How to create your own sigpatches.

Hello there, with all the fuss created by the DCMA plea of the N to iTotalJustice, I think this little compendium will help somebody.

For now the sigpatches for all firmware and Atmosphère can be downloaded from Sigpatches for Atmosphere (Hekate, fss0, fusee & package3) thread here on GBATemp :D

@mrdude is working on new set of programs running in Windows and will not need Python at all, keep an eye on his thread.
And @dogcsty is working on a Homebrew capable of generate the sigpatches on the console directly.
Booth applications are getting almost end-user maturity.

@mrdude release the Sigpatch IPS Creator New store, allowing to generate any new patches for any firmware and Atmosphère without need of updating the software.

For using the new Sigpatch IPS Creator you need:

  1. Download the latest version from github.
    Now is on:
    New version on downloads section
  2. Right click the recent downloaded file, and select properties:
    , then unblock the file:
    , this is a «security» measure of windows, marking down the downloaded files as insecure even if they are safe.
  3. Extract the file to a folder on your hard drive, by example c:\IPSCreator
  1. At the first run of "IPS_Patch_Creator.exe " you may get a warning:
    because is a «unrecognized app» meaning MrDude has not payed thousands of dollars to Microsoft for «authenticate» the app, so you should press «Run anyway» button to run the program. If you don't trust you can use a real antivirus (no defender) and check the file.
  2. At the first start of the program, you are welcomed with a few configurations:
    By now you can choose the defaults and press «Save» button.
    This configurations are for future firmwares, more explanation on the post by MrDude. After press «Save» you are asked to save the config
    press yes to commit the config to disk.
  1. The program require you to provide the encryption set of keys for the console. There are several ways to get them:
    1. using Lockpick_RCM, follow the guide: OR
    2. Inside the program on the «Help» -> «Online Information», there are a set of cypher URLs one of them is very useful.
    3. Using web search.
    4. The versions 1.5.8 or newer are capable of generate the Needed keys from a folder containing the most recent firmware, for that se the step 3.
  2. When you run the program without the needed keys, it prompts:
    , if you press "yes" a KEYS.DAT file is created for you on the tools sub-folder, you can edit the file and put the values or use the KeyData tab to write the values of your PROD.KEYS file:
  3. if you like the program can generate the needed keys, you need to provide a folder with the most recent firmware files, first go to KeyData Tabulator and press the «KeyGen» button, you are asked for a folder with the firmware files.
You can use the tabs «Loader», «ES», «ES2», «FS» and «NFIM» to create the patches.
On each tab there is a button named «Make Patch», you can use the button to browse for the needed files or folder, also you can drag and drop to that button the files or folder from an explorer window.
On each you can generate a different set of patches:

On this tab you can generate the patches set for Atmosphère.
Loader Patch are Required for:
  • Running NRO Forwarders and Installed homebrews.
  • Running Installed XCI games.

Loader patch not required to:
  • Run (some) previously installed NSP. (if valid tickets exist)
  • Run non installed homebrew.
  • Install NSP/XCI - (but will not run these if a valid ticket does not exist).
In order to create the patches, you need to provide the path to fusee-secondary.bin or package3 file. Could be an official one or compiled by yourself.
Only Atmosphère 0.8.5 and newer are supported.

The generated patches are on the folder \atmosphere\kip_patches\loader_patches and the file \bootloader\patches.ini relative to the folder where IPS Patch Creator is run.

ES & ES2
ES patches stand for Eticket Services.
ES Patches are required to:
  • These are needed for run and install raw and untouched NSP files either dumped from Nintendo's CDN or someone's console.
  • ES patches are additionally needed to run pirated commercial NSPs.
ES Patches are NOT required to:
  • Run installed XCI
  • Run installed NRO forwarders.
  • Run homebrew
  • Install XCI files.
For creating the patches, you need to provide the path to the folder with the files of a firmware for console.
Works only for firmware 9.0.1 and above.

