My medical condition finally got the best of me.

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Jul 21, 2013
United States
No cell phone signal anywhere in the hospital, unfortunatly. They rely on landlines entirely, as well as their strange several-hundred walky-talkie thing for fast communications. Ontop of that, I don't even have a smartphone, so that idea is out on two levels.

The nurses said they have no problems with my idea of getting her to internet, or helping me do it. The problem is that my sister didn't want to do it. So yea, she's definitly not herself. She was working on that game more though, and I asked if she was going to put in any friends from GBATemp. She said, word for word: "That's going to be all of the characters, since they are the ones who talked me into taking the donation from the celebrity guy who is from GBATemp too."

So.... sounds to me like three interesting things:
1) - She definitly still has a "screws loose" in her thinking, as she did not want to try to find internet.
2) - She thinks GBATemp is the only reason she's alive anymore. Frankly, I think she's right on that one.
3) - She's possibly making the game not only to show about CF, but also to maybe sort-of thank all of you for support, and changing her mind on the donation.


Retro Gamer
Jul 22, 2009
United States
No cell phone signal anywhere in the hospital, unfortunatly. They rely on landlines entirely, as well as their strange several-hundred walky-talkie thing for fast communications. Ontop of that, I don't even have a smartphone, so that idea is out on two levels.
That sucks were is this hospital, out in the middle of nowhere? maybe they are using some sort of jammer.


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2010
I say we let her take her time to return and not rush her to come back. For all we know, she might still be thinking through a dense fog, and not only that, she probably has 5441654164498778698 notifications awaiting her, including but not limited to quotes, mentions and PMs.


Global Moderator
Jul 15, 2009
[̲̅$̲̅(̲̅ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°̲̅)̲̅$̲̅]
United States
[regarding Xuphor not being herself still]

Honestly, I can't say that surprises me. Pardon me if I step out of line or am inaccurate in anything I say, but she's been through what I would assume to be some traumatic years dealing with the CF getting progressively worse and her practically being on her death bed as far as she could see, and she's been through a traumatic surgery as well. Double lung replacement is no joke; you kinda need them, and both.

The fact that she survived the surgery and coming up on a week later is still awake, coherent, and of (reasonably) sound mind, is, for lack of a better term, fucking fantastic. The fact that she was about to die and is suddenly on the mend is still stressful could put her in a state of mental shock for a little while as she tries to comprehend the second chance she's been given and what that actually means.

Also, keep in mind the fact that she was so opposed to accepting donations just to make this possible, but a generous benefactor made it possible for her despite her initial feelings of not wanting to be seen as a celebrity of sorts. I almost wonder if she doesn't want internet access right now so she's not tempted to go on here, for the sole fact that she wants the whole situation to cool down a little before she rejoins the discussion. If you look at the last 25 pages of this thread, I'd say that in a way, she is a celebrity, because she was faced with a terminal illness and was indeed given that second chance. If it was anyone, whether they posted that they were dying and were going in for surgery to possibly fix it, whether it was of their own money or someone elses, their survival would most certainly put them in a spotlight; it's an amazing thing. If she's looking for the thread/website to cool down a tiny bit about her before she comes back, by giving us all some time, I honestly can't say I blame her. She's going to be hounded with question after question, "get well" after "get well" to an overwhelming extent, and the longer she waits, the more manageable it will be, simple as that, and again, I really can't blame her.

Again, that's just one aspect, and both things I said could very well be two out of many contributing factors. If her acting weird goes on for weeks into months, then that might be cause for concern, but we're not at "weeks" yet. I think she just needs some "Xuphor time".

But hey. She's your sister. She's a part of this family we have at this website. Despite what she thought, despite what the doctors said, when everything looked like it could do nothing but get worse, she fucking beat the odds. She came out on top. As far as we can tell so far, she's getting better. She's okay. That's pretty fucking cool, and it's something that everyone should be -and is- happy about. She's alive, and given the circumstances, she's well. For now, that's all that matters.


Jul 21, 2013
United States
Long reply
Um.... thank you very much for your well thought out and stated views, but she told me she didn't want to get on the internet because the motion the bed would do being wheeled all around the hospital would very likely cause her to throw up numerous times. Once she isn't so prone to motion sickness, she said she'll want to do it, but that could be (and highly likely will be) well over a week or two still. I still think it's somewhat strange for her though, to not even try to. I truly don't think it's in any way related to not wanted to be hounded by people concerned for her here.

