Oh, yeah, but I do agree with you, I even posted the hub for people to add a bounty to games so they get upscaled, that's how much I want more packs. Seems like I have phrased it very wrong lol, sounded right in my native language. What I think is that giving a high tier to all packs that use the same program doesn't sound optimal, when curating the results is more important. Panda_Venom said kinda the same thing in other thread, not all results are the same, even with the same program is used. And about the disrecpectful part, I meant to say from the artist's point of view, what I meant to say is that labeling with a high tier games upscaled in an afternoon only because they used certain program would make the artists of the industry see it as disrespectful, or maybe I used the wrong word and 'caring' would be more appropiate, if folks respect or care about the artist works or just do it for internet fame or money I don't care at all. But for example, as a fan of Masahiro Ito's work, I wouldn't want him to see a 'high tier' Silent Hill 2 HD pack made in a day that looks good at first sight but has problems on closer inspection, because that would show Masahiro how little people care about his work, and that's not true. Also, labeling by quality or tiers seems a little harsh on those who are starting or just do it because it's fun, maybe we can label packs by a low-medium-high level of revisal or fidelity... English is not my first language so I'm not good at that.all AI generated packs are gonna produce blurry results for text and certain parts of an image below a certain threshold of size, but the majority of the textures look amazing (at least with 4xHDCube) also I would take an AI upscaled remaster with mostly good results over a non-remastered pixelated image any day, the few blurry images take the immersion out less often than the low res images of every image all the time. I also just want an HD version to exist, period; regardless of "quality" since a lot of the games I upscale most likely won't get a proper remaster for a decade or maybe never considering how few people are doing them (right now you are the only one). We can make proper remasters in due time but that will take FAR longer than these AI upscalers for now. You see it as disrespectful but I see it as a necessary evil for most of the textures to not be pixelated for 2K or higher rendering and to have multiple games done within a year. Also, there still is no easy solution for remaking FMV's even if they dumped proper MP4's, the amount of time necessary to re-do pre-rendered cutscenes would be insane.
That 4xHDCube is starting to peak my interest, I'm gonna give it a try lol.