Bought a replacement case for my friends old (phat) DS and after switching the internals to the new case I thought I'd check to make sure it powers up. First time the power just blinked which and I realised one of the ribbons was the wrong way round so went back and fixed that. In a hurry I didn't bother to put the back plate on and just pushed the battery against the connectors - but as I did this I accidently had the battery upside down (i.e. the + and - were the wrong way roung) which was NOT a good thing to do! I did not power it on, but when I put the battery the right way round on and turn it on the LED doesn't flash or power up at all. I'm worried I may have shorted/fried something on the motherboard. Does anyone know if that is feasible/possible? I'm hoping it's just the battery but until I can get another DS battery to try it out, I'm a little stuck for ideas? Anyone?