Here you go fellas, I just received this board the other day so ended up making software to run the PS4 hack on it. This board is based on the ESP32-S3-WROOM-1 chip.
There's no need to do any soldering, add a usb drive etc, just flash and plug it into your PS4 and you're done.
Code has been added for the following:
Onboard Button code:
1 quick press - reboot the board.
2 quick presses - trigger a hard reset (wipe all your settings).
1 Long click - format the fat partition.
BOT Father telegram code has been added, see my Lolin S3 Dongle post in this section to find out how to use the dongle with telegram. Onboard Addressable led code was added.
PSPhive code is modded to take advantage of the dongle and can be used if you redirect the html page in the settings.
The default is set to access mode, SSID is set to PS4 hack, IP is set to for entering the admin page.
You can go online with this as well, just set up like you would do with any other or dongle/board.
NOTE: If programming using Arduino, update your board from the boards manager as esp 2.07 has issues flashing this board so use the newest, install the required libs such as fastled, botfather (, OneButton etc.....
Set up Arduino like this for flashing:
For NOOBs - A flasher program + bin files is attached so you can just flash the bin files if you don't know how to set up Arduino.
Flasher Screenshot:
There's no need to do any soldering, add a usb drive etc, just flash and plug it into your PS4 and you're done.
Code has been added for the following:
Onboard Button code:
1 quick press - reboot the board.
2 quick presses - trigger a hard reset (wipe all your settings).
1 Long click - format the fat partition.
BOT Father telegram code has been added, see my Lolin S3 Dongle post in this section to find out how to use the dongle with telegram. Onboard Addressable led code was added.
PSPhive code is modded to take advantage of the dongle and can be used if you redirect the html page in the settings.
The default is set to access mode, SSID is set to PS4 hack, IP is set to for entering the admin page.
You can go online with this as well, just set up like you would do with any other or dongle/board.
NOTE: If programming using Arduino, update your board from the boards manager as esp 2.07 has issues flashing this board so use the newest, install the required libs such as fastled, botfather (, OneButton etc.....
Set up Arduino like this for flashing:
For NOOBs - A flasher program + bin files is attached so you can just flash the bin files if you don't know how to set up Arduino.
Flasher Screenshot:
Last edited by mrdude,