Both tabs generate the same sigpatches, using different algorithms, ES uses an algorithm what patches only on a spot, is traditionally know as «Alternate».
ES2 uses the original algorithm which patches on three different spots. Both of them works the same and is up to you which one to use, is more a manner of preference because they are equivalent.

The sigpatches are generated on the sub-folder \atmosphere\exefs_patches\es_patches\ where the IPS Patch Creator is run.

FS is short for fs_nosigchk.
FS Patches required to:
  • Run installed XCI/NRO forwarders, and will give a corruption error when trying to run the installed XCI or NRO forwarder if no fs patches are applied or are wrong (you will also need to reinstall the game or nro forwarder if this happens).
  • The FS patches allow the usage of converted NSP files, such as homebrew on NSP files or converted XCI files.
  • FS patches are required to install/run NSP and XCI (without needing to convert the header) files.
Fs Patches not required to:
  • Run installed NSP files with valid tickets.
  • Run Homebrew
  • Install NSP/XCI - (with a valid header)
Only firmware 9.0.1 and above is supported.

The generated IPS files are on the sub-folder \atmosphere\kip_patches\fs_patches and the file \bootloader\patches.ini

The NFIM patches, know as nfim_ctest, where «ctest» is short for Connection Test, are patches for skip the internet connection test, So you can play on a LAN without being online.
All current firmware versions are supported.

The patches are generated on the sub-folder \atmosphere\exefs_patches\nfim_ctest\

Once all the patches you want are generated, you can copy the folders atmosphere and bootloader to the root of your SD Card.

A very helpful feature is the possibility of upload the patches to your console using FTP, before you can use, you need to config the connection data:
once you put the correct IP address of your console and the user/password to connect you can push "save".

Then use the ftp feature to send the patches:

If you like to generate the patches directly on the console, @dogcsty is working on a Homebrew for that.

----To Do: add steps for the Homebrew ----


With these new applications the use of the Old Python scripts is deprecated and useful only for historians :D

If you really want run the scripts you can use the
This steps help you to build a new version of sigpatches if new firmware or Atmosphère is released or if you compile Atmosphère from source and make changes like add a new bootlogo @binkinator explain us how to do that on

First at all thank you very much to @mrdude for his hard work, really to him belong all the credit.

On the thread Info on SHA-256 hashes on FS patches mrdude explain how the patches are created and share with all of us his work and his scripts to create new sigpatches.

For that scripts works you need Python, first step get python:

Download and install Python, for Windows you can use, but be sure of select the option «Add Python 3.XX to PATH».

After you have a Python environment working, open a command line (CMD.EXE) and execute the next commands, in order to get the prerequisites of the scripts:

python.exe -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip install bitstring

Download the latest version of the scripts on the thread ( for now they are on the post # 205.

Uncompress the file «» on a local folder, for example, «C:\AUTOIPS», must look like:

Then copy your prod.keys file to the folder «c:\AutoIPS\scripts\» and rename it «keys.dat» IMPORTANT IF YOU USE EXPLORER BE SURE THE EXTENSIONS AREN'T HIDDEN, SO YOU DON'T END WITH keys.dat.keys file instead of keys.dat

Tip from @User154 ,
you can get your prod.keys files using Lockpick_RCM, follow the guide:

Get the files for the firmware you want to create, darthsternie it's you pal, or you can use NXDumpTool, TegraExplorer or GoldLeaf to dump the current firmware to the SD Card on your console. Extract all files to a local path, by example, «C:\FW1412», your folder must look like:

Download the latest Atmosphère files from , and extract «atmosphere\package3» to a local path, by example: «C:\ATM132».

On a command line go to the folder where you extract AutoIPS and execute the command «Python MENU.PY»:

Make sure you have keys.dat in the scripts folder. Menu/Scripts by MrDude
1.Make Atmosphere-NX Loader Patch
2.Make ES Patch and FS Patches
3.Make ES Patch
4.Make Alt Beta ES Patch
5.Make ES NFIM Patch
6.Make FS Patches
7.Toggle Debug info
8.NCA info

What would you like to do?