But hey, you could be right for all any of us know. We'll just need to wait and see about it.

Anyway, I'm heading off to bed. I'll visit her again tomorrow and let ya'll know how she's doing, as usual.


GBATemp's lurking knight
Former Staff
Oct 27, 2002
Engine room, learning
I have a lot of questions which never got addressed either by other users or by yourself, so I'll ask them myself.

You talked about her wanting to create a game right after her return to her room and wanting to pinned the game thread (a little too premature project if you ask me).
You didn't told us about her current medical state, or what she's going through after the surgery, except she's nauseated when watching TV.
I feel like we don't know a lot about what she's gone and what she's going through, that's why I'm asking these questions. Please see them as a way for us to understand her position and her current state a little more.

Did she get an adult lung or a child's lung? (she can receive only part of the lobes, and it can be from living people, not necessarily from a dead one)
How did she felt when she wake up and could breath like she never did?
how's her pulmonary function tests? each day results are stable?
Do you know what she's doing when she's not in front of her computer? (as you told she's only using it one hour a day)
Is she still connected to tubes, perfused, etc.? can she walk alone? for how long?
which medications and treatments she's having (exercises, psychiatry, etc.)?
Is she in a single room?
Can you touch, kiss, hug her, do you wear something when you go in her room?
Can you bring her food?

How is she accepting that new organ? (I mean psychologically, not talking about reject here)

Isn't that too soon to move her bed all around the hospital? I don't understand how nurses could accept to move her to a non-sterile place this soon after exiting ICU (let alone use her old/used/dusty computer full of germs).

When she will go back home, she will be alone or a nurse/helper will come to help her everyday? (or maybe you? you don't have a job and live in her town? For how long can you take care of her?)
Do you have to do something to her house to prepare her return? any specific material or equipment she will need?

She knows that she can't do Jet-ski when she will be back, right?

I'm also curious about one point: Did she met the "mysterious" celebrity in person? (isn't there another word than "mysterious"? it looks suspicious using that one).
How was the transaction done? he/she/they sent you the required money to the bank, contacted your medical insurance, or the hospital themselves by phone only and they accepted it right away without proof?
Or did he/she/they moved to hospital in person to do the papers and let the hospital accept to put her on donor list and do the surgery?
Did he/she/they went to hospital after the surgery to see how she's doing? Or a phone call at least? something to take news from her directly and not wait on GBAtemp to get informations about her state.

Do your mother and father know she had a successful lung transplant? (edit: What about other family members? she has aunt/cousin, right?)
Are they still not wanting to see her or know how she's doing?

Thanks in advance for reading/answering these questions.
I wish her to be fine and take the time she needs to recover.


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2010

About the benefactor.
I suppose this person wouldn't have used one of your methods ;)
As they are somewhat easy to trace or have someone let it slip from their lips.

I would personally use a lawyer as a middle man, because they can never tell anyone who it is ;)


GBATemp's lurking knight
Former Staff
Oct 27, 2002
Engine room, learning
I thought she knew who he was, he contacted her directly to her AIM account, he probably told his name to her.
I didn't think it was secretive for her, that's why I thought he would at least be allowed to visit her.

or maybe he want to be anonymous to the hospital too.


Jul 21, 2013
United States
Ok, I'm sorry everyone, I flat out lied to all of you about her wanting to make a game thing, and even seeing her yesterday.

The truth of the matter is, I do not like my sister very much at all, and I made up the entire game thing to make her seem less reputable, ala that Kaylin Martin member I saw threads of, but it backfired. Costello sent me, Xuphor, and some other staff members a threatening PM. The last thing I said about her that was the truth was visiting her on Saturday. However; unlike what I said, she couldn't even talk to me still due to the fact she's still heavily in recovery. The doctors told me she'd definitly recover, but it would take some time. After hearing that, I left. She's not watching TV, she's not on her laptop, etc. Cyan - I don't know the answer to most of those, I never asked, and I don't really care truthfully. I do not intend to return down to the hospital at all until she either dies or needs a ride home. The day after she gets back though, I'm heading back to my house. The only reason I agreed to any of this is because she is paying me $25 a day to house sit for her, which is more than my job pays, and updating this and some other website were part of the deal.

Also, I have no idea if the hospital cafe's internet blocks GBATemp or not, in truth I never tried. I can tell you it's horrendously slow though, took it 4 minutes to load google, and it was much easier just to get on Xuphor's AIM to get Rydian or the like to update you all for me.

