Whatever is plaguing FBI's self-update (result code: 0xd8a0a03c; level: permanent 27; summary: invalid state 5; module: http 40; desc: failed to verity tls certificate 60) I've no grasp of what this means. Ultra Sun/Moon also don't show up in CIAngel whereas a few months back they were perfectly fine. Also, nothing will download from the e-shop unless it's an update for a game (it's always an error happening at 99% for both download now and/or later). I'm getting the distinct feeling that when I switched from A9LH to B9S it wasn't a smooth transition and that may have messed some things up in the long term. I'm still able to play with game patches with NTR CFW and the luma updater works fine, but does anyone know right off the bat what's wrong with my 3DS or do I have to copy and upload all of the files on it for someone to look through and see what the problem is?