Hi, i can't wait anymore, i need to share my progress, or at least, a little video of it. The player should be out soon (a week), just for Christmas.
So, here it is! Happy Christmas
Please, be sure to read the (minimal) README !
You should really use an NSP HBL (HomeBrew Loader) to unleash all switch memory to launch pPlay, else you'll have some memory problem/crash: https://gbatemp.net/threads/homebrew-menu-loader-legal-nsp.518433/
Alternatively if you are using Atmosphere, you can press (R) when launching a game, this will load the HBL (HomeBrew Loader) with all memory unlocked.
You can download pPlay here:
So, here it is! Happy Christmas
Please, be sure to read the (minimal) README !
You should really use an NSP HBL (HomeBrew Loader) to unleash all switch memory to launch pPlay, else you'll have some memory problem/crash: https://gbatemp.net/threads/homebrew-menu-loader-legal-nsp.518433/
Alternatively if you are using Atmosphere, you can press (R) when launching a game, this will load the HBL (HomeBrew Loader) with all memory unlocked.
You can download pPlay here:
Last edited by cpasjuste,