Not to say anything but many many people including myself have been asking for a Hometown Story hack or a mod and there is already a hack floating around the interweb that does not work from speed fly
Did you
JUST post that
VERY just hack that from
THAT website
This hack in which I speak of does not work at all. Your Top screen will freeze.
To look at speefly stuff *even if they work* you ned to install a translator on your browser or use a browser in another tab
FE canary the answer is no This site only supports pro members or something like that
Ok this is what is WAS supposed to do but like I said it always froze
Money not less than 7777777 (1. Money 7777777)
The existing items in the warehouse are not less than 77 (2. Exist Warehouse Item 77)
All items in the warehouse should not be less than 77 (3. All Warehouse Item 77)
Open all reserves (4. All Reserve Item)
-This is what it translated but the mod never worked and no one had made one I had asked. The reason was, or the reason I was given was becsue the game was not popular enough :-/ (¬ ¬) Not joking ┐('~`
