed blacks and noise here and there along with no support for anything higher than 576p) but I've never tried them in houses that have this issue so I have no idea. Whatever you decide to do Just don't buy the Pound PS2 HDMI cables if you're trying to do component because those are RGB.My PS2 Slim is doing a lot of noise (I don't know and I'm afraid of opening it to clean it and/or replace the thermal pads) and after changing the original composite cables for component ones the TV screen flickers (it goes back and returns to normal) for some seconds (it does this a lot of times). I no longer have the original composite cables.
Also, although minor problems, it not always reads a PS2 Memory Card (and I suppose a PS1 one) and a game disc (and I suppose a movie disc) but (I think) if I don't insert the Memory Card the farthest I can it reads it. If I take out a game disc and insert it again it often reads it (maybe I don't even have to take it out sometimes and just click on the power button) and there are times (if not always) I simply put my hand on the PS2, the game disc does a "rotating sound" and the PS2 stops reading it (if I simply click on the power button it may read it again).
Sounds to me like a mixture of things. I have some ideas on the 2nd half of your post but I have personal experience with the first half so I'll keep my advice focused on that. You may live in an old house and have some strange wiring. This would lead to interference in cheap and poorly shielded component cables and cause flickering and intermittent black screens that last 2-3 seconds. If that's the case then you'd need better cables than the regular 3rd party Chinese stuff that's sold everywhere. That would mean you'd need original OEM sony component cables for the PS2 or high quality ones from HD retrovision but you'd be hard pressed to find either for under $30. It's not optimal but those $10 PS2toHDMI adapters may work for you although they aren't perfect by any means (some adapters wont have 240p support and all of them have crushed blacks and noise here and there along with no support for anything higher than 576p) but I've never tried them in houses that have this issue so I have no idea. Whatever you decide to do Just don't buy the Pound PS2 HDMI cables if you're trying to do component because those are RGB.
The memory card problem could be dirty contacts but I have no real idea. In regards to the loud noises you get from your consoles the only real way to remedy that in my experience is to place it in a non enclosed and open space so that the fans have room to take in and push out air. Even replacing the thermal paste on PS3 is a temporary measure if it's placed in a small area such as the inside of a tv stand(no it being open from the front or having a hole in the back won't really help) Dust can be a factor as well. If your component issue with your PS2 looks like the example in the video below then I'd say its the cables but there are so many possible causes for noise we can never be really sure. I'm pretty sure HD retrovision ships abroad but you'd have to check yourself. You can use a small HDMI switcher or box to get an extra HDMI port or two out of your TV if thats an issue. Yes PS2 games can have higher resolutions that you'd think. If you want an extreme example, GT4 has a 1080i mode.I've noticed my PS2 (and my PS3 [which is ever louder], the Memory Cards and other things) has a lot of dust (outside) because the forniture has a lot of it so do you think this might be related with the noise problems (at least, maybe with even more problems)? Even if it has, after cleaning the forniture I suppose I'll keep having them because the PS2, PS3 and Memory Cards may have to be cleaned from inside (or if I only clean them from inside I also have to clean the forniture). The problem is that I don't know how to apply the thermal paste on the PS3 and change the thermal pads on the PS2 (I don't even know how to open the PS2, PS3 and the Memory Cards). According to what I've searched, the flickering screen problem might be related to the power supply which supported the composite cables but may not support the component ones. If so, even after changing the component cables I may still have the flickering screen problem. Well, the problem is that my TV (which is 9 or 10 years old) only has two HDMI entries and both of them are occupied (by the PS3 and the Power Box). What do you mean by adapters with no support for anything higher than 576p? Does the PS2 support 720p, for example? I didn't know the PS2 came with component cables. I thought it only came with composite ones and any component cables would work. I remember the PS3 came with composite or component cables but regardless of that I can't use them on the PS2 (assuming it would support them) since I no longer have them too. Can I order from HD Retrovision from abroad and where can I find original component cables for the PS2? A simple solution might be replacing the component cables with composite ones but maybe I could still have this problem if they have low quality. Also, I've noticed the TV is very hot after turning on the PS2 and even more after turning on the PS3.
The memory card problem could be dirty contacts but I have no real idea. In regards to the loud noises you get from your consoles the only real way to remedy that in my experience is to place it in a non enclosed and open space so that the fans have room to take in and push out air. Even replacing the thermal paste on PS3 is a temporary measure if it's placed in a small area such as the inside of a tv stand(no it being open from the front or having a hole in the back won't really help) Dust can be a factor as well. If your component issue with your PS2 looks like the example in the video below then I'd say its the cables but there are so many possible causes for noise we can never be really sure. I'm pretty sure HD retrovision ships abroad but you'd have to check yourself. You can use a small HDMI switcher or box to get an extra HDMI port or two out of your TV if thats an issue. Yes PS2 games can have higher resolutions that you'd think. If you want an extreme example, GT4 has a 1080i mode.
I doubt it. The later generation of cables look like this. you think these ones are Sony component cables?
I doubt it. The later generation of cables look like this.
Are they OEM cables or third party ones.? Im talking about the OEM ones.The ones I showed you look exactly like mine.
Are they OEM cables or third party ones.? Im talking about the OEM ones.
Yes and there are even differences in color accuracy between official and HD retrovision cables when compared to other 3rd party ones. If you want to know more about PS2 video check out the my life in gaming video on it. They don't cover everything but its a good crash course.Third party. I don't remember seeing component cables coming with the PS2 like I've told you. Also, the colors from the one you showed me are different from my component cable.
EDIT: I forgot to tell but I also don't have the original HDMI cable but another one. Does the quality differ? And what about composite cables when comparing with composite cables and component cables when comparing with component cables (both for the PS2 and the PS3)?
Yes and there are even differences in color accuracy between official and HD retrovision cables when compared to other 3rd party ones. If you want to know more about PS2 video check out the my life in gaming video on it. They don't cover everything but its a good crash course.
Unless you're pushing 4k60 which the PS2/3 obviously can't you won't need to worry about HDMI specs.I've edited my previous reply but I suppose what you said answers my new questions.
Unless you're pushing 4k60 which the PS2/3 obviously can't you won't need to worry about HDMI specs.
I've honestly never heard of composite cables having this problem. There's a chance it'll work fine but I dunno. I wish I could test for you but I tossed all of mine out when I did upgrades to my setup years agoSince I didn't have the TV screen flickering problem with composite cables on the PS2 if I buy other (composite) ones (whatever the quality) will I have it? Also, I didn't even notice a slight picture (and audio) quality difference between the one offered by the composite cables and the component ones.
I've honestly never heard of composite cables having this problem. There's a chance it'll work fine but I dunno. I wish I could test for you but I tossed all of mine out when I did upgrades to my setup years ago
You would know if it supported rgb scart and s-video as the connectors are distinct but you should look it up anyways. If not maybe you should really use one of those pound HDMI cables(its RGB but requires an hdmi port). I like RGB more but I hear that s-video looks good as well.I don't know if my TV supports S-Video and RGB SCART (or other which may be better than these two) but I think they're better than composite which should be the worse. Which one is the better out of these two and If my TV supports one or even both of them should I get the best out of these two instead of composite? Will I have the problem I'm having with composite after choosing one of the other two?
You would know if it supported rgb scart and s-video as the connectors are distinct but you should look it up anyways. If not maybe you should really use one of those pound HDMI cables(its RGB but requires an hdmi port). I like RGB more but I hear that s-video looks good as well.
You got that reversed. Also you should look into things like this.Well, my HDMI ports are already occupied. It looks like the composite cables have to be from Sony and not generic ones to work unlike with the component ones.