Reason for being so inactive?
I'm more of a lurker than a poster, i'm here daily - just don't post often - my post count spikes when stuff that interests me is going on, new hacks, new game i'm really interested in etc.
Are you a chick?
Lets see, no yellow feathers, no urge to peck at things, nope.
The game you've spent the most time playing is?
Probably Team Fortress 2, 817 hours according to Steam.
The hardest game you finished?
No idea, i tend to forget how difficult a game was after completing it.
Weapon of choice?
Depends on the situation, but anything lets lets me silently pick off enemies.
What are you craving to eat rite now?
Nothing, just woke up, really not in an eating mood.
What is the most inspirational song you ever heard?
None, didn't realise songs were meant to be inspirational
Any quirks that you don't like about yourself?
I have a rather indifferent to anything attitude, and have trouble with limited emotions (and even worse at displaying emotions) - that doesn't bother me, but it annoys me when other people pick up on it and try to "fix" me.
What is your greatest regret?
Not taking a job offer from the college I studied at.
What fascinates you the most?
Quantum Physics
Your desired career?
Network Administrator/ IT Support kinda stuff.
Favorite sport?
Formula 1 - i like the technical aspects more than the cars going round and round...
A movie you'll never forget?
um... i tend to forget all movies... I can remember A Nightmare Before Christmas rather well for some reason - maybe it's all the singing.
If humans could develop 'powers', how would they go about doing so?
Genetic modification.
Do you think if we truly believed in magic, we would be able to harness it?
What do you hold dearest to you?
Nothing really, lots of stuff i'd be annoyed at if I lost in a fire, but nothing I would never sell for example.
Greatest achievement in life, thus far?
Not being a jobless hobo.
What activity do you take pride in even though the average person couldn't care less?
Nothing comes to mind.
Do you think that waiting for our 'first time', may it be a life changing event or not, to be perfect even though it may never come true?
Nah, i've never understood the importance, though as I said earlier, i'm not the most emotionally attached of people so that may be why.
You still in love with the first person you fell for?
Haven't fallen for anyone.
What do you think will happen to us when we die?
The End, no afterlife, no reincarnation.
Describe your closest life and death situation.
Passed out at work due to accidentally inhaling some chemicals - not life or death but only time i've ever passed out so it'll have to do - generally my life is uneventful.
Do you believe time bears it all away; the hatred, the sorrow, the regret?
No idea - i would assume so.
What makes you happy?
Peace and quiet, and being left alone.
What did you last dream?
I don't usually remember dreams, last one i do remember was some sort of post apocalypse thing with no one around, abandoned cars etc. (never occurred to me to think what happened to the people/bodies) I just liked the situation.
What is your dream?
Have enough money to live off of without needing to work.
The fuck is wrong with you?
Alot it seems.
What do you think is your reason for living?
None, i have thought about it many times, and I cannot come to a suitable answer other than there isn't one - life is nothing more than one big accident.
Your philosophy on life?
"Meh" sums it up.