I just want to help those who can't run homebrew - is that too much to ask?
I believe the 3DS also uses SSL when downloading the updates, and verifies the certs. That first thread was analyzing the original firmware; things have changed since then.
that sounds fishy bro !
Yvetal profile picture + 9.5 in the title =TL;DR
You've made several threads whining about 9.5 by now, with "attempts" to "hack" and make your console useable again.
Guess what? As long as you don't show that you actually know something useful, people won't help you. And they won't do it for you, either.
...so I read the post. Do you even HTTPS?
save it for the experts or just buy one thats 9.2 or lower already
Still, good luck with spoofing nintendo's SSL certificate, which is checked against the CA cert installed on the 3ds.I could save it for the experts, but I doubt anyone is actually working on anything above 9.2 at thr moment. I'm only an expert when it comes to networking and such, which is why I wanted to attempt this. I have an understanding of the update file structure used on the NUS. Apparently title's are downloaded through SSL now, aswell. I guess I'll haft to wait and see, I guess.
So you want us to kickstart buying you another game system where we have no actual reward tiers?
Yeah, no.
Giving attitude to people who have legitimate (albeit poorly worded) complaints isn't going to help your case. There are many questions you should answer before people consider donating to you, such as:Ok, fine. I'll wait until a new firm is released and attempt doing what I said. If I successfully downgrade, you can go shuv that comment up your ass. I'm not whining about 9.5, I'm just simply sharing ideas and asking people questions, as I am not an expert when it comes to the 3DS scene.
Oh never mind, confused you with another guy due to your profile picture.
Still, good luck with spoofing nintendo's SSL certificate, which is checked against the CA cert installed on the 3ds.
Giving attitude to people who have legitimate (albeit poorly worded) complaints isn't going to help your case. There are many questions you should answer before people consider donating to you, such as:
You shouldn't ask people for money when your only reassurance is a hunch that you're capable of doing this. Also, why the heck do you need £170 for a spare 3DS unit?
- Is it possible to just copy and paste 9.2 firmware files onto a 9.5 system?
- Do you have a background in networking, programming, or just hacking in general to allow you to decrypt, encrypt, and redirect the 3DS' connection?
- Why should people risk their money so you can avoid damaging your 3DS?
Doesn't this fall into begging?
Giving attitude to people who have legitimate (albeit poorly worded) complaints isn't going to help your case. There are many questions you should answer before people consider donating to you, such as:
You shouldn't ask people for money when your only reassurance is a hunch that you're capable of doing this. Also, why the heck do you need £170 for a spare 3DS unit?
- Is it possible to just copy and paste 9.2 firmware files onto a 9.5 system?
- Do you have a background in networking, programming, or just hacking in general to allow you to decrypt, encrypt, and redirect the 3DS' connection?
- Why should people risk their money so you can avoid damaging your 3DS?
hate to say it friend, but you really do need to have some firm credibility before people will just hand you money. Get some credibility by working on some of the current projects then try this
I guess you're right on everything else you've said. Seriously though, people seem to have anger management issues on this forum, imo. Always being stuck up and ignorant. Sure I could've posted more info about my background and such, but I guess I don't always think about the little things. Had people been nicer on this forum, I would've updated the initial post with more info.