I recommend to select the option «7» in order to enable information on screen.

Then you can select the option «1» to generate sigpatches for Atmosphère, when asked for the «fusee-secondary.bin or package3» files, write down the path where Atmosphère was extracted, on this example: «c:\ATM132\package3».

You can use the option «2» to generate sigpatches for the firmware, when asked for the firmware path, use the one where you extract firmware files, on this example: «C:\FW1412».

Tip from @masagrator, also you can drag from a File Explorer window the folder of firmware and the package3 file to the command line window, then the full path is written for you on the command line, avoiding typos.

For Windows 10 and Windows 11 this ONLY works if you start the CMD as normal user, if your CMD.EXE was started as Administrator, do not work because explorer ALWAYS run as standard user and a standard user window can not send data to a Administrator one.

Tip from @subcon959 : if you put package3 in the scripts folder and then put the firmware files in a folder called firmware and put that in the scripts folder too, then you can just press enter when the menu asks for them instead of dragging or typing anything.

The next examples shows the result of the executions:


If everything goes well you end with the folder «c:\AutoIPS\scripts\output» inside that folder should be a folder named «Atmosphere» that folder should be copied to the root of your SD card; and a file called «patches.ini» which goes to the «SD:/BOOTLOADER» path of your SD Card.

Its possible to see a bunch of Warnings «[WARN]» about to match key, some like:

are WARNINGS and you need no to worry about that, it's just you have more keys on the Keys.dat file than needed so ignore them.

If you get errors, verify the location of the «KEYS.DAT» file and the path you give for the Atmosphère files and firmware folder. DO NOT ADD EMPTY SPACES AT END OF THE PATHS.

-Edit 1:-
Correcting a typo and adding suggestions from other users; the great of this community!
And trying to be sure the credit goes to @mrdude him is the one what make the hard work and investigation.

-Edit 2-
add a video of dragging names and UAC restriction. and the good news from MrDude.

-Edit 3-
Adding new homebrew app.

-Edit 4-
Creating steps for the new App., To do: steps for console homebrew.

-Edit 5-
New download URL and KeyData Generation.


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Last edited by impeeza,


The patches guy
Oct 14, 2018
Protip: instead of writing down you can drag&drop folder/file on cmd window, this way you are getting automatically full path with quotes if any folder has spaces, fixing potential issues with wrong path detection.

Issue is this method has some issues on first official release of W11 (if explorer is not focused on before dragging file/folder, cmd will refuse to accept it). It was completely fixed in Insider release, so with next big update it should be not a problem anymore.


Garfield’s Fitness Coach
GBAtemp Patron
Mar 29, 2021
United States
Hello there, with all the fuss created by the DCMA plea of the N to iTotalJustice, I think this little compendium will help somebody.

First at all thank you very much to @mrdude for his hard work.

On the thread Info on SHA-256 hashes on FS patches mrdude explain how the patches are created and share with all of us his work and his scripts to create new sigpatches.

For that scripts works you need Python, first step get python:

Download and install Python, for Windows you can use, but be sure of select the option «Add Python 3.XX to PATH».
View attachment 320395

After you have a Python environment working, open a command line (CMD.EXE) and execute the next commands, in order to get the prerequisites of the scripts:

python.exe -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip install bitstring

Download the latest version of the scripts on the thread ( for now they are on the post # 205.

Uncompress the file «» on a local folder, for example, «C:\AUTOIPS», must look like:
View attachment 320396

Then copy your prod.keys file to the folder «c:\AutoIPS\scripts\» and rename it «keys.dat» IMPORTANT IF YOU USE EXPLORER BE SURE THE EXTENSIONS AREN'T HIDDEN, SO YOU DON'T END WITH keys.dat.keys file instead o keys.dat

Get the files for the firmware you want to create, darthsternie it's you pal, or you can use NXDumpTool or GoldLeaf to dump the current firmware to the SD Card on your console. Extract all files to a local path, by example, «C:\FW1412», your folder must look like:
View attachment 320397
Download the latest Atmosphère files from , and extract «atmosphere\package3» to a local path, by example: «C:\ATM132».

