Texture upscaling made easier.
Hello everyone. This is an attempt at making texture upscaling much easier.
As someone who upscales games I know how tiresome the process of getting all the textures can get.
And after seeing some amazing folks here with over more than 50+ HD Texture Packs, kudos to all of you!
I've come with an idea that could speed up the process x10 times.
The idea here is to have a list of games, and each one will be accompanied by a link to a file that contains a folder
with the game's entire texture dumps.
We'll have a list below, conformed by the games that people want an HD Pack for.
Then anyone can just play the game while dumping all the textures into a folder, and then share a link in the comments
so we can have all the dumps already available, and even save files, no need to play an 20-60 hour long game in order to
get the textures and test them.
Texture dumping iseasy, here's a video tutorial, you just need to go to the graphics settings in the
emulator and then, on the Texture Replacement tab, tick the option called Texture Dumping.
On the emulator folder you'll find a folder called textures, by ticking the texture dumping option you'll
create a new folder inside textures, and that folder will be named after the game's version.
For example, if you download the PAL version of God of War, it's version will be SCES-53133, but the NTSC one will be
SCUS-97399, this is important, because all textures have id's and each version uses a diferent id
for every texture, meaning that if you interchange the textures they'll end up not showing or being in the wrong place.
It's important that you set a key to enable the texture dumping, and also have the folder opened
so you can see what kind of textures the emulator is extracting.
Some textures are simple, like a wall of bricks, but others are a little annoying. For example, the PS2 had a very
cool feature, it could make textures move, like gifs, but you can't extract that, so
you end up with 150 textures consisting of each frame of the "gif". You should put them on a separate folder in
case the modder wants to upscale them.
Speaking of separate folders, modders will really appreciate if you could separate textures by folders. No need to start searching for "index ring texture" for the protagonist folder, but at least
it would be nice if you could separate levels or zones by folder, this will make testing take half as much.
You need to explore very corner of the game and open every menu in order to provide a full set of textures.
You need to see 100% of the game in order to do this.
Note: if the game starts dumping 1000+ textures per second forget it, it means they are corrupted and we'll
have to wait for an emulator update or a miracle.
emulator and then, on the Texture Replacement tab, tick the option called Texture Dumping.
On the emulator folder you'll find a folder called textures, by ticking the texture dumping option you'll
create a new folder inside textures, and that folder will be named after the game's version.
For example, if you download the PAL version of God of War, it's version will be SCES-53133, but the NTSC one will be
SCUS-97399, this is important, because all textures have id's and each version uses a diferent id
for every texture, meaning that if you interchange the textures they'll end up not showing or being in the wrong place.
It's important that you set a key to enable the texture dumping, and also have the folder opened
so you can see what kind of textures the emulator is extracting.
Some textures are simple, like a wall of bricks, but others are a little annoying. For example, the PS2 had a very
cool feature, it could make textures move, like gifs, but you can't extract that, so
you end up with 150 textures consisting of each frame of the "gif". You should put them on a separate folder in
case the modder wants to upscale them.
Speaking of separate folders, modders will really appreciate if you could separate textures by folders. No need to start searching for "index ring texture" for the protagonist folder, but at least
it would be nice if you could separate levels or zones by folder, this will make testing take half as much.
You need to explore very corner of the game and open every menu in order to provide a full set of textures.
You need to see 100% of the game in order to do this.
Note: if the game starts dumping 1000+ textures per second forget it, it means they are corrupted and we'll
have to wait for an emulator update or a miracle.
Here's the full list in Excel format.

- Dumping issues with particular games.
- Bounties added by the community.
- Project status.
- Type of pack: Upscale, Remake, Partial.
- Extras: Skins, Weathers, UI colors, etc.
- Game's dumps and savefiles for direct download.
- Links to the author's socials and donation page.

And there's more pages, with:
- Controller Remapping Packs.
- ReShade Presets
- Tools for upscaling and emulating.
- Blacklisted authors from the list: for stealing packs or not wanting to to be featured on the list.
The list is up to date.
I hope this makes things easier. This is intended to be our hub, please do not hesitate to propose changes.
I hope this makes things easier. This is intended to be our hub, please do not hesitate to propose changes.
Last edited by SadOrigami,