so, I have a 2016 r41-sdhc gold pro card, and I tried to play portrait of ruin last night. so when I start playing I pick up a book for the girl, and I try to equip it, and when I pressed start: the game froze, the flashcart froze, I was unable to unpause it, and unable to go back into the flashcart menu with the button command. so,, then I tried the game again, and as soon as I was able to pause the game, IT DID IT AGAIN! so then I was curious, and started up dissonance of sorrow,, and it let me pause it. no other game I have played on the flashcart has messed up while pressing start.
to note though, a few games, actually deleted my save data before though, but that was just like 2 of them
to note though, a few games, actually deleted my save data before though, but that was just like 2 of them