On a command line go to the folder where you extract AutoIPS and execute the command «Python MENU.PY»:

Make sure you have keys.dat in the scripts folder. Menu/Scripts by MrDude
1.Make Atmosphere-NX Loader Patch
2.Make ES Patch and FS Patches
3.Make ES Patch
4.Make Alt Beta ES Patch
5.Make ES NFIM Patch
6.Make FS Patches
7.Toggle Debug info
8.NCA info

What would you like to do?

I recommend to select the option «7» in order to enable information on screen.

Then you can select the option «1» to generate sigpatches for Atmosphère, when asked for the «fusee-secondary.bin or package3» files, write down the path where Atmosphère was extracted, on this example: «c:\ATM132\package3».

You can use the option «2» to generate sigpatches for the firmware, when asked for the firmware path, use the one where you extract firmware files, on this example: «C:\FW1412».

The next examples shows the result of the executions:
View attachment 320400

View attachment 320402

If everything goes well you end with the folder «c:\AutoIPS\scripts\output» inside that folder should be a folder named «Atmosphere» that folder should be copied to the root of your SD card; and a file called «patches.ini» which goes to the «SD:/BOOTLOADER» path of your SD Card.

If you get errors, verify the location of the «KEYS.DAT» file and the path you give for the Atmosphère files and firmware folder. DO NOT ADD EMPTY SPACES AT END OF THE PATHS.
This is friggin AWEsome man! Thanks for putting it together step-by-step!

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Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2021
This is python, so this should also work with Linux and macOS, right?

I got no proper experience with any of those two but I assume no, since the scripts call for hactool.exe.
You could use Bootcamp for macOS to emulate Windows, or somehow use idk a Linux library of some sort that enables you to run/emulate .exe files.
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The Catboy

GBAtemp Official Catboy™: Entropy Trap
Sep 13, 2009
Making a non-binary fuss
It relies on windows version of hactool, so no.
Big sad, hopefully, that changes in the future, or I can just rely on my Wife's computer or friends to make me the patches. Still, nice to see a method that can't really be shut down, so that's awesome!


The patches guy
Oct 14, 2018
I got no proper experience with any of those two but I assume no, since the scripts call for hactool.exe.
You could use Bootcamp for macOS to emulate Windows, or somehow use idk a Linux library of some sort that enables you to run/emulate .exe files.
Hactool is compiled for all 3 systems natively.
You need only to adjust python script to detect system and provide correct calls.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2021
Are those patch for atmo only or they will work with atmo + hakate ?
Don't get me wrong, but I sense difficulties if you miss the part where it says it will generate a patches.ini (which is required for hekate)
If everything goes well you end with the folder «c:\AutoIPS\scripts\output» inside that folder should be a folder named «Atmosphere» that folder should be copied to the root of your SD card; and a file called «patches.ini» which goes to the «SD:/BOOTLOADER» path of your SD Card.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2009
United States
If I'm reading stuff correctly, apparently I need to get prod.keys from the Switch while it's on the latest firmware? Because either my computer hates me or my severely outdated file is what's causing errors.

If the latter, hoo boy, this will be a problem since I've opted not to use emunand.


Garfield’s Fitness Coach
GBAtemp Patron
Mar 29, 2021
United States
If I'm reading stuff correctly, apparently I need to get prod.keys from the Switch while it's on the latest firmware? Because either my computer hates me or my severely outdated file is what's causing errors.

If the latter, hoo boy, this will be a problem since I've opted not to use emunand.

You may be able to find elsewhere. I’ve never looked for nintendo switch prod.keys myself though.

Use Lockpick_RCM
Last edited by binkinator,
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