Hacking Mario Party 8: Riivolution


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2012
United States
After about 10 minutes of sorting, I've finally managed to get a working template of a Mario Party, let's say, project.

Download: -snip-

You'll need a copy of Mario Party 8, a softmodded Wii, and Riivolution (comes with this pack) to make this work.


Oddities: I like to point this out: None of the minigames use music. Sound effect, yes, BGM, no. Hammer de Pokari is the oddest unused minigame in the bunch. It oddly zooms in on what looks like a bitten off piece of the sandcastle in it's opening. The hit detections off too, I'm not exactly sure what qualifies as a "hit" but the game's not impossible. Finally, it shows icons never displayed anywhere else in the game. It doesn't increase or decrease, but my best guess is that it was a prototype to the final game's representation of hit points (slanted, rainbow color boxes). Guru-Guru Kataduke is the most normal of the games, but I never seem to finish that minigame. What it defines as "clockwise" is all over the place. Finally, Ochiruna Rodeo shows some weird looking mechanical bulls, IR points, and cow heads. I guess the IR points are to show where you are, but I swear that it's inaccurate.

The games themselves appear in the Debug menu's Minigame List, but are unselectable. The Debug also has a option called "Game" which is suppose to be part of a E3 demo, but it's all in Japanese and holds six minigames: Shake it Up, Water Ski Spree, Crank to Rank, Snipe for the Picking, Blazing Lassos, and Ion the Prize.

"Hammer de Pokari" replaces "Speedy Graffiti". Here's a summary: In this game, players must swing the remote horizontally to swing their hammer. The collision detection is a bit off in this mini-game. Each player has a coin counter, but in this game's current state it doesn't actually signify anything and doesn't change at all during gameplay.


The game ends when one player is hit 5 times. The player who got the most hits in wins the game.

"Guru-Guru Kataduke" replaces "Rudder Madness". Here's a summary: In this mini-game, the players must move their Wii remotes in a clockwise fashion to roll up their ribbons.


Whoever rolls theirs up first wins the game, and their ribbon is tied around the top of the giant present.

"Ochiruna Rodeo" replaces "You're the Bob-Omb". Here's a summary: Players must tilt their remotes in the direction of the mechanical bulls or risk flying off. The last person on the bull wins the game.


I'll get more into the Debug Mode (replaces Swing Kings) once I figure out how it works.
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W hat

Rhythm Heaven Fan
Feb 28, 2007
United States
Actually, it's fair use.

Under US law, fair use takes into consideration:
  1. the purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of a commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes;
  2. the nature of the copyrighted work;
  3. the amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole; and
  4. the effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work.
The fact that a work is unpublished shall not itself bar a finding of fair use if such finding is made upon consideration of all the above factors.
1. It's nonprofit
2. 3 mini-games in a 5-year-old Wii game that is out of print
3. 3 games out of 80+, games that were not good enough to be part of the final game
4. No effect at all, this requires a retail Mario Party 8 to work.


Certified Crash Test Dummy
Apr 2, 2011
The Twilight Zone
United States
Actually, it's fair use.

Under US law, fair use takes into consideration:
  1. the purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of a commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes;
  2. the nature of the copyrighted work;
  3. the amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole; and
  4. the effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work.
The fact that a work is unpublished shall not itself bar a finding of fair use if such finding is made upon consideration of all the above factors.

1. It's nonprofit
2. 3 mini-games in a 5-year-old Wii game that is out of print
3. 3 games out of 80+, games that were not good enough to be part of the final game
4. No effect at all, this requires a retail Mario Party 8 to work.
It was published. It's part of the original ISO.


XFlak Fanboy
Apr 12, 2009
United States
No, he did not make then. They are unfinished mini games that are still present on the retail disc that can be renamed to other mini game file names so that they are playable.

Strange, I reported this thread this morning for hosting illegal copyrighted files and no mod has responded yet.

Yes, some of these files are illegal to share. There is no way around it, those file are copyrighted and it does not follow under fair use in the country that GBAtemp's servers are hosted.

and @OP, why on earth did you create another thread when you already had one dedicated to this. That was unnecessary.


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2012
United States
No, he did not make then. They are unfinished mini games that are still present on the retail disc that can be renamed to other mini game file names so that they are playable.

Strange, I reported this thread this morning for hosting illegal copyrighted files and no mod has responded yet.

Yes, some of these files are illegal to share. There is no way around it, those file are copyrighted and it does not follow under fair use in the country that GBAtemp's servers are hosted.

and @OP, why on earth did you create another thread when you already had one dedicated to this. That was unnecessary.

"and @OP, why on earth did you create another thread when you already had one dedicated to this"

Because the other thread already has 30 comments talking about how to use WiiXplorer.

And I don't know why it's illegal. Unused minigame files from a 5 year old game made from a defunct company extracted by an anonymous user for non-profit use. What's wrong?


XFlak Fanboy
Apr 12, 2009
United States
No, he did not make then. They are unfinished mini games that are still present on the retail disc that can be renamed to other mini game file names so that they are playable.

Strange, I reported this thread this morning for hosting illegal copyrighted files and no mod has responded yet.

Yes, some of these files are illegal to share. There is no way around it, those file are copyrighted and it does not follow under fair use in the country that GBAtemp's servers are hosted.

and @OP, why on earth did you create another thread when you already had one dedicated to this. That was unnecessary.

"and @OP, why on earth did you create another thread when you already had one dedicated to this"

Because the other thread already has 30 comments talking about how to use WiiXplorer.

And I don't know why it's illegal. Unused minigame files from a 5 year old game made from a defunct company extracted by an anonymous user for non-profit use. What's wrong?
There was still no need to create a new thread. All of that info and this info could have been more helpful to a user who was searching for things like this. It's better to keep all related things in one thread.

It does not matter how old a game is, it is still copyrighted data. If you were to build your own mini game then you could share it as long as it still did not contain any copyrighted data. It took you having to extract those files. Do you really think it is legal to share files that you had to manually extract from a disc you own?

Hell, if we were going to say that age and current usage doesn't matter then why can't we share the very earlier IOS's??? BECAUSE IT IS STILL COPYRIGHTED CODE OWNED BY SOMEONE OTHER THAN YOU!!!

And I'll tell you what, just for the fact that there has been this conversation about the possibility of you sharing copyrighted code and you still have not taken down that link, a mod will most likely give you a warn.

Take the time to write up a full tutorial of all the steps you needed to make this happen. I will request a mod combine you old thread and this new one, but have your tutorial post be first so other people searchig for this or something along the lines of it can find all the info in just one thread.


Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2008
Visit site
No, he did not make then. They are unfinished mini games that are still present on the retail disc that can be renamed to other mini game file names so that they are playable.

Strange, I reported this thread this morning for hosting illegal copyrighted files and no mod has responded yet.

Yes, some of these files are illegal to share. There is no way around it, those file are copyrighted and it does not follow under fair use in the country that GBAtemp's servers are hosted.

and @OP, why on earth did you create another thread when you already had one dedicated to this. That was unnecessary.

"and @OP, why on earth did you create another thread when you already had one dedicated to this"

Because the other thread already has 30 comments talking about how to use WiiXplorer.

And I don't know why it's illegal. Unused minigame files from a 5 year old game made from a defunct company extracted by an anonymous user for non-profit use. What's wrong?
believe me people do care. which is why we cant share roms on this site no matter how old they are.

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