Gaming Miyamoto on Smosh


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2013
Gaza Strip

Miyamoto really? So he's saying that the Wii U won't get a new F-Zero because none of the controllers have analogue triggers?

It's not like it even matters since F-Zero is a futuristic racer rather than a simulator (*cough* Project C.A.R.S *cough*) and yet this is possibly the reason the Wii U's not receiving it? Ugh, come on. Nintendo needs to get their shit together.


On permanent leave
Dec 31, 2013
Miyamoto really? So he's saying that the Wii U won't get a new F-Zero because none of the controllers have analogue triggers?

It's not like it even matters since F-Zero is a futuristic racer rather than a simulator (*cough* Project C.A.R.S *cough*) and yet this is possibly the reason the Wii U's not receiving it? Ugh, come on. Nintendo needs to get their shit together.

Bill Trinen translated what Miyamoto said as the game requiring a proper "controller interface", whatever that means. Later on one of the Smosh guys says something to the tune that he's excited for F-Zero once Nintendo works out how it'll work with the Wii U GamePad. To that, I don't think either Miyamoto or Trinen made any comment. So it's still up in the air what they really mean. If someone knows Japanese and can catch what Miyamoto says, perhaps a second translation could offer a bit more insight than how Trinen worded it in the video.

Either way it seems the language has shifted from "not happening" to "we're considering it". As a side note, Miyamoto did say during the video that he worked on F-Zero before working on Mario Kart originally and that there are lots of realistic racing games coming out, but Nintendo is focused on bringing similar, but fun games. So I guess F-Zero is not fun enough for Miyamoto to seriously consider it at this time?

If you're an F-Zero fan (I know I am) then it strongly looks like F-Zero GX will be the last we'll ever see from Nintendo regarding that franchise. I seriously wonder why Nintendo didn't let Shin'en make a new F-Zero considering they're getting FAST Racing Neo done soon-ish.


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2013
Gaza Strip
It's probably hard for Nintendo to top F-Zero GX considering it was such a treat but if they released a remastered HD version of it with online play that would satisfy the fans.

Miyamoto being part of Nintendo can't complain that the controllers don't have analogue triggers because they had time and they still can release a new one like "Wii U Pro Controller Plus" with analogue triggers, but they won't.

This non-existent controller would be even better than the current Wii U Pro Controller:


Plus I think with the mic it could easily play as if it were a GamePad.

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    @Veho, Should've brought a flute.
  • Skelletonike @ Skelletonike:
    Aren't those venomous?
  • Veho @ Veho:
    Nah, most flutes are harmless.
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    @Skelletonike, The snake in the video is a cobra, and they are venomous.
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    It looked like one, hence the question.
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    Appears to be filmed in South East Asia which are known for quite a lot of them.
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    Cobras all over the place.
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    Don’t have these kind of problems cuz it’s like always sunny here lol
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    Being snowed in sucks it makes you do things but not as bad as January
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    Yeah, we’re starting to get into the latter half of winter
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    You gonna starve snowed in, no fast food
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    Shame you don't go out more often may get yourself more oxygen in your head
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    dur dur me likey no oxygen
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    is weird tho, all snow is south of me, just rain here, usaully oposite- snow north, rain south
  • Veho @ Veho:
    Are you in Australia?
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    I do wish I lived in Alaska so I could just wake up and be used to it everyday
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    -30f does not sound fun tho
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    The Ice helps save on gas
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    Smallest flutter of snow in the Midwest 20 semi pile up highway closed
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    i'd hate to be a door dash delivery person in Alaska
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    They wouldn't need ice packs
    K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3: They wouldn't need ice packs +1