iOS jailbreak Unc0ver has been updated for the latest iOS 12.4

  • Thread starter Deleted User
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Deleted User


Have an iDevice laying around with the latest iOS version, 12.4? Maybe you already have a jailbroken iDevice running iOS 11.0-12.2 and want to keep up to date? Well either way, a large milestone has just been reached today, as Unc0ver developer Pwn20wnd has just updated his iOS11+ jailbreak to be compatible with the latest signed iOS version as of writing, which is not normally a common occurrence anymore in the iOS jailbreak scene!

Update 3.5.0 reintroduces the sock_puppet and sock_port exploits for iOS 12.4, both for A8-11 devices and A7-A7X devices respectively. Initially, these exploits were only compatible with iOS 12.2 and below, and were eventually patched as of iOS 12.3, however a slip-up in 12.4 has seemingly made it possible again to utilize these same exploits. Oops.

Keep in mind that if you are on iOS versions 12.3, 12.3.1, or any of the iOS 13 betas, you will need to swiftly update/downgrade to 12.4 as soon as possible before Apple releases the next iOS version and stops signing version 12.4, as Pwn20wnd has stressed that the exploits are unsupported on those versions.
It's also highly recommended to save your SHSH2 blobs for each of your devices, so that you will be able to manually update to 12.4 from a lower iOS version in the future, using futurerestore (even when Apple stops signing it).
Also be wary that, as usual, A12/A12X devices aren't supported by this particular jailbreak still, though if you do happen to have an A12/A12X iDevice on iOS 11.0-12.1.2 right now, you can use Coolstar's Chimera jailbreak instead.

:arrow: Source: Twitter
:download: Download the Unc0ver IPA from Github

[UPDATE 1] - iOS 12.4.1 has just been released by Apple, with the sole purpose of re-patching the exploit for good. If you are planning on jailbreaking do not update to this new minor version. If you update after iOS 12.4 has finally stopped being signed, you'll have to wait an undefined amount of time for a new exploit.
Last edited by , , Reason: iOS 12.4.1 update

Deleted User

A12 Are not supported because of they intreduced a new security mechanism called "PAC". which requires as of now bypass by itself so it slows every A12 development to a halt. it might take months or even a whole year to get a bypass for some versions of ios since the pac is not software based but hardware based. and much like the switch . efuses it will prevent downgrading to anything unsighend. i have a iphone xs max and i remember it took half of year to get bypass for chimera for ios 12.0 <= 12.1.2. so yeah, good luck on bypassing the pac!

btw a somewhat full documentaion of the A12 + A12X "PAC" system is avaliable here:


Admin @ MaxConsole
Apr 25, 2009
Tropical Island
the only reason this even happen, is because apple fucked up and placed an 'older module' that had bug in the latest build, if they didn't use the older unfixed one, but instead of the current 'patched' module which they have, then everyone would had been shit-out-of-luck, so enjoy this mistake by apple while it lasts.

anyhow these days, really 'jailbreaking' is not like it used to be, i find no real reason to 'jailbreak' newer phones.

Deleted User

the only reason this even happen, is because apple fucked up and placed an 'older module' that had bug in the latest build, if they didn't use the older unfixed one, but instead of the current 'patched' module which they have, then everyone would had been shit-out-of-luck, so enjoy this mistake by apple while it lasts.

anyhow these days, really 'jailbreaking' is not like it used to be, i find no real reason to 'jailbreak' newer phones.

In my opinion there are some reasons but they are pretty niche, my reason is because i want to develop ios apps but i don't want to pay apple 100$ for their sighning services. so what i'm doing is using the excellent appsync unified in order to test the app and not worry about revoked and that kind of bullshit ,btw i'm right now testing the WIP A12 + A12X Support for unc0ver on my Iphone xs max. although as mentioned before because there isnt any pac bypass yet nor will be for the next month's probobly, so it's pretty limited to only set nonce (allows downgrading provided the user has shsh2 blobs), patch the revokes to fake sigh apps with impactor (which is just what i want, basiclly unlimited days for the app to be ran) + disable updates ( also great). also the amazing pwn20wnd said he is arleady working also on wip ssh support in order to install tweaks which not require kernel interaction or modify heavily ios so it'll be intresting

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Btw the article need to be updated to say that there IS WIP A12 - A12X Support, it's just without any patches to the PAC.

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