So, I'm off this website for good after this post. You all can just wait for Xuphor herself to get to a point she can get on the cafe's internet to tell you everything else. Lots of luck on the long wait you all have. Costello will also have to wait more than the 24 hours he demanded for "proof" in a PM. Really crass and dick move there by the way, even by my line of thinking.


Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2009
Antigua and Barbuda
you made a lot of effort for someone who doesn't care that much, updating her friends, going to the hospital regularily, all of that just for the 25 bucks? theres more isn't there

The Catboy

GBAtemp Official Catboy™: Savior of the broken
Sep 13, 2009
Making a non-binary fuss
Ok, I'm sorry everyone, I flat out lied to all of you about her wanting to make a game thing, and even seeing her yesterday.

The truth of the matter is, I do not like my sister very much at all, and I made up the entire game thing to make her seem less reputable, ala that Kaylin Martin member I saw threads of, but it backfired. The last thing I said about her that was the truth was visiting her on Saturday. However; unlike what I said, she couldn't even talk to me still due to the fact she's still heavily in recovery. The doctors told me she'd definitly recover, but it would take some time. After hearing that, I left. She's not watching TV, she's not on her laptop, etc. Cyan - I don't know the answer to most of those, I never asked, and I don't really care truthfully. I do not intend to return down to the hospital at all until she either dies or needs a ride home. The day after she gets back though, I'm heading back to my house. The only reason I agreed to any of this is because she is paying me $25 a day to house sit for her, which is more than my job pays.

Also, I have no idea if the hospital cafe's internet blocks GBATemp or not, in truth I never tried. I can tell you it's horrendously slow though, took it 4 minutes to load google, and it was much easier just to get on Xuphor's AIM to get Rydian or the like to update you all for me.

So, I'm off this website for good after this PM. You all can just wait for Xuphor herself to get to a point she can get on the cafe's internet to tell you everything else. Lots of luck on the long wait you all have. Costello will also have to wait more than the 24 hours he demanded for "proof" in a PM. Really crass and dick move there by the way, even by my line of thinking.

Wow, I am not sure if this is true or some sick joke, but what the actual fuck?
She is your sister, you should be more concerned about her and her well being, no matter what problems you two have had in the past. I am not going to pry into any family history because this is neither the time nor place for it, but I am going to flat out say, what's going on supersedes those any past events.
You've done a great job at least keeping us up to date (for the most part), but this is just wrong of you to do. Everyone here is extremely worried about her and you gave them false hope to a speedy recovery.
I really you're not serious though, because we've actually really enjoyed you being here.
Still thanks for the previous work you've done for us. At least we still know she's recovering.


Gamer Professional Deluxe
Apr 18, 2008
DS Scene
Ok, I'm sorry everyone, I flat out lied to all of you about her wanting to make a game thing, and even seeing her yesterday.

The truth of the matter is, I do not like my sister very much at all, and I made up the entire game thing to make her seem less reputable, ala that Kaylin Martin member I saw threads of, but it backfired. Costello sent me, Xuphor, and some other staff members a threatening PM. The last thing I said about her that was the truth was visiting her on Saturday. However; unlike what I said, she couldn't even talk to me still due to the fact she's still heavily in recovery. The doctors told me she'd definitly recover, but it would take some time. After hearing that, I left. She's not watching TV, she's not on her laptop, etc. Cyan - I don't know the answer to most of those, I never asked, and I don't really care truthfully. I do not intend to return down to the hospital at all until she either dies or needs a ride home. The day after she gets back though, I'm heading back to my house. The only reason I agreed to any of this is because she is paying me $25 a day to house sit for her, which is more than my job pays, and updating this and some other website were part of the deal.

Also, I have no idea if the hospital cafe's internet blocks GBATemp or not, in truth I never tried. I can tell you it's horrendously slow though, took it 4 minutes to load google, and it was much easier just to get on Xuphor's AIM to get Rydian or the like to update you all for me.

So, I'm off this website for good after this post. You all can just wait for Xuphor herself to get to a point she can get on the cafe's internet to tell you everything else. Lots of luck on the long wait you all have. Costello will also have to wait more than the 24 hours he demanded for "proof" in a PM. Really crass and dick move there by the way, even by my line of thinking.

I beg you don't cry! ;O;
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