I have the next controllers:
- 8BitDo SN30pro+ (Pro Controller emulation Mode)
- 8BitDo SFC30 (Pro Controller emulation Mode)
- 8BitDO NES30 (Pro Controller emulation Mode)
- YCCTEAM Pro Controller Clone
- Ípega PG-9162A Pro Controller Clone
If I do start the Nintendo 64 NSO with no joycons attached and joy cons turned off, connecting either the Ípega or the 8BitDo SN40pro+ controller, works fine, no rumble.
With the Ípega controller I can then connect any other combination of controllers up to 4 and the Ípega do not rumble.
The 8BitDo SN30pro+ starts to rumble lighty when I do connect the second controller, when connecting a third controller the rumble is hard.
But if start the Nintendo 64 NSO with only the YCCTEAM, the controller start to rumble as soon a game is executed.
So definitively is a firmware incompatibility of the clone controllers with the rumble feature of the game. Ípega no affected, 8BitDo only affected if there is two or more controllers and YCCTEAM always affected.