I think itsa great idea personly. Imagiine playing angry birds on the wii u table pad! can one of you hackers make it please, I dont want credit for the idea though, you can have the cred for urself!
I think itsa great idea personly. Imagiine playing angry birds on the wii u table pad! can one of you hackers make it please, I dont want credit for the idea though, you can have the cred for urself!
I think itsa great idea personly. Imagiine playing angry birds on the wii u table pad! can one of you hackers make it please, I dont want credit for the idea though, you can have the cred for urself!
why just tell me qhy
Your ideas are retarded. If you don't know what you're talking about it, then don't post ideas. Just because something "Looks kinda similar HURR DURR" doesn't mean it has the same specs. That's just retarded.@suprgame
I am just contrebuting ideas here, the ipad and the wii tablet look the same almost, so they probably have same hardware? Im no expert but it makes sence to me.
Anyway you are not a dev, so you have no idea of hacking, IM sure a real dev will be intrested in my proposal and make it happen soon.
I like angry bords a lot, its my fave game on my ipad. But when I sell my ipad to get a wii u I will miss it. So an ipad emu would really help me, amd let me play both wii u and ipad games on the wii u. So i hope a dev can help me and make an emu for me, I dont want any credit for the emu idea though.
He's dead serious. He fucking PM'd me man. HE WANT'S TO KNOW HOW TO DO THINGS. *FACE FLOOR*obviously a joke topic
Got a computer? Windows? Its got angry birds. How about mac? its got angry birds.@fearz
I like angry bords a lot, its my fave game on my ipad. But when I sell my ipad to get a wii u I will miss it. So an ipad emu would really help me, amd let me play both wii u and ipad games on the wii u. So i hope a dev can help me and make an emu for me, I dont want any credit for the emu idea though.
Hence the name "srsbzns".He's dead serious. He fucking PM'd me man. HE WANT'S TO KNOW HOW TO DO THINGS. *FACE FLOOR*obviously a joke topic
and on top of all of that, I wouldn't be surprised if Rovio jumps onto the WiiU as well.Got a computer? Windows? Its got angry birds. How about mac? its got angry birds.@fearz
I like angry bords a lot, its my fave game on my ipad. But when I sell my ipad to get a wii u I will miss it. So an ipad emu would really help me, amd let me play both wii u and ipad games on the wii u. So i hope a dev can help me and make an emu for me, I dont want any credit for the emu idea though.
Maybe you have a phone? iphone? angry birds. Android? angry birds. Windows phone? angry birds.
Facebook? angry birds. Nook? angry birds. Use chrome? angry birds. What about your ps3 and psp? Well i'm glad you asked because they have angry